“Master Chen Qiang?”

Obviously, the crew members below have not yet heard who the Master Chen Qiang in the captain’s mouth is, one by one, look left and right. Look, I want to see if others know who this Lord Chen Qiang is.

Although these people didn’t realize who Chen Qiang was in the captain’s mouth, they still put down the gun obediently.

After all, listening to the captain’s tone just now, it is obvious that he knows this person, so this person is no longer an enemy, so everyone does not need to be as vigilant as before.

“Master Chen Qiang, his subordinates do not understand the rules, please bear with me if there is any offense!”

At this time, I saw the crew, put down their weapons, and the captain was a little bit too. The relaxed, didn’t plan to explain more to his crew, but turned back, and quickly apologized to Chen Qiang.

“It’s okay! It’s okay! The captain doesn’t have to worry about it. I have a man-eating demon and I won’t do it for no reason!”

See the captain’s performance like this Chen Qiang just waved his hand, saying that he didn’t need to do this, and there was a kind smile on his face.

“I don’t know this time, what instructions does Master Chen Qiang have to our Yinfeng Pirates?”

Seeing Chen Qiang’s kind smile, it is indeed to make the captain because of Chen The heart raised by Qiang’s prestige was temporarily relieved, but he still wanted to know why the other party appeared here, so he asked Chen Qiang.

When asking, he also controlled his expression, making his expression more respectful, so as not to annoy the other person.

If they really provoke each other, then they can be said to be dead. You must know that this one, recently on the top of Shanghai, the sturdy record, is not just like theirs. New World’s Xiaoxi Mi can be compared.

So now the captain’s performance can only be said to be careful after being careful. He doesn’t want to annoy Chen Qiang, the fierce god with chasing soldiers.

Of course, in the captain’s heart, it is not without other careful thoughts, that is, to comfort the fierce god in front of him, maybe the other party will help them deal with the Marine behind.

After all, it can be seen from the things that the other party did before that the other party has no good feelings about Marine, and even killed a lot of Marine people.

“There are indeed two things I want to ask the captain! I don’t know if the captain can answer me!”

The smile on Chen Qiang’s face remained the same, and he politely said to the other party.

As for the captain’s careful thoughts, Chen Qiang actually understood the Marine Battleship behind the opponent, but he didn’t at all.

“Master Chen Qiang, please say, you will know everything you can talk about!”

The captain is also simply, seeing Chen Qiang talking so well, his mood is also a little relaxed. .

“Well, I’ll just ask the first question! That’s why those Marines keep chasing you?”

After nodded, Chen Qiang asked himself The problem.

“I don’t know! We left from an island before and ran into them at sea. This is the fifth day they have chased us!”

Hear With Chen Qiang’s question, the captain’s face burst into tears. He glanced at the Marine Battleship behind him helplessly and said.

“Oh? What happened before? What did you do on the island? You made this Marine follow you for five days?”

Chen Qiang directly ignored the other party’s With a crying face, Zai asked the other party.

“We didn’t do anything? It was just an ordinary robbery, and it was not successful yet!”

Speaking of this, the captain felt that he was even more aggrieved, thinking Thinking of their first robbery when they came to New World, they were taught to be humans by the guards on that island.

Only then escaped not very long, and I met this crazy Marine, chasing them all the time, thinking about it, I was really aggrieved.

“Oh? Robbery? You guys often rob? I haven’t done this yet? Come and tell me, what did you do when you robbed and met those who couldn’t follow the killing. What about it? Tell me, I will study it!”

When he heard the opponent’s hand-robbery, Chen Qiang’s eyes flashed quickly, but he quickly hid it, and then pretended to be unintentional. When he came to the captain’s side, he looked at the Battleship behind him, and asked him as if he was really interested in the robbery he had said.

“What else can I do, since I’m not obedient, of course it’s killing the island!”

The captain feels very confused about Chen Qiang’s question, and has no idea what the other party wants to do. , But since the other party wanted to ask, the captain still spoke to Chen Qiang very casually.

“Is it like this? Then I understand!”

“Master Chen Qiang, you have also finished asking your questions, then I don’t know if you can do us a favor, Yinfeng Pirates, help us Stop Marine here?”

When Chen Qiang said this, the captain thought that Chen Qiang’s questions had already been asked, so he carefully explained his thoughts to the other party.

“Of course there is no problem with solving Marine! But…”

As for the captain, Chen Qiang not at all refused, but when he was talking about the general, indeed Suddenly stopped, and then looked towards the captain beside him.

“Just what?”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s agreement, the captain was still very happy, but suddenly stopped like this, and the captain was a little confused for a while what Chen Qiang wanted to do. , So I looked towards the other side with some doubts.

“Just before that! I think we still have to deal with your business first, so it’s better!”

“Our business? What do we have? Our business Isn’t it the Marines behind?”

For Chen Qiang’s words, the captain was even more puzzled, and black question marks appeared on his face.

But this time Chen Qiang did not intend to say anything more. Instead, he shot directly, punching, just a punch, directly through the captain’s chest, and then smashed his heart. .

The blood flowed quickly from the hand that penetrated his body, and directly stained the entire observation deck.

“Why… why?”

Looking at his pierced chest, the captain looked at Chen Qiang in front of him with an incredulous face, completely I don’t know why, I just had a good chat, how come I suddenly shot it, which makes him completely ignorant of why.

“Although the era started by Roger has its merits, there is a lot of rubbish like this!”

Chen Qiang did not want to answer the other party’s questions at all. Meaning, he threw the other party out of his own hands directly, and said with some emotion.

After sighing for a while, Chen Qiang’s figure moved again, and then he directly addressed the watcher who hadn’t reacted yet.

After finishing this, Chen Qiang did not sit idle either, but jumped directly from the lookout on platform, and then launched a massacre on the entire Yinfeng Pirates.

“Those who slaughter others will surely be slaughtered by others!”

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