“Zephyr Old Master, I know what you are thinking, don’t be too busy to refuse, you first listen to me and talk about the reasons before making a decision, OK?”

Seeing Zephyr’s expression before, Chen Qiang knew what the other party thought of, so he explained directly.

After all, it is very difficult for people like Zephyr to join the Revolutionary Army. First of all, although the target of the Revolutionary Army is the government-government of the world, the one who has been fighting the Revolutionary Army is Marine.

And Marine is the place where Zephyr dedicated his life. Although his family members were killed and the students were killed later, he wanted to destroy all Pirate in New World, but this does not mean this He didn’t believe in the justice of Marine anymore.

It’s just Danger Land’s previous belief that there is a problem with justice, not justice itself, so I want to let the other party join the Revolutionary Army under such circumstances, and still help with training. People from the Revolutionary Army, let them fight against Marine, which is obviously unrealistic.

This is also the reason why Chen Qiang had been reluctant to show his true purpose in front of the other party before, but now that Chen Qiang said things, it is like this in his heart. I had expected it for a long time, and I knew how to explain it to the other party.

“Then tell me, what the hell is going on? I still don’t believe you brat can handle it, what is the meaning of this matter!”

Since Chen Qiang wants to explain Looking at Chen Qiang’s temperament in his previous speech, Zephyr still did not reject Chen Qiang’s explanation, but wanted to see how Chen Qiang wanted to explain these things.

“First of all, what I want to say is that Zephyr Old Master thinks that the enemy of our Revolutionary Army is Marine, this matter itself is wrong!” Chen Qiang directly threw out his own explanation.

“How do you say, in the years after the Revolutionary Army appeared, what I saw was the battle between the Revolutionary Army and the Marine, and some of my dísciples were even killed in the hands of the Revolutionary Army. “

For Chen Qiang’s explanation, Zephyr is still very interested. He wants to see what Chen Qiang said about these things.

“It’s like this. Actually, if you look at the Revolutionary Army’s slogan, you’ll know. What we are fighting against is the world government-government’s decayed notice, not really wanting to compete with Marine. “

“Interestingly, for the first time I heard people say that Marine and Revolutionary Army can be viewed separately. You must know that Marine itself is part of the world government-government, which is simply impossible to separate.”

For Chen Qiang to look at Marine and the world government separately. Zephyr means Interesting. In his previous concept, these two things are one in themselves, how can they be separated.

“no no no! These two must be viewed separately! Because these are two different things in themselves, first of all their composition is different!”

For Zephyr Chen Qiang also shook his head to refute the other party’s distrust.

“You go on! I want to see how you can explain it! If the reason you said cannot convince me, even if I let you go, the Iron Fist in my hand will not let go I’ve passed you, you know, my Black Arm Zephyr’s name is not for nothing!” In Zephyr’s mind, I really can’t figure out why Chen Qiang said that, but now that things have already been said here, Then Zephyr is ready to listen to what Chen Qiang means.

If when the time comes really can’t satisfy him, then when the time comes, just throw the brat off the boat, after all For his own strength, Zephyr is still very confident.

“Then I will continue. Why are the world government-government and Marine two forces? That’s because their components are different. The world government-government is controlled by the Celestial Dragon. In the administrative organization, most of the people in this organization belong to the noble class, and there are basically no common people who are ecstatic!”

“And Marine is different, on the contrary, they are Selected from various places are composed of innate talents and ordinary commoners with a sense of justice, so from this we can clearly see the essential difference between the two forces.”

I heard Chen Qiang say this. , Although Zephyr still thinks the other party is talking nonsense, but he can’t find anything to refute the other party for a while. After all, as a Marine senior, he still knows the world government-management side. It is exactly what Chen Qiang said. , Are basically nobles.

Of course, there are actually civilians who have reached this level by virtue of their own ability, but the status of these people is basically at the bottom even if the management is at the bottom.

From Zephyr’s perspective, of course, he also understands that this is exactly what was made for others to see, so Zephyr did not say much about this issue, but continued to listen to Chen Qiang’s explanation.

“And the concept of our Revolutionary Army, I believe Zephyr Old Master also knows!”

“After experiencing the Fishman Island speech event, I think there should be few people in this world I don’t know what your Revolutionary Army wants to do!”

In response to Chen Qiang’s sudden question, Zephyr gave him an angry look before speaking.

As for why he glanced at Chen Qiang suddenly, it was of course because he felt that Chen Qiang asked such a question at this time, obviously showing off to himself what happened on Fishman Island at that time.

But this is obviously Zephyr thinking too much. Chen Qiang simply didn’t think of going to such a layer, just explaining it seriously, so after seeing Zephyr nod his head, he didn’t pay attention to the other party. The expression on his face, but continued to explain.

“Since the Old Master knows it, that’s fine. Our Revolutionary Army’s philosophy is to build an equal, free, and peaceful world. There is no discrimination, no aloof and remote aristocracy. And equality!”

“If you want to build such a world, the first thing to do is to pull those aloof and remote nobles off the altar, and at the same time improve the various powers of the ordinary commoner, so that they can The descendants of the nobles, stand in a relatively fair position and move forward together.”

“So if we use a more familiar term, our Revolutionary Army is to take the things that are now acquired by the nobles. Come out, and then divide them among the civilians, so that they can stand in a relatively fair position.”

“Very good ideal!” After listening to a lot of what Chen Qiang said, Zephyr It is also nodded, and it can be regarded as agreeing with everything Chen Qiang said.

“More than that. From this we can see that the people we want to distribute the benefits to are those Marines who were born in civilians, and what we want to deal with is the world of the controller world. Government-House, if you look at it this way, Old Master should also understand it!”

“Our Revolutionary Army and Marine are not actually opposites, on the contrary, they are meant to be together by nature, but now Most of Marines have not yet figured out the key to this!”

Chen Qiang directly explained his understanding of Revolutionary Army and Marine.

I have to say this kind of thinking. Zephyr is the first time I have heard of it, and if I think about it, I can find that the reality is really exactly the same as what Chen Qiang said, even with a little rebuttal. , Zephyr can’t find it.

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