Chen Qiang of course also understands why Shanks said that. After all, the other party’s current position, if in troubled times, is a powerful party, or a prince.

Some of his decisions are not made for himself. More importantly, he has to consider those who finally own him. If they all hope this is the case, of course he has no other ideas, directly Just join in.

But in this world, everyone has their own little thoughts. Some people do it for wealth, and some people may really do it for the so-called freedom, so many times the thinking is not unified.

According to Shanks, if the Revolutionary Army has something to do, when he can help, it has actually indicated his field of force.

So later, the two of them skipped this topic and started talking about other things, and the atmosphere was pretty good.

It’s just that Ace is alone in the room thinking about his own problems, and he stays for a few days. During this period, the Captains of the Whitebeard team have all visited Ace and said Some comforting words.

But for Ace, he actually understands some things, but he couldn’t pass his level for a while, so he left himself in the room and turned to some things.

It wasn’t until Akagami sent Ace and Chen Qiang to an island that is still in the hands of Whitebeard, that he left here because of his own affairs.

After coming to this small island, Ace seemed to have figured out something, and then found Chen Qiang alone.

“Chen Qiang, did you say that my father had the same idea at the time?”

The two came all the way to the edge of the island, and then Ace looked serious Asked Chen Qiang.

“Perhaps so, maybe not, now he is already not in, some things can’t be verified, but one thing is certain, that is, your father Roger wants to change this world Dream.”

After hearing Ace’s question, Chen Qiang thought about it, and then said something like this.

“If I say, I announce the disbandment of Whitebeard Pirates and join the Revolutionary Army, will the other crew members object?”

After a while of silence, Ace spoke again Asked.

“For this question, you already have the answer in your mind. Think about what your greatest ideal was when Whitebeard was still alive. As long as you understand this, you will actually know what you did. Is there any wrong in the decision made by Ace!”

For the question raised by Ace, Chen Qiang not at all gave the answer directly, but let Ace think about it. After all, Chen Qiang did not When it’s not easy to speak.

On the one hand, because I am a member of the Revolutionary Army, if this answer comes from my own mouth, then people who don’t know think they have some selfishness.

“Family? I understand! I also know what to do!”

Obviously after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Ace fell into deep thought, and finally became his When I lifted my head, I obviously had an answer in my heart, and at the same time my eyes became firmer.

“Thank you Chen Qiang!”

“Hi! Why are we brothers saying this!”

Seeing Ace being so polite, Chen Qiang doesn’t care. He waved his hand and said.

“By the way, because of the sneak attack of the Blackbeard Pirates group, you haven’t answered my question yet. Did you say that my father Roger might not be?”

In After Ace made the decision, the whole person recovered from the previous state. Just when he was about to tell the people of Whitebeard Pirates of his decision, it suddenly sounded. During the raid, Chen Qiang still had questions and did not answer. He turned around and asked Chen Qiang.

“In fact, you should not ask me about this matter, but you should ask your grandfather Garp, he must know more than me!”

For this from Ace For the question, Chen Qiang didn’t know the answer, so of course there was no way to give the other party a clear answer, but he still showed the other party a way.

“Okay! I will ask about this, but before doing this, I still have some things to arrange, Chen Qiang, come with you, just to be a witness for me! “

After nodded, Ace invited Chen Qiang and said.

“Of course there is no problem!”

Chen Qiang didn’t know what decision Ace made in the end, but since the other party invited him, of course he would not refuse.

So after saying this, he and Ace returned to Whitebeard Pirates, the current temporary residence, and then watched Ace call all the remaining people together and started his own words.

“Today I added everyone here. There is one thing to announce. After experiencing the previous battle, I finally made a decision, which is Whitebeard Pirates from today. Disband!”

Ace’s voice is not loud, but the people present are not at all whispering, so it is still possible to ensure that everyone here can hear Ace clearly.

This is just after Ace’s voice fell, everyone on the scene exploded one after another, and everyone started talking at once.

“How could this be? Why disband Whitebeard Pirates!”

“Yes, it’s just a failure. As long as we don’t give up, sooner or later we will rise again to avenge the father and eliminate Blackbeard’s!”

“Yes! Yes! Although a lot of brothers died this time, they are avenging my father. I believe they will not complain!”


“Enough!” Just when everyone started to argue, as a team of Whitebeard Pirates against Marco, this time they stood up , Then stopped the words of his brothers, then turned around, looked at Ace seriously and asked: “Ace, I want to hear why you disbanded Pirates!”

Captain of other teams at this time They also looked at Ace in front of them with serious expressions, all wanting to hear why Ace made such a decision.

“Thank you!” Seeing Marco appeared and controlled the situation, Ace thanked him.

“Don’t thank you! Give your reasons! If we are not satisfied, we will be the first to oppose you!”

Thanks to Ace , Marco not at all accepted, but continued to speak to Ace with a serious expression.

“I see! I will give the brothers an explanation!”

For Marco, Ace is also serious and nodded, and then promised to the other party.

“brothers, I know you must be very confused now, why I made such a decision, then I will tell you the reasons now, after listening to what I said, if you still If there is any dissatisfaction with me, Ace will take it all.”

After assuring Marco, Ace walked a few steps in front of him, and then said loudly to everyone in front of him. Unprecedented seriousness.

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