
Because of the fall of Scorpio, the desert below directly smashed a huge hole in it.

It’s just that it’s not over yet. After being knocked to the ground by Scorpio with a punch, Chen Qiang in the sky still does not stop. I don’t know when, the flying Black and White Impermanence has been taken by him. He held it in his hand, and quickly stabs towards the Scorpio below.


But at this time other people’s attack support has also arrived. I saw Libra’s mind control, which directly controlled the Black and White Impermanence in Chen Qiang’s hands. , Shifting their attack path a bit, let them pierce directly into the sand next to them, without attacking Scorpio’s body.

At this time, the attacks of other people all fell on Chen Qiang’s body, and he directly repaired the body that hadn’t been repaired for a long time, and it was a bit torn during the attack.

At the same time, Chen Qiang flew out because of this attack.


Chen Qiang, who was beaten into the air, even though his injuries were serious, he was completely ignored by him, and he pulled out The Hades in the fourteenth pose behind him quickly waved.

A huge blood-colored slash appeared in the air and fell on the Scorpio in the pit, directly cutting his body in half.

After doing this, Chen Qiang’s silhouette rolled a few times in the air before landing on the ground not far away.

All this is a long story, but from the time Chen Qiang got up to the time he settled Aries and Scorpio, only about one minute passed.

In such a short period of time, Chen Qiang was chased by a group of people and solved two people. This is enough to see Chen Qiang’s powerful strength.

And Chen Qiang, who fell on the ground here, didn’t mean to stay in place. After some blood was dropped, his silhouette disappeared from its original position, and he rushed towards these people.

Standing with others.

The guardian angels at this time, after losing two people, obviously their attack power has become much weaker, so in the face of Chen Qiang who has completely suppressed them at this time, there is simply no way.

Chen Qiang is just one person. If you are too sensible at this time, you will definitely say the last sentence, you people have been surrounded by me alone, so you should obediently drop your weapons and surrender, let me send you away See your Heavenly God!

It’s a pity that Chen Qiang at this time has a desire to attack frantically, and he has no reason. Therefore, in the next attack, Chen Qiang still didn’t say a word, just kept attacking. .

Following Chen Qiang’s attack, the guardian angels, one by one, seemed so weak to resist. Being attacked by Chen Qiang’s powerful attack on you, one by one was killed here and changed. Leaving here as a golden light shining little angel.

After a few minutes of fighting in the Aristocratic Family, the people standing there, that is, only a lion and Pisces who have been maintaining a dream have not been killed.

Because the lion’s strength is strong, the ability to resist is stronger, so after being attacked by Chen Qiang several times, he can still stand up.

As for Pisces, it’s because this is his dream. It’s impossible to defeat him in his dream. When Chen Qiang’s attack falls on the opponent, he will Passing through in the body will not cause any harm to him.

However, this situation is not at all for how long it lasts. If only the lion is alone, it is simply not a threat to Chen Qiang, so sometimes the rapid attack of one minute will cause the lion to fall in the end. Under Chen Qiang’s knife, there was no sound.


After Chen Qiang solved the lion, when he kept attacking around Pisces, a huge pain suddenly appeared in his head, making Chen Qiang a Time was a little bit unstable to hold the Hades in his hands.

But it was this intense pain that brought Chen Qiang’s sanity back to him.


One hand pressed on his still aching head, while looking all around, I wanted to see if it was who dare to attack him.

But after scanning around, Chen Qiang only found Pisces in front of him and the corpse in that place, but found nothing else.

Okay at this time Chen Qiang has recovered his sanity. He who was in a violent state before may not be able to find out what was wrong around here, but he who recovered his sanity, after accepting the previous memory, he was very sensible. I soon understood the reason.

Now there are only nine people lying on the ground. When they entered here before, they saw that they came here alone, so obviously there is another person besides Pisces. Hidden around here.

Now that I found that this thing was not made by the seemingly invincible Pisces in front of me, it would be easy to handle it.

“Crimson salute!”

I saw Chen Qiang at this time, the Hades in his hand danced quickly in the air, and then thrust into the ground. Those who were originally due to this week’s time In the middle, Chen Qiang was constantly attacked, and the blood left in the desert suddenly began to boil.

Then I saw countless bright lights emerging from the ground, and turned into one after another bloody arrow, and shot out quickly towards all around.

Although such an attack still did not allow the person hiding in the dark to appear, it was not ineffective, because in this attack, the person hiding in the dark was trying to avoid The attack moved his position.

This kind of movement is very small, but it is precisely this small movement that has exposed the opponent’s position, allowing Chen Qiang to discover where the opponent is hiding.

Since the opponent’s location has been discovered, Chen Qiang certainly won’t hesitate. He pulled out the Hades before and made a move to prepare to attack Pisces.

But when the knife was halfway through, his body turned and slashed towards the place where the hidden person was.

A scarlet slash appeared in the air, slashed through the air, and quickly flew towards the hiding place of the opponent.

Chen Qiang’s attack was very sudden, so the other party was not at all ready to deal with it, slash had already flown in front of him, and then he was directly in the middle position. Cut open.

“Boom! Boom!”

Two heavy objects fell to the ground. It was the guardian angel of Aquarius who was hidden in the surroundings, cut in half by Chen Qiang The sound of the body falling from the air.

“Chen Qiang! I admit that you are really strong, but this is my dream, I am invincible here!”

Seeing the water bottle disappearing into a little angel After being here, Pisces retracted his gaze from the opponent at this time, looked towards Chen Qiang, and said to Chen Qiang with a smug face.

“Really? I don’t think you are invincible!”

Just after solving the water bottle, Chen Qiang heard what Pisces said. For the other party, Chen Qiang The indifferent expression shook his head, and then each minding their own business came to Hulk who collapsed on the other side, lightly saying.

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