The island of God is located in the mist of New World. The area of ​​this island is quite large, and it is fully capable of creating a country on this island.

On this island, no country was born at all. This is because all people living on this island are equal, and they are all God’s people.

Everything they do is for the gods, dedicating everything they have, including life.

People on the island, everyday all will pray to their god, Gabriel, at noon, hoping that the divine ability will forgive them for their accountability, and today is no exception.

People across the island consciously put aside their work during this time period, and went to all the churches to pray once a day.

As usual, what happened not at all during the prayer process, but after this prayer was over, a golden light flashed in the sky suddenly, and a golden beam of light quickly came to it Above the largest shrine in the middle of the island.

This kind of phenomenon, the people on the island, obviously have experienced it once or twice, so after seeing all this, it is natural to kneel on the ground again and bow to the place where the light beam just fell. Up.

Because of the reasons they have experienced several times before, they knew that it was God who responded to their prayers and lowered the Oracle. Soon the people of the central shrine will quickly promulgate this Oracle. To other people on the island.

So after the completion of this prayer, all the residents on the island, not at all eager to return to their jobs, instead gathered directly near the shrine, waiting for the Oracle’s promulgation.

Soon, the Oracle transmitted by Den Den Mushi arrived among other shrines. All the shrine hosts took over Oracle at this time, and then changed into a formal dress, and then opened the door of the shrine. , Announced the Oracle this time to the people outside.

“Oracle: God said that because you have witnessed your piety, we invite those with the strongest faith among you to rise to the Divine Kingdom and practice with God. All believers can report in the shrine, as long as they have enough faith Pious, all have the opportunity to be promoted to Divine Kingdom!”

As soon as the news came out, the people on the island became excited, and rushed towards the shrine for a while, wanting to quickly send their own information For the record, if you have good luck, you can be promoted to Divine Kingdom, become a part of Divine Kingdom, and gain immortality.

There are not many opportunities like this. After all, some old people in the village have said that the selection of Divine Kingdom has only appeared more than a dozen times in hundreds of years. At other times, Oracle just Give them some food or other things to believers.

So when the Divine Kingdom selection of people happened this time, the people on the island were very positive to report their information, waiting for God to choose the most pious person from among them. , Promoted to Divine Kingdom.

Although there are many people on the island, with all the shrines working together, it took only two days to select a strong body and the most pious to God from all the people. Person, and then this person was sent into the central shrine.

And wait for this Heavenly God to send down the light and extradite this person to Divine Kingdom.

When everything is ready, this person was sent to Oracle on platform, and at this time everyone in the central city came here, wanting to see with their own eyes the moment when the other person rose to the Divine Kingdom .

And the selected person is also kneeling on the Oracle on platform at this time, praying to Heavenly God religiously, but no matter how he prays, the joy on his face cannot be hidden.

Soon it was noon, and the divine light, which everyone in the city was waiting for, finally landed again, and all gathered on the Oracle on platform, covering the young man who was kneeling on it.

The whole city saw that the young man kneeling on the Oracle on platform, the rays of light led by this, slowly pulled up into the air, and flew higher and higher, and disappeared quickly In the sight of everyone, he flew into the air and disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

And the change is not at all over. After the person disappears, the white clouds in the sky at this time directly become golden, and golden raindrops are constantly falling from the sky and falling Above the heads of everyone on the island.

These falling golden raindrops quickly flowed into the bodies of everyone on the island, and began to clear their bodies of diseases, so that their bodies quickly became stronger.

“many thanks Heavenly God blessing!”

All the islanders kneeling on the ground, collectively drew the shape of a sword on their chests with their hands, and then piously Said in prayer.

“Is this the so-called Heavenly God? There is something wrong in it!”

Just when all the islanders were praying to Heavenly God, a man hiding in the central city In the hut, a person not at all stood outside to let golden raindrops fall on him, but a pious islander with a face, frowns said.

This person was the woman who was rescued by Chen Qiang in Holy Land Mariejois at that time.

Of course, when he left Mariejois, he was tracked by the Army all the way, but with his own strong strength, he finally escaped from the enemy’s pursuit, and with the help of this hang gliding wing, flew away from the Red Line continent. To New World.

She drifted on the sea for a while, but in an accident, she entered this island not covered by mist. At that time, she was just preparing to stay on the island. Go and find a place to build a boat, leave here to find the benefactor who saved you, in order to repay the other person’s life-saving grace.

What she didn’t expect was that after coming to the island, he found that everyone on the island believed in a god who didn’t know it was and so on, and these people had basic work accidents. Most of the time is spent in prayer.

What’s even more amazing is that these people don’t even know what a ship is. They think that the island they live on is the whole of this World. As for the world outside the mist, they think they are The land controlled by the devil is full of suffering and pain.

So they are not curious about the outside world.

Of course, this small island has existed for hundreds of years. Of course, there are people on the island who are curious about the outside world and went into the mist, but after returning, they all became a corpse. , Which makes them feel that the outside world is what God said, a world full of demons and suffering.

This made them even less likely to step into the mist. Regarding the arrival of this woman, they just thought that she was a person who had suffered from outside and was saved by God. , Came to this peaceful paradise.

As for what the woman told them about the so-called outside world, they didn’t believe it at all. On the contrary, after the woman came here, she didn’t pray to their god, and began to hate this woman.

Fortunately, because the woman’s skill is indeed not comparable to that of the people on the island, after the woman noticed the malice of these people, she left here, wandering on the island alone, wanting to find The way to leave here, at this time she happened to come to the central city and saw the mode of ascension outside, which made her feel that there was a problem with this small island.

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