After all, as long as he and the others are still on the island and the old farmer has not left, he will have the opportunity to inquire sooner or later.

After experiencing the weeds in the fields, Chen Qiang will never regard this old farmer as an ordinary people, so for the other people who live on this island in his mouth, Chen Qiang is also here. I am interested and want to see if those people are like the old farmers, but also have such strength.

And now, I haven’t felt any malice from this old farmer, so you might as well follow this old farmer to see what’s going on.

Of course, during this period, Chen Qiang still made a phone call with Parker and Aiwen who were still on the boat, and briefly explained the situation here, so that they would not worry too much.

After all, on this weird island, if you take someone out by yourself, if you don’t reply to the news for a day, Parker and Irwin, who are on the boat, will definitely be worried, when the time comes. What irritates the existence on this island, then when the time comes unnecessary loss is not good.

Soon after following the old farmer, he passed through this field, and then entered the peach forest on the other side again, and followed a trail that opened in the peach forest. Everyone in Chen Qiang was very Soon I came to the place with houses I saw before.

After coming here, Chen Qiang and the others discovered that there are indeed houses here, but it is not a village like they imagined, but only four simple buildings.

The styles of these four buildings are completely different.

For example, the old farmer introduced them to his home, which is just a simple thatched house, while the other three buildings are in the style of a temple, a gym, and the last one. It’s a church.

Four different buildings were built in four directions. In the middle of them, there is an open space that is comparable to a mine, and it is in the center of the open space.

There is a huge peach tree, and countless red ropes help on the peach tree, which looks like a tree specially used for sacrifice.

But those 3 types are obviously not a church building, but they are still living together. This is a very strange format in itself, and the tree used for sacrifice in the middle is even more strange. stand up.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! People, where are all dead, come out to meet the guests!”

After bringing Chen Qiang and everyone into this open space, The old farmer shouted directly.

“Infinite! NTM Heavenly Venerate, you old farmer who doesn’t work well every day, how can I disturb Laozi’s cleaning!”

“Omitabha! Old Daoist Priest! That’s right, I haven’t finished practicing today! Old farmer, are you here to look for a fight?”

“The Lord said, the two of you are right, so you should beat up the old farmer. , I believe that the Lord will forgive us!”

Following the shout of the old peasant, among the three temples, their own voices also sounded at this time, and they can be clearly heard from the voices. Dissatisfaction with the old farmers.

And as soon as the sound fell, the three silhouettes flew out of their respective temples, and then grabbed the old farmer in front of Locke. The three shot together and rubbed the old farmer on the ground. .

“Yo-yo-yo! Just hit it, you have the ability to single out! What kind of ability to go together!”

The old farmer who was pushed on the ground obviously refused to accept the three of them hitting each other. She shouted and said on the ground.

“Oumitabha! We are just to satisfy your wish of the old peasant benefactor, let you pick the three of us alone!”

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Said by the bald donkey Yes!”

“Hmm! The Lord will forgive us!”

However, after the old peasant’s words were uttered, the three others didn’t stop even if they didn’t. Still greeted the old farmer with his fists and feet.

“Assholes, you three don’t want to take a grain of grain from me this year!”

As for the shameless of three people, obviously the old farmers also know about them, so they direct to the three people. Said threateningly.

When they heard the words of the old peasant, the three of them were obviously stunned, and then one by one suddenly retracted the fists they were about to hit the old peasant, and then looked up at the sky.

After looking at the sky for a while, one by one pretended to see the old peasants lying on the ground, and quickly helped each other up with a smile on their faces.

“Old peasant donor, why are you lying down on the ground, get up quickly, get up quickly, the ground is cool!”

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Who on earth treats you like this? If you let me know who it is, I will definitely help you out and beat him!”

“Yes, yes! The Lord will help you with revenge!”

Patting the dust on the opponent’s body, he said indignantly, as if it wasn’t the three of them who had just beaten.


At this time, the old peasants who have stood up are obviously very dissatisfied with the three of them, but they are indeed not the opponents of the three, so they are also I’m not going to care about them anymore, I just quietly save them a few years of food for a few years in my heart.

“Who is this little friend? Old farmer, why don’t you introduce it?”

At this time, the three of them also saw that the old farmer’s face was wrong, and they knew that the other party was in their hearts. I don’t know how to blame myself, so I quickly looked towards the place where Chen Qiang was, and then looked at the old farmer with a smile on his face and said.

I heard that a few people finally discovered the four of them. Although I was very surprised that they had only seen special ways of communicating with each other before, it is natural to introduce themselves at this time.

“Senior, hello, I am Chen Qiang, and they are my partners, Hulk, Lin, and Qin.”

“Hmm! Hello, how are you? !”

“Poor Daoist Breeze!” The man dressed as a Taoist priest among the three spoke first and introduced himself.

“this poor monk Mingyue!” The bald monk among them introduced towards Chen Qiang.

“In the next Will Yi·Mark!” The last person dressed as churchman introduced himself to Chen Qiang.

“What do the old peasants do? How did they come here?” After introducing themselves to Chen Qiang, they came to the old peasants and asked them quietly.

“Isn’t it time for the island to change again today? They fell from the sea!” Although the old peasant still felt unhappy with the three, he still answered their questions.

“Is it this way?” After hearing the old farmer’s explanation, the other three people were nodded, showing a so that’s how it is expression.

“But I seem to have heard the name Chen Qiang somewhere!” However, after nodding, Taoist Qingfeng, this time it was frowns said.

“You said that, this poor monk seems to have heard of this name, but where is it? Why can’t I remember it for a while!”

“I also Same!”

After hearing the words of Taoist Qingfeng, the other two also showed the same thinking expression, nodded said.

“Cut! Three fools! Don’t you know how to look at his breath? I don’t believe you will forget such a unique breath!”

When the people who couldn’t think of it looked towards him, the old farmer spoke to them with disdain.

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