“I was looking on the platform before and saw a person in trouble not far away, and that person is Undead Chen Qiang on the bounty order. If we catch him If you give it to Marine, you can get a bounty of 400 million Beli, but if we want to catch him and be discovered by the other party, everyone in this room may not be able to survive, so now I want to hear your opinions!”

After looking around for a week, the captain said what he had just discovered and what he had just struggled with.

“Of course I will catch it, after all, 400 million Beli! So much bounty, almost equal to our one-year income!” I heard the words from the captain before. Balk, combined with what the captain said now, immediately understood what the captain wanted to express at the time, so without any hesitation, he was the first to stand up and speak.

After hearing Barker’s statement, other officials also understood that this might be the captain’s meaning. After all, Barker likes to flatter the captain. If the other party doesn’t understand the captain’s meaning, absolutely not. It would be the first to express its position like this, so everyone agreed only after a little thought.

After all, this is what the captain meant. Adding 400 million Beli is too much, they simply can’t refuse.

“Since everyone agrees, then I will talk about my plan, so, so, so, and so!”

Seeing everyone agree, Jill The captain was very satisfied and nodded, and then began to talk about the plan he had made before. At the same time, these cadres also put forward some of their own opinions, and soon a practical plan appeared in their discussion.

“Okay, the other party is about to board the ship, everyone should go and prepare according to the plan! This time is absolutely not allowed to fail!”

All the plans are very detailed. Later, Captain Jill asked others to prepare. At the same time, he adjusted his facial expression. The seriousness on his face was disappeared, but a very kind smile appeared. He looked in the mirror and walked out of the Conference Hall when he was satisfied. .


On Chen Qiang’s side, the cultivation blood training Dafa that was originally boring, made his whole body wrapped in bloody flames, and at the same time, he also separated his spirit to study his own abilities.

Suddenly I felt as if I was being peeped by something, and I quickly ended my cultivation. Looking in the direction where I felt the sense of prying, I found a huge merchant ship appearing in the distance.

This makes Chen Qiang happy. After all, I haven’t seen anyone for a few days. There are only endless sea water around and the stars in the sky. This makes Chen Qiang feel better. It’s still uncomfortable in the prison. At least there are prisoners who can communicate with each other, but there is nothing here.

In this situation, Chen Qiang felt that his spirit might have problems again. Now that the silhouette of the ship finally appeared in the distance, how could this not make him excited.

So without any hesitation, I ended my cultivation directly, dissipated the red light from my body, and waved toward the ship, wanting to let the other party discover my existence and save myself aboard.

Fortunately, not at all let Chen Qiang wait for a long time, the other party discovered the existence of Chen Qiang, the ship turned slightly, and drove towards Chen Qiang.

Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang hurriedly began to tidy up himself, first washed his face with sea water, and then tidyed up his hair. After all, the interview experience in the previous life told Chen Qiang, the first time Make a good impression on each other when you meet.

Not at all, as long as Chen Qiang waited, only about ten minutes, the merchant ship arrived near Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang did not wait for the other party to put down the boat to pick him up. Instead, he stepped directly on the wooden board under his feet. He jumped up from above and appeared on the boat after the next fall.

“pa!” “pa!” “pa!”

“This little brother is really good at it!”

Just arrived in Chen Qiang On the boat, a fatty with a kind smile on his face and wearing a captain’s suit, clapped his hands and walked towards Chen Qiang.

“Are you?”

“hahaha! I am the captain of the merchant ship of the Defu Chamber of Commerce, Jill. I just found a little brother looking at the on platform and you are alone at sea. I thought it might be difficult, so I called my staff and brought the boat over. I wanted to wait a little closer, and then let someone put down the boat to pick you up. Didn’t expect little brother if you are so strong, come up by yourself. That’s it!”

“That’s really many thanks, Captain Jill! It’s really because of the tsunami a few days ago that I was in trouble at sea. If you didn’t meet Captain Jill, you wouldn’t know you would be at sea. When will it be floating!”

When he saw the other party, he showed his identity, and at the same time released his kindness to himself, Chen Qiang also smiled and said to the other party.

“Why don’t you say thank you, those of us who are discussing for life at sea, no one knows when we will have an accident, we must help when we meet, after all, maybe we will meet ourselves Shipwreck and so on, at that time we also needed someone to lend a helping hand!” Captain Jill continued to say with a smile, but when he finished speaking, he slowly walked to Chen Qiang’s side with a hand. He took Chen Qiang’s hand and continued.

“Little Brother, let’s go! Let’s go in and say, I have asked someone to boil the hot water. You should have suffered a lot at sea the past few days. Take a hot bath first. Bad luck!”

“Then many thanks, Captain Jill!”

Chen Qiang feels very strange about the enthusiasm of the other party. After all, he is just a shipwrecked person, even if he is. The other party saved me, I shouldn’t be so enthusiastic, but considering I really need to take a good bath now, I stayed at sea for the past few days, and my whole body smells fishy. If I don’t wash it well, I can’t go. Dropped, so there was no rejection.

Just laughed and agreed, and carefully took his hand back from the other’s hand. As a straight man, Chen Qiang was not used to being held by a man.

“hahaha! Your little brother is polite, come here!”

As for Chen Qiang’s pulling his hand out, the captain doesn’t at all mind, but laughed each minding their own The business leader led the way and brought Chen Qiang into the cabin.

After seven turns and eight turns, Chen Qiang was taken into a room. There was indeed a bathtub full of hot water in the room.

“The little brother is here. After the little brother takes a shower, you can ask the sailor who is standing outside to take you to the place to eat. I have asked the kitchen to prepare enough Food! After a while, the little brother will be able to have a good meal! When the time comes, we are having a good chat!”

After bringing Chen Qiang here, Jill doesn’t stay at all, I’m explaining After a while, he left here with a smile, and when he left, he took the door easily.

“It’s weird!”

Chen Qiang, who was left alone in the room, felt even more weird looking at the captain who was leaving behind closed doors.

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