“Yi! Such a breath! Thinking of it, it turned out to be him!”

After the old farmer reminded him, the three of them finally sounded Chen Qiang. Where have I heard the name, myself and the others.

“It’s really surprising that didn’t expect to meet Chen Qiang here!”

“But looking at his appearance, his strength is already very strong, I think It shouldn’t be necessary for us to take action!”

“The power is very strong, but the breath feels a little vain!”

“But anyway, since we met, it must be I want to help him.”

“Positive solution!”


After introducing themselves, these people Throwing Chen Qiang aside directly, a few people gathered together and started whispering, and from time to time they looked up at Chen Qiang, and then continued to discuss.

For this situation, Chen Qiang said he was shocked and did not understand what they meant at all. Moreover, these people did not know what method they used. When they communicated, they clearly He didn’t lower his voice specifically, but Chen Qiang just couldn’t understand what the other party was saying.

“Um! Seniors, I just want to ask for the way. I don’t know if any of you can tell me where this is, or what are the more famous islands around here?”

Seeing the endless communication with each other, Chen Qiang decided to take the initiative and asked several people.

“Wait! Youngster, why are you so frizzy!”

Obviously, I also heard Chen Qiang’s words here. The old farmer was very dissatisfied with lifting and said to Chen Qiang. After saying this, he lowered his head and continued to discuss.

“Uh…” Chen Qiang felt speechless when he heard the other party’s reprimand.

“Since the seniors are unwilling to say that, then brat will go back first. If the friends on the boat see us not going for so long, they will be worried!”

Since these people have not discussed it, so why not come, it is better to go back by yourself, and wait until tomorrow to see the situation, when the time comes, the discussion may be over, and you can know what you want to know from them. .

“Wait! Why is the youngster so anxious!”

It was only when Chen Qiang and the other three were about to leave here, but the old farmer was lifting his head at this time. , Prevented Chen Qiang’s actions.

“Yeah! I’m afraid that my friends are worried. I brought them here, so don’t worry about it!”

The churchman mark on the other side of the farmer, too Spreading especially nodded, and then only saw his hands release for a while, the ice blue rays of light, and the silhouettes of Parker and Aiwen appeared in front of Chen Qiang and the others.

“It’s all right now! Don’t worry anymore, you just wait here, we will answer your questions when we finish discussing!”

After this, after passing the churchman calmly Chen Qiang and the others, he continued to discuss with the old farmers and the others.

Ignoring this moment at all, Parker and Ivan were guarded when they noticed that the situation around them had changed.

But at this time Chen Qiang reacted very quickly. When he saw Parker and Irwin suddenly appear in front of him and the others, he quickly reacted and told the situation here. Parker, let them not get too excited.

“Captain! What the hell do you say about this? What do these old men want to do? I haven’t finished my research yet!”

During the explanation, Parker, who knew the current situation, obviously had a bit of resentment for the old man in front of him. After all, he was doing the experiment well in the laboratory before, and suddenly he was sent here. The reagent in his hand almost hit flipped.

Otherwise, Parker, who has always attached great importance to experimental research, was angry. If Chen Qiang hadn’t stopped him before, Parker might have shot directly at these old men.

“I don’t know! We just wanted to come over and ask for the next way! We didn’t expect to meet these old men! Looking at each other now, I don’t want us to be like this. Simply leave!” Chen Qiang said that Tinga Parker’s complaint was also helpless. You should know that he really just wanted to come over and ask for the next way before, not at all what other thoughts.

After meeting the old farmer and discovering that the other party is not simple, I even took Qin and Lin to help each other pull out the weeds in the field, and the attitude was very respectful.

How did things turn out like this after seeing a few other old men? I wanted to find an excuse to leave, instead of being the other person, I blocked all my excuses. Chen Qiang didn’t know what to do with time.

As for whether to fight or not, Chen Qiang does not have such an idea.

Let’s not say if you can fight before, even if you can, it’s obviously not the right time now. The other party is malicious about yourself and the others not at all.

Only and the others are not Pirate and so on, but Revolutionary Army. How can the Revolutionary Army, who talks about freedom and equality, do something like this indiscriminately.

So now they don’t know what to do, they can only sit on one side together, waiting for a discussion between here and there to take it.

I don’t know how long it took, the sun in the sky fell into the sea, and the silhouette is not visible, but the moon quietly climbed up into the sky.

At this time, the people who are still discussing over there seem to have finally reached out a method at this time, and then walked towards Chen Qiang together.

“Senior, have you finished discussing it? Now can you tell us if there are any famous islands around?”

Seeing a few people coming over, Chen Qiang was even a little happy and hurriedly He stood up from the ground, and then asked the people who came by.

“This is not in a hurry. I’ll talk about it later. Let me talk about what we discussed today!” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, the old farmer waved his hand directly and said.

“Senior, please?” Although I don’t know what the other party means, Chen Qiang still politely said to the other party.

“This is the case. After we have discussed and decided, we will act as apprentices to make you stronger!”

“Uh…” Hearing the other party’s words Afterwards, Chen Qiang said that he was shocked, what is this all about, he just came to ask for the way, why he jumped to the apprentice, is it a bit too leap?

“Is it a bit unexpected? Is it a pleasant surprise? Isn’t it eager to wait? If that’s the case, come and kneel down and apprentice your teacher!”

I was a little surprised when I saw Chen Qiang With an expression, thinking that Chen Qiang was shocked by the great news of this day, Qing Old Feng said, and said directly to Chen Qiang.

After talking, a few people also tidied up their clothes to make themselves look more in line with the tolerance of a Master.

“Wait~~, you guys let me think about it first!”

Seeing this, Chen Qiang hurriedly stopped them, and then said.

“You see if things are like this. We came here just to ask for directions and didn’t say anything to apprentice? So are you misunderstanding something?”


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