As for why Chen Qiang had to take them to this side, it was thought that before the Megatron transformation, Chen Qiang discovered that this island was not without traces of human existence, at least He had seen buildings on this island before.

The direction of the building is exactly where they are going now.

The purpose of going to the vicinity of the building is actually very simple. It is to see if anyone exists. If so, ask the person where it is, and then determine your location. I can go to Ace quickly and pay respects to the battle between Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard Pirates.

If there is no one, then of course it is to wait until Parker repairs the ship, and then use the flying ability of the ship to fly directly to the outside of the island and sail in the direction of the previous sailing.

On this road, the four of them were walking through the peach forest. What they saw was very surprised, because there were still animals in the peach forest.

It’s just that these animals are not like animals that live on land. They are all fishes in the sea, but these fishes are not ordinary fish, but one by one.

It has a fish head, but it is shrouded in bubbles, and it is carefree to shuttle through the peach forest, just like flying birds in the real peach forest.

But weird is indeed weird, but Chen Qiang and the others have also seen such a situation before, that is, when on Fishman Island, there were many such situations.

So at this time Chen Qiang was surprised that he was in this place and saw the bubbles he saw on Fishman Island before.

After all, the island is not big. Soon the four of them passed through the dense peach forest and came to a piece of farmland.

It is also here that Chen Qiang finally saw the house he saw in the sky before, and confirmed that there are indeed human beings on this island.

Because when they came to this farmland, they already saw an old farmer working in the field.


Since he has seen people, Chen Qiang, of course, is in accordance with the established plan to ask the other party about the situation here, and then find the direction so that he can go to help Ace. So without hesitation, Chen Qiang shouted to the old farmer in the field after showing a kind smile.

“Are you the people on the iron bump that just fell?”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s yelling, the old farmer also lifted his head at this time and looked here. Come, I saw Chen Qiang and Chen Qiang who was beckoning to him, wiped the sweat from his forehead, the old man came to Chen Qiang and the others, looked up and down the few people, and then They asked.

“Yes! We were sailing at sea before, and the sea below this disappeared instantly. Were we going to fall down!”

Hearing the question from the old farmer, Chen Qiang explained to the other party with a smile on his face.

“You brat is not bad, you are more polite than the people I met before!” Seeing Chen Qiang’s smile on his face, the old farmer nodded, and then praised Chen Qiang.

“Master, you like it!” Chen Qiang’s smile on his face grew stronger when he heard the old farmer’s praise, and then he was humble, and then asked the old farmer: “Master, can you tell us What is the situation of this island? Why did the sea suddenly disappear? At that time, we thought it was attacked by something!”

“This island! Half a month is seabed in a month , Half a month is like this now. As for why this happens, I don’t know about it. Since I came here, it has always been like this, and it has not changed!”

Seeing that Chen Qiang was so polite, the old farmer didn’t mean to conceal it, so he simply explained the situation on this island.

“Master, do you know if there are any other famous islands near the Sea Territory? I am not afraid of your jokes. We experienced something before and got lost on the sea. Now we are trying to make sure Around the islands, see if you can find a way back!”

“Island? I don’t know about this. I haven’t been out of this island in several decades, and it’s not the case outside. Very clear.”

For Chen Qiang’s new question, the old farmer shook his head, saying that he hadn’t been out for a long time, and he didn’t know what was going on around him.

“Are there anyone else on the island? Have they ever gone out?” Chen Qiang asked.

“This is true, but they have been around before. I can’t say for sure. Should I take you to ask them?”

“This is very good! It’s just that this will delay your Senior Middle Dealer!”

Initially, Chen Qiang’s words were just out of politeness. Didn’t expect this old farmer to take it seriously. It’s true. Nodded.

“You said so, if I don’t remove the grass in this field today, I won’t know what these weeds will look like tomorrow, maybe the harvest will be reduced! How about it? , Are you here waiting for me, waiting for me to finish cutting the grass, and then I’m taking you?”


Hear what the other person said Chen Qiang didn’t even know what to say for a while. Others have said that if we don’t finish weeding the grass today, then the harvest will be reduced. He is always impossible and directly said that this weed cannot grow in a day or two.

After all, they still beg each other at this time.

“Okay! That’s it! I’ll remove the grass first, you’ll wait here now!” But at this time, the old farmer obviously didn’t wait for Chen Qiang to come up with the meaning of and so on, so he decided directly and left. Chen Qiang and a few people.

“Brother Qiang! What shall we do?”

At this time, Lin came to Chen Qiang’s side. They also heard Chen Qiang and the old man’s each other before and saw each other Because of Chen Qiang’s words, he went straight back to the field and started weeding. For a while, he couldn’t figure out what the other party meant.

So I came to Chen Qiang’s side and asked Chen Qiang.

“What else can I do! Help first! This is a weird island! First help the uncle, and then we will follow each other to see the situation!”

After thinking about it, Chen Qiang could only say this helplessly. After speaking, he directly greeted the few people and went to the field. After explaining the situation to the old farmer, the few people started weeding.

However, due to the large size of Hulk, Chen Qiang was afraid that Hulk would trample on these dealers, so he left him aside and asked him to pay attention to the situation at any time. If there is something wrong in the middle, He doesn’t care about anything, just do it.

As for the old farmer, when he heard Chen Qiang and the others were willing to help, he didn’t say much, but simply explained to them the essentials of weeding, and then he went directly to the side again. It was where Hulk was, and he sat down directly.

And I found a sensation of smoke from the clothes, lit the fireworks, started to smoke, and even chatted with Hulk very relaxedly.

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