After Chen Qiang and Ace and the others got on the Pirate Ship on Akagami, it didn’t take long for everyone to dive under the sea under the leadership of Pirate Ship. .

Afterwards Akagami also called Ace and Chen Qiang in front of him, and then talked about the previous battle.

“Ace! Speaking of which is the first time we met! If it weren’t for the previous war on the top, I didn’t know that Captain Roger had a son like you!”

After seeing Ace’s expression a little low, Shanks took the initiative to laughed, and then said to Ace.

“Thank you Shanks, if you didn’t come in time this time, maybe everyone in Whitebeard Pirates would die on that island!”

Obviously the previous battle, for Ace After all, when he led Whitebeard Pirates to avenge Whitebeard, he was hit by the opponent. Not only did he not succeed in revenge, but almost completely destroyed Whitebeard Pirates.

For this matter, Ace also had to start to doubt himself whether he was not suitable to be a leader or something like that. Under his leadership, not only did he not succeed in revenge, but he almost became a group. Off, Ace can’t figure out this point.

“Ace, do you know why you failed this time?”

Seeing that his purpose of changing the subject has not been achieved, Shanks could only ask Ace in a different direction.

“Why? I underestimated Blackbeard and the others, didn’t expect them to directly tear up the Pirate treaty. We attacked?”

“No! It’s because you simply didn’t Know what the real Pirate is!”

In response to Ace’s answer, Shanks shook his head directly, then looked at Ace seriously and said.

“I don’t understand Pirate? How could it be!”

When Shanks said that he didn’t understand Pirate, Ace looked at the other person with an incredulous face and said.

“You just don’t know Pirate. You know that Pirate is the freest person in the world, how could he be bound by that ridiculous rule! In addition, the so-called treaty was hundreds of years ago Something is gone, and a few people will really follow it!”

Shanks nodded seriously, and then said affirmatively.


“You want to say that when you were on the Whitebeard ship, those Pirates still abide by the Pirate treaty, right, it’s just because of you The captain at the time was Whitebeard! When he was there, no one simply dared to challenge his rules!”

“Anyone who dared to challenge his rules would not care about this little rule. , After all, that thing doesn’t affect the following things!”

When Ace wanted to say something and so on this time, Shanks interrupted the other party directly and continued.

“You guys! We were all very good protected by Whitebeard before! Think about it for yourself and you will still be in control! I can help you with this!”

See you After listening to his own words, Ace fell into silence. After saying nothing, Shanks also knew that there were some things they needed to think about, and after leaving such a sentence, he gave Chen Qiang a wink. After asking him to follow him out for a while, he left Ace here alone.

“Undead Chen Qiang, I wanted to meet you a long time ago. I didn’t expect to see you at this time! You must know that your previous remarks caused me a lot Trouble!”

After Chen Qiang followed Shanks to the deck, he found a railing to lean against, Shanks’s face also returned to the previous smile, and said to Chen Qiang.

“Yonko Akagami Shanks of Dingding Daimyo, if you want to see brat, it is really an honor for brat. If you release the news that you want to see me at sea, brat, I won’t refuse, say I may find it by myself.”

Hearing what Shanks said, Chen Qiang was also laughed, and then echoed the other party and said, his tone was neither humble nor utterly flat, and he did not feel the compliment in his words at all.

As for the previous battles, Chen Qiang actually saw much farther than Ace. After learning about the Pirate Treaty from Ace before, he knew it was not reliable, but this was Ace. The decision made by myself, compared with Whitebeard Pirates, is only one to help, so it is not easy to say anything.

As for Blackbeard’s subsequent battle that was not resolved, but Whitebeard Pirates was almost broken up, Chen Qiang didn’t have much thoughts about this.

After all, Chen Qiang thinks that he just doesn’t like Blackbeard. Helping Whitebeard Pirates is also in the face of Ace. After the battle, nothing happened to Ace, and he didn’t have much influence. Up.

So at this time, after hearing what Shanks said, he can still make fun of him.

“hahaha! Undead Chen Qiang, who is able to say that everyone is equal, is really an interesting person!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Shanks It was also laughed heartily, and then looked at Chen Qiang with admiration and said.

“Oh? I don’t know, Captain Akagami, do you have any thoughts on my philosophy of brat? Or if there is something wrong, can you tell me something?”

“Said Will you change your ideals?”

“No! But if you have nothing to do, you can also relieve your boredom!”

In Akagami and Chen Qiang’s short In a few short sentences of exchange, Chen Qiang’s performance was neither humble nor utterly utterly afraid of Shanks’s mighty strength. People deliberately catered to it.

“Your idea is very good. If it can be realized, this World will not have that many tragedies!”

At this time, Shanks is serious Chen Qiang said with a smile on his face.

“It can definitely be achieved, but I do not rely on myself to realize this ideal. It requires more like-minded comrades to work together so that such a world can truly appear!”

Chen Qiang put away his smile, and then said nodded with a serious face.

“You said, if I join your Revolutionary Army, what would you want?”

After Chen Qiang’s words were finished, Shanks was silent for a while, and then it was like He said to Chen Qiang like cracking a joke.

“I can’t ask for it. If you as Yonko are willing to join the Revolutionary Army, then we will realize the ideal of the world, and it will be faster!”

“It still counts Come on! I am a free Pirate! Although I am longing for the world you are talking about, I don’t want anyone to order me anything on my head!”

See Chen Qiang, that’s serious In answer, Shanks just smiled and shook his head.

“What’s the matter here? Equality and freedom are not at all conflicts. It just adds a bottom line to freedom! After all, whether you are a person or doing things, you must have a bottom line!”

“hahaha! I was almost moved by you! I will help if you need it, but let’s just join and so on!”

I took a serious look at this time Looking at Chen Qiang, Shanks laughed heartily for a while before continuing to speak.

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