Chen Qiang, who was sailing on the sea at this time, of course, after coming out, gave Ace a call, and he knew what Ace was doing.

It’s just Chen Qiang at this time. They lost their way on the sea, and they simply couldn’t find a way to get there.

As for why this is the case, speaking of which, it is still because the technology of this World is relatively deformed, and there is simply no satellite positioning and so on.

Chen Qiang before they sailed on the sea, relying on the charts obtained from other people, and the New World map given to them by Parker’s Master and Harry old man.

It’s just that this thing has certain limitations, that is, when you don’t know where you are at all, this map becomes a decoration. If you want to rediscover the way, you can only wait for them to find a certain reference. Objects, so that we can know where they are.

After knowing where they are, they can use the New World map to find the direction of the navigation, and only then can they rush to Ace.

Fortunately, they still have time. The information obtained from Ace, when they know their decisive battle, will be two months later, two months, which is enough for Chen Qiang to find It’s the way to Ace.

Of course, this is in the case of good luck. If bad luck is a little bit, if you encounter some strange weather at sea and get stuck, then it is hard to say.

Just like what happened to Megatron now.

On this day, Megatron, as usual, was slowly advancing in one direction, looking for islands that might appear in the front.

Everyone on the ship is constantly enriching themselves, constantly getting familiar with the weapons and knowledge obtained in that Skypiea.


It’s just that it hasn’t been sailing for a long time. There was a sudden noise from below the ship, and then the entire Megatron quickly fell downward. .

“Where am I going!”

“Everyone, hurry up and don’t be threw away!”

“Parker, start Megatron quickly The number is transformed!”

In this case, Chen Qiang, who had been sitting on the edge of the peach forest and fishing all the time, was the fastest responder. After this situation appeared, Chen Qiang was first surprised, and then hurriedly caught The peach tree beside him, avoiding himself and the others threw away because of the huge landing speed, and thinking of others to remind him.

After the reminder, Chen Qiang began to look towards the outside situation and found that the sea surface in their original form was immediately disappeared at this time.

There seems to be a kind of magical power that directly evaporates the seawater under the ship, completely disappeared.

If you look into the sky, it is as if a cover suddenly appeared, covering a circular space directly above the sea surface, and the sea water moved out by itself, exposing the sea surface. An island under.

After seeing this situation, Chen Qiang hurriedly told Parker.

Parker also knew that the situation was urgent now, so he went directly into the control room and directly activated the Megatron’s transformation.

In just a few breaths, the entire Megatron became a huge robot in the air, and at the same time, on the back of the robot, bursts of air flow were sprayed quickly, slowing down the speed of landing.


Just after Megatron completed its transformation and decelerated, the entire ship fell on the island below, if it weren’t for Chen Qiang’s The reaction speed was not bad. The Megatron’s change of heart was activated ahead of time. After falling from such a high place, the ship was almost damaged.

But when it was okay, they landed on the island smoothly, but thought that the speed was not enough, and some parts fell from the robot.

Wait for Parker to fix it later and it will be fine.

After landing on the island, the Megatron restored its original ship shape, and then everyone on the ship clearly saw where they were at this time.

I saw that the area of ​​this small island is not very large. If the Megatron number is used as an analog unit, it is only the size of ten Megatron numbers.

And all around on the island, there is endless sea water, falling continuously from above, just like a waterfall.

The scenery on the island is also very good. The entire island is also full of peach trees, and the peach blossoms are flying in the air, very beautiful.

What’s even more amazing is that in the all around position, there are stones flying in the air, and peach trees are planted on these stones, which looks like Immortal Realm.

The people who got off the boat also discovered that the island they were on was not a seabed location as they thought before, but was floating in the air like Skypiea.

At the edge of the island, looking down is an invisible Bottomless Abyss.

But after knowing the situation, the people on the boat didn’t think much about it. After all, it’s been a while since coming to New World. I have seen a few stranger islands, but At that time, I didn’t go up to check because of something.

Although they saw the islands in this form now, it was the first time they saw them, but at the very beginning, they were surprised, and then everyone simply checked the surrounding situation. After finding that there were no enemies, he returned to Chen Qiang’s side, and then waited for Chen Qiang’s instructions.

“Have you checked all of them?”

“Walking around, not at all found enemies and so on, so I am sure that this is just one of the New World It’s just a natural phenomenon!”

I heard Chen Qiang ask that other people were also nodded at this time, and then they talked about the surrounding situation.

This small island is just beautiful. I haven’t found it in other situations.

“In this case, it seems that the other party deliberately targeted us.”

After listening to the reports of the partners, Chen Qiang also said nodded.

After all, such a sudden change before, it is difficult for people not to regard this thing as an attack.

Although they haven’t been to New World for a long time, the many things they experienced before made Chen Qiang have to be more vigilant.

For example, in the previous trip to hell and heaven, they have already experienced that situation twice when they came to New World, so it’s better to be vigilant now.

Because they are not prepared at all, they will be given a sneak attack directly by the other party. If it is an ordinary sneak attack, it is okay. With their strong recovery ability, they will of course not be afraid of anything.

But if the enemy uses poison, then they may be accounted for here.

Fortunately, these are just speculations. After confirming the existence of not at all who around them, plus the fact that they were not immediately attacked, this should be just an accident.

So after confirming this, Chen Qiang left Aiwen and Parker in front of the ship, and then he took Hulk, Lin and Qin to the island. Go in one direction.

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