Yinfeng Pirates, a Pirates who just came to New World, his strength is not very good, but now that he can get through Fishman Island and come to New World, it has actually proved that Pirates has his own Outstanding.

That is this Pirates. The Pirate Ship used is a multi-pole sailing boat. The form book reads very quickly, and the name of their Pirates comes from this.

It means that his coming and going are like a gust of wind, no one can keep up with his speed.

As for why it is called Yinfeng, it is also because in order to enhance their reputation on the sea, they constantly looted some islands, causing great harm to some innocent islanders.

The so-called Yinfeng has the meaning of Death Aura.

For their Pirates style, in the first half of the Grand Line, because of their speed, they could barely get some fame.

However, when their ship’s bounty came to a total price of 100 million Beli, the captain swelled and decided to take the crew to New World, where he wanted to lay a new piece of Heaven and Earth.

It’s just that the ideal is full, but the reality is the backbone. When they came to New World with such a style, they discovered that there are really big bosses everywhere.

That’s why I came here. When I launched an attack on an island for the first time, I ran into the island’s escort. More than a dozen members of the escort directly taught them how to behave. Up.

If it weren’t for their captain to be smart, and after discovering that something was wrong, he drove their ship and left there quickly, maybe it would be solved directly by the guards.

But it was an escape, but the so-called leak happened in the evening rain. When the crew members yelled that it was only an accident, and they had to retaliate when they were well-trained. I met Marine Battleship at sea.

And the Marine Battleship that suddenly appeared, when they found their Pirate flag, they didn’t talk nonsense with them, and shot them directly.

Seeing this situation, the captain of Yinfeng Pirates, of course, did not dare to just face Marine, so he took his crew and wanted to use the speed of the ship to throw away the opponent. .

But after running, they discovered that this Marine Battleship was different from what they had encountered before, and its speed was not much weaker than them.

Moreover, the opponent seems to be able to beat them on his own side. Yes, they have been chasing after them. They have been chasing them for a few days, and they are still following.

Under such an urgent pursuit, the captain still wanted to turn around and fight back. However, considering their crew members, they experienced a battle, and they ended up with a disastrous defeat. They were not suitable for fighting. So I can only continue to run forward, hoping that the opponent will not catch up for a while.

Of course, if the Captain of Yinfeng Pirates knew who was chasing them behind them, he would not show up.

But this is also good, after all, if you don’t know, your heart will not collapse so much, at least it will not have no desire to improve.

Today is the fifth day they were chased. As usual, the captain personally came to the observation deck, first looked at the Battleship that followed behind him, and then began to look around on the sea, wanting See if there is any place around you can use it, and leave the Marine behind.

“Captain! There is a situation ahead!”

When the captain is looking around to see if there is any place to use, he is watching the watcher on the platform with him, this At that time, he quickly called to the captain.

“What’s the situation? Did you find a place to leave the Marine behind?”

Hearing the call from the watchman here, the captain also came to the other side and took He started Telescope and looked at where the other person was pointing, and asked while looking at the watcher.

“It’s not the captain! It’s a small boat, and he is still flying in the sky, coming towards us!”

“What the hell is there? How could there be a boat?”

” Can fly in the sky!”

Although the captain said that he did not believe the watcher, he naturally lifted the Telescope towards the sky and looked at the place where he watched his fingers.

“Let me go! There really is a ship flying in the sky, and it has wings!”

At this point, the captain also saw the ship flying in the sky. I was shocked and couldn’t believe what I saw was true for a while.

“Wait, there seems to be people on that ship! Let me see if this is who, there is a ship that can fly in the sky!”

After finding that ship , The captain took an even more serious observation, wanting to see what the situation of that ship is, just this look, as the other party approaches, it can be regarded as a clear view of the other party’s appearance, there is actually someone on this ship.

And that person, at this time, seems to have discovered that they are looking at him, beckoning here.

“Who is this man? Why do you look so familiar?”

At this time, as the ship flying in the air, getting closer and closer to them, the captain also Seeing the faces of the people on the boat, I felt familiar for a while, but for a while I couldn’t remember who the other party was.

“The captain also feels familiar, I also feel familiar!”

At this time, I looked at the watchman over there with the captain. Obviously, I heard the captain’s words, nodded. Echoing this said.

“Ah! Remember who this is!”

After staring at the people on the boat for a long time, the captain put down the Telescope in his hand, and said a row of his thighs .


Suddenly the watchman was startled by the captain’s actions. At this time, he put down the Telescope in his hand with some curiosity, and then asked his captain.

“It’s the Undead Chen Qiang! The one who is classified as one of the most dangerous prisoners by the world government is not Chen Qiang!”

After remembering who the other party was, the captain was somewhat Said scaredly.

“hehe! Didn’t expect! My name is so loud. It is an honor to have heard of my name when I meet someone on the sea!”

Just when the captain said Chen Qiang’s name, Chen Qiang, who was still far away, suddenly appeared on their observation platform, and then squatted on the edge of the observation deck with a smile, facing the two above. The person said.

“Who? Everyone is ready to fight!”

Regardless of the time when the captain saw the opponent appear in front of him, and was speechless in shock, those crew members under Yinfeng Pirates were also at this time I found Chen Qiang who appeared on the platform side of the watch, raised their guns one after another, and aimed at Chen Qiang.

“Asshole! What are you doing? You dare to point your gun at Master Chen Qiang, don’t you guys want to live anymore?”

Hear the following voice, Captain He recovered from the shocked state at once, thinking that this was going to be suffered, so he quickly exposed his body from the lookout on platform, yelling at the people below with a ferocious look.

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