“I said, Chen Qiang brat, do you think too much? Although I believe what you said, it doesn’t mean that I will let you take my downwind boat!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s self-righteous words, Zephyr and his crew looked at each other speechlessly, while Zephyr spoke directly to Chen Qiang.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, I don’t know where I am going. It doesn’t matter if I walk with you for a while! I can’t get off the boat when I’m on the next island!”


Obviously Zephyr was not satisfied with Chen Qiang’s answer, so he refused to continue.

“Then I don’t care, anyway, I will stay on your boat, and I will go down when I hit the next island!”

Chen Qiang also ignored Zephyr’s refusal. , Even sitting directly in front of the other party, playing helplessly.

“Brat, you are enough, you know I am Former Marine Admiral, although I am not Marine now, but with your identity, do you think I dare not do it?”

Seeing that Chen Qiang started to use rogue tactics, Zephyr’s face also turned black, and he threatened Chen Qiang.

“You also said, you are not Marine now, and I am not Pirate, why do you want to do it with me!”

Zephyr’s threat, obviously not at all Chen Qiang was afraid and so on, and directly refuted the other party.

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr put away the threatening expression on his face, and then took a deep look at Chen Qiang, because he heard something from the other person’s words, this Brat must know something about himself.

“Are you going to go down?”

“If you don’t go down, I will take a downwind boat!”

Zephyr asked this time, and Chen Qiang’s The answer has not changed.

“It seems that you really know something!” After getting Chen Qiang’s answer this time, Zephyr confirmed his previous guess, so he said as needed: “I’ll come here. As long as you answer my question well, I will let you stay on my boat until the next island.”

After saying this, Zephyr was not looking at Chen Qiang in front of him, and He turned and walked towards his room, obviously wanting to have a good chat with Chen Qiang, to see what happened to this guy.

And Chen Qiang here, after hearing what Zephyr said, he was not at all seriously, the expression on his face did not change, but he spread his hands helplessly and followed Behind him, went to his room.

“Undead Chen Qiang, let’s talk about it! What is your purpose? And what do you know?”

After coming to the room, Zephyr sat on his own Then he asked Chen Qiang to sit opposite to him. After Chen Qiang sat down, he directly asked Chen Qiang with a serious expression.

“My purpose? I have no purpose? It is really just an accident to meet you here!”

“As for what I know, there is more, in I know a lot of things in this world, whether it happened or will happen in the future, I know a little bit!”

After listening to Chen Qiang’s answer, Zephyr was very speechless. This brat is still there. Seeing Chen Qiang’s cynical expression, Zephyr is very speechless.

“Speak well, maybe before, I did meet me because of an accident, but I believe that when you saw me and got on my boat, you must have brought For a certain purpose!”

“As for what you know, do I ask you about other things, I just want to know how much you know about the officials and mine?”

However, even in speechlessness, Zephyr quickly adjusted his mentality. Although he is now a bit extreme, he has also been an Admiral and Marine Chief Instructor before. In terms of seeing people, he There is still a good set.

So as soon as Chen Qiang got on his boat, although he was very careless, he clearly knew something about himself from the words of the other party. In addition, he was deliberately dependent on himself. The fact that he didn’t leave on the boat, then even more shows that he has other purposes.

It’s definitely not as simple as what he said, so no matter how it is analyzed, Chen Qiang’s purpose is definitely not as simple as he said.

“I really didn’t!”

After hearing Zephyr’s words, Chen Qiang still didn’t want to admit his purpose, so he justified himself.

It’s a pity that Zephyr simply doesn’t believe what Chen Qiang is saying now, but doesn’t answer his words, just staring at him.

Although such a gaze does not cause any substantial damage, the lethality is really not covered.

After all, an old man in his seventies has been looking straight at you like this. No matter what you do, his eyes are on you. Thinking about it, he feels a little psychologically fluffy.

“Okay! I really convinced you, I told you that it’s not alright!”

At the beginning, Chen Qiang was able to accept it, but the other party kept doing this Staring at himself for half an hour, this has made Chen Qiang feel uncomfortable to be seen, so helpless, Chen Qiang still chose to compromise.

After all, this thing is not impossible to say, Chen Qiang just wants to wait for a suitable time to talk to the other party, since the other party wants to know now, so let’s just say it, save the other party like this It’s uncomfortable to keep staring.

“Let’s talk!”

Hearing Chen Qiang finally compromised, Zephyr’s face looked like you, and I can’t cure you. After such a mocking expression, He retracted his gaze from Chen Qiang, then picked up the teacup set aside, took a sip and said.

“Okay! I did meet you by accident before, but when I saw you Senior, I had an idea, that is to drag you to our Revolutionary Army and give us Revolutionary The Army is the Instructor, and it happens that during this period of time our Revolutionary Army is preparing to implement national footwork on the islands under our control. It is precisely people like you that are needed.”

“Like you, but also capable , And someone with strong Major Sect experience is exactly what we need, so when I meet you, I want to pull you into our Revolutionary Army!”

Chen Qiang is also simply Now that I said it, of course there was no concealment and I told the other party all my thoughts.

“Brat, are you cracking a joke with me? You want to pull me into the Revolutionary Army?”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s purpose, Zephyr already has a certain He was mentally prepared, but was still surprised by Chen Qiang’s words. He looked at Chen Qiang in disbelief and said.

After all, without talking about his current situation, he wanted to join the Revolutionary Army as Marine before, and let the Revolutionary Army grow up to deal with Marine. This is something he can’t live with himself. Of this level.

He has dedicated his whole life to Marine. Isn’t he old enough to help the Revolutionary Army to destroy the place he has dedicated his whole life? No matter what he thinks, it is impossible! Okay!

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