“en?” Obviously Pisces didn’t at all figure out what Chen Qiang wanted to do, but looked towards Chen Qiang with a little puzzled expression.

After all, for the fruits of their dreams and controlling their dreams, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Here, as long as he is not injured, then he will not suffer any harm, so For what Chen Qiang said, Pisces was very disdainful.

However, because of his previous experience of being defeated by Chen Qiang in a dream, all not at all showed the disdain on his face, but looked nervously at what the other party wanted to do.

Of course, during this period, Pisces didn’t think about attacking the opponent, letting the opponent understand that he was not easy to provoke, but thinking about the previous battle.

Chen Qiang is basically a powerful force, crushing their twelve guardian angels, and the deepest water bottle hidden is directly cut in half by the opponent. In view of this situation , Pisces felt that even if he was an attack, he might not be able to break the opponent’s defense, so he gave up.

Instead, I chose, just look at the other’s actions and see what he wants to do.

At this time, Chen Qiang didn’t know that Pisces had thought so much. After regaining his sanity, his IQ would of course return.

So after finding that his attack had no effect on Pisces, he decisively began to think of other methods to solve the current situation.

After all, this is the other party’s dream. If you want to solve the other party here, it is basically impossible. With the ability of the other party, Chen Qiang has also experienced the feeling of controlling his dream. .

For all of them, he can be regarded as understanding, basically he does not want to be attacked, so he will never suffer any harm.

So after knowing this, Chen Qiang gave up the idea of ​​attacking, but looked towards Hulk who was still lying on the ground at this time.

The next method appeared in Chen Qiang’s mind, that is, a sentence often seen in online novels in his previous life, called’single force subduing Shihui’.

Now that he has such an idea, Chen Qiang will of course implement it. No matter whether he succeeds or not, he still has to try it. If it succeeds, then this game, he will be considered complete. Victory.

Of course, during this period, Chen Qiang was still guarding against Pisces’ possible attacks, but he didn’t wait for the opponent’s attack after he rescued Hulk.

Although Chen Qiang didn’t know why the other party didn’t attack, it’s good not to attack. On the contrary, he has time left to help Hulk recover quickly.

Without hesitation, after Chen Qiang came to Huoke’s side, he quickly put his hand on his head, and then saw the bloody rays of light rise again, just for a moment, Huoke’s injury All ran to Chen Qiang’s body.

However, Chen Qiang’s current physical strength is not weaker than Hulk. After the opponent’s injuries fell on him, Chen Qiang only felt a little discomfort, and he soon recovered from these injuries. .

“Where is this? Captain, are you there too?”

After Chen Qiang’s injury was transferred to his body, Hulk sat up from the ground in a daze. First, he looked around a bit confusedly, then saw Chen Qiang in front of him, and said hello to Chen Qiang.

“en! Hulk sleeps well? Get up when you sleep well, now you have something to do!”

Seeing Hulk’s dazed look, Chen Qiang Laughed involuntarily, and then said to Chen Qiang.

“Fortunately, I just had a dream. In the dream, Hulk beat the captain with many unknown people, but how could this kind of thing be possible! The captain is Hulk’s partner, Hulk won’t beat his own partner!”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s question, Hulk was nodded first, and then said his vague memory again, but he seemed to be afraid of Chen Qiang’s misunderstanding. , And also explained it specifically.

“Um…” Chen Qiang coughed awkwardly about Hulk’s explanation. After all, the memory of him being beaten still exists, so for Hulk’s actions to himself The picture is also there, so Chen Qiang didn’t know what to say for a moment when Hulk said that.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang did not say much about this issue, but directly brought Hulk to Pisces.

“What do you want to do?” At this moment, I saw Pisces who appeared in front of me. Although I knew that the other party could not attack me, I didn’t know what was going on. I looked at Hulk’s tall silhouette and Chen. Qiang’s smiled expression revealed a trace of fear in his heart.

“Hulk, you saw it! Just where he is standing, give me fiercely smash! Remember to use all your strength, don’t stop if I don’t ask to listen!”

To the question of Pisces, Chen Qiang not at all answered, but pointed directly to the place where the other party was standing, and said to Hulk.

“Hulk understands!”

In response to Chen Qiang’s instructions, Hulk did not ask the other party why he wanted to do this, so he hugged the iron ball in his hand. Then he started smashing towards the place pointed by Chen Qiang.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

The sound of the iron ball hitting the ground has been unceasingly heard, just a few breaths, the ground was smashed by Hulk A huge pothole.

Furthermore, under Hulk’s continued effort, the entire pothole is getting bigger and bigger.

But seeing Pisces in such a scene, the tension before was disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face again.

“hahaha! Such an attack is useless! How come you still don’t understand?”

Chen Qiang did not answer his question, but kept staring at Hao At the place where Ke smashed, Call Four felt the change in that place, and a smile appeared on his face as well.

“How is it possible?”

After Pisces smiled here for a while, it was obvious that something was wrong, the smile on his face disappeared, and he quickly looked towards the place where Hulk was. , A look of shock appeared on his face.

Because at this time, as Hulk continued to hit one place, although it still did not penetrate the entire sandy ground, but in the process of smashing, the entire space began to be smashed. It shook.

As the space began to shake, the entire world seemed to collapse, and a trace of Space Crack began to appear.

This is also the reason why Pisces has a shocked expression on his face after discovering these.

“There is nothing impossible! In the face of absolute power, all tricks are actually impossible to withstand a single blow!”

Seeing Pisces’ full face of shock, Chen Qiang still kindly explained to the other party.

“How can someone be powerful enough to destroy the world!” Even with Chen Qiang’s explanation, Pisces still looked at the Hulk who was still smashing in disbelief at this time.

But even if he doesn’t believe it, the fact is the fact. As Hulk continues, the cracks that are appearing in the entire dream world are getting bigger and bigger, and finally the entire world scene begins to collapse and melt. The fragments disappeared.

The crew of Megatron who were trapped in the dreamland returned to their bodies from the dreamland at this time.

As for Pisces, because the dream was broken by Hulk’s brute force, the whole person was subjected to the spirit strength backlash, and he fainted and fell into the Peach Garden from the air.

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