Although Chen Qiang doesn’t understand many customs in One Piece World, it’s impossible to pick someone from the sea. It’s so good to him. There must be a problem.

Since the problem was discovered, Chen Qiang of course also took precautions, so he started to check in the room.

Just after a round of inspection, not at all found something wrong, there is nothing strange in the water in the bathtub, not at all poisoned and so on, those changes On his clothes, Chen Qiang even smelled the disinfectant, apparently he brought it just after disinfection.

This made Chen Qiang even more puzzled, but although he was puzzled in his heart, he really should wash and take a bath, so he took off his pants that he had worn for two months and walked into the bathtub. Among them, I enjoyed a hot bath.

After taking a shower in Chen Qiang and putting on the prepared clothes, I didn’t find anything wrong. There was nothing I thought about before. When I took a shower, I encountered an attack. s things.

But the more this happened, the more puzzled Chen Qiang was. He didn’t know what the captain thought and how he would be so good to him.

Chen Qiang couldn’t figure it out. Under the guidance of the sailor, after Chen Qiang came to the place to eat and put, he saw that he had been waiting here and came up to entertain Captain Jill with a smile. At that time, I didn’t want to understand.

“Captain Jill, I have always had a question, I don’t know if the captain can answer me!”

Since I don’t understand, Chen Qiang doesn’t want to. When he was in front of the dining table and greeted him to eat, Chen Qiang not at all rushed to eat, but said to Captain Jill.

“Oh? I don’t know what the little brother wants to ask? But is there anything I can’t entertain me well?”

When I heard Chen Qiang’s words, Captain Jill also put down the tableware in his hand. , The smile on his face also became serious.

“No, I just want to ask, why the captain is so good to a person like me who is in trouble at sea! Not only prepared hot water for me to bathe, but also prepared such a large table of delicious food to entertain me , If the captain doesn’t make it clear, I really can’t rest assured!”

Without hesitation, Chen Qiang directly expressed his inner doubts to the other party.

After all, Chen Qiang has an invincible cheat, and he is simply not afraid of any tricks they play. Even if the other party turns his face at this time, Chen Qiang will quickly counterattack. This kind of questioning is just to get the answer quickly, not to Guess it.

“It turns out that the little brother was worried about this. I blamed me. I didn’t explain the reason to the little brother before, so that the little brother doubted me!”

I heard Chen Qiang After the question, Captain Jill smiled on his original serious face, and at the same time said to Chen Qiang with apologize.

After finishing talking, Captain Jill put his hand into his clothes, took out a bounty order from his arms, and handed it to Chen Qiang.

“Look at the little brother, you should be the little brother here!”

“I am, what’s the problem?”

After receiving the bounty order from the other party, Chen Qiang saw the photo of himself above at a glance. After seeing the photo, Chen Qiang’s expression changed, thinking that the other party wanted to grab himself and receive the bounty, but Chen Qiang immediately reacted. Even if the other party wanted to catch him, It shouldn’t be to show this thing to himself, and now the other party showed it to himself, he obviously had other ideas, so Chen Qiang looked towards the other party with some confusion.

“Since you are Chen Qiang’s benefactor, there is no problem. We treat you well, that should be!”


“Yes, you are the benefactor of our merchant ship…”

Captain Jill, nodded, began to tell Chen Qiang his story. It turns out that they used to be a merchant at sea. , Encountered a pirate attack and happened to be rescued by Ace passing by. They regarded Ace as a benefactor, and Ace was publicly executed a few days ago. They originally wanted to save it. Unfortunately, their strength and status are useless.

Just watching the live broadcast near the shampoo, I felt sad, but didn’t expect them to see Chen Qiang save Ace for a long time, which made them take it as a benefactor The benefactor, that is their benefactor, now that I have met the benefactor, of course it is necessary to treat him well.

Listening to the other party’s story, they were vivid and vivid, and it really seemed like something was going on. At the same time, when the other party was telling the story, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Although Chen Qiang still felt something was wrong in his heart, but now the other party had made the matter clear and it was reasonable to listen, so he lowered his guard.

even more how, in order to show that they did not have any special arrangements, Captain Jill had eaten all the things on the table before calling Chen Qiang to eat. This made Chen Qiang suspicious of them. It has become lower.

To be honest, it’s been two months since I came to this World. This is the first time I have enjoyed the food in this World. The taste is really good. This makes Chen Qiang’s appetite appetite. Just a few minutes. Chen Qiang swept away all the food on the dining table in the last time.

“Huh! Really full!”

After eating all the food on the table quickly, Chen Qiang touched his obviously bulging belly with satisfaction.

“hahaha! The benefactor is satisfied!”

When Chen Qiang was satisfied, Captain Jill also said with a smile.


Chen Qiang originally wanted to say something, but he didn’t know the reason. Just after eating, Chen Qiang felt a strong drowsiness. Here, some sorry people said to Captain Jill: “I don’t know what’s wrong, this will come when I’m full and doze off!”

“What’s the matter, the benefactor has been drifting at sea for so long, I want to come for this period of time.” I didn’t have a good rest. I’m full now. Of course, I should take a good night’s sleep and rest. Who will take our benefactor to the room to rest soon!”

For Chen Qiang’s words, Captain Jill didn’t mind at all. On the contrary, the smile on his face became stronger, and he greeted a sailor outside the house.

“Yes! Benefactor, come with me!”

“Thank you Captain Jill again!”

“Where, it should be us thank you Benefactor, you saved Ace, you are right!”

After thanking Captain Jill, he didn’t hear clearly what he said later. He just followed the sailor who came to the room in a daze. I walked out of the room leisurely.

“Huh! Fortunately, I am smart, I was almost found out!”

After Chen Qiang was taken out of the room, Captain Jill, who was originally smiling, pulled The clothes that he had been completely sweated were greatly relaxed, and at the same time he quickly took out the antidote he had prepared for a long time from his arms and ate it.

“Of course, our captain is so wise and martial, how could this little Chen Qiang see through the perfect disguise of our great captain!” At this time, I don’t know where Balk came to the captain and said flatteringly. .

“Yes, yes, yes!”

The other senior cadres who came in with Bark also nodded and said yes with a smile on their faces.

“en! You are ready for the next thing! Don’t mess with me, let him run out, when the time comes, we will all be done!”

For Baal In the words of K, Captain Jill is very useful and nodded, but thinking of Chen Qiang’s strength, Captain Jill still exhorts.

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