“You have told me so much. The purpose of telling me before you come is not the only purpose, right? What made me give you Revolutionary Army as Instructor, more is to let me Join, let the Revolutionary Army’s theory spread out, and get more Marine support!”

After listening to Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr really convinced Chen Qiang’s words , But obviously he still heard other meanings from this, so he was a little dissatisfied with the purpose Chen Qiang said before, and the other party definitely deceived him.

“Huh? Is it possible to do this? Why didn’t I think about it before, it turns out that the people who have been Marine Headquarters are different, just this vision, not brat I can compare!”

Thank you, Chen Qiang really didn’t have such an idea before. You must know that his previous purpose was to think of it temporarily after seeing Zephyr. As for more things, he hasn’t had time to think about it.

I want to hear Zephyr’s reminder, Chen Qiang reacted immediately, with Zephyr’s prestige in Marine, if he really joins the Revolutionary Army, he will cooperate with what he said before Propaganda of those things will definitely get the support of most of Marine, and it will definitely improve the Revolutionary Army’s career by a big step.

So at this time, after hearing Zephyr’s words, Chen Qiang was really surprised. It was not a disguise at all. At the same time, he was more determined in his heart to pull the other party into the Revolutionary Army. .

“You brat didn’t really think that way before?”

Seeing Chen Qiang’s surprised expression, he convinced Zephyr. The other party may not have thought of this before. , But since he didn’t think of this, why did he have such an idea to join the Revolutionary Army team? As a question was resolved, Zephyr found that the question in his heart had become more .

“Of course not. Although I have put forward many theories of Revolutionary Army, I only have these theories, other politics and so on, but I don’t understand at all. With this in mind, I don’t know when to wait until I react!”

Chen Qiang now definitely doesn’t know that Zephyr is thinking of and so on, so when the other person asks, he also There is nothing to conceal and speak out directly.

After all, this is a fact. In theory, Chen Qiang must know more people than this world because of the compulsory education in his previous life.

But it is precisely because of the previous life that Chen Qiang was just an ordinary people. For some crafty plots and machinations, taking ten steps and so on is really not that understanding.

“Since you didn’t think of this before, why would you want me to join the Revolutionary Army? Old man, don’t you believe that if you didn’t deliberately investigate the old man’s information, you junior Brat can recognize the old man at a glance!”

However, at this time, Zephyr still believed in Chen Qiang’s words, at least under the induction of his Kenbunshoku Haki, he was not affected by the other party. He deceived himself, so he asked another question in his heart directly, wanting to see how the other party explained this matter.

“Well, didn’t I say before, I know a lot of things, what happened in this World, or what is about to happen, I basically know something, and it just so happens that there is something about Your business.”

“Oh? My business, what is my business?”

“That’s it, the thing that you want to destroy the entire New World, I know this , And I also know that you failed in the final acceptance of this matter, and you died in Kizaru’s hands!” Since the other party asked, Chen Qiang did not hide it in order to win over the other party. He directly told the other party what was going to happen later.

The purpose of this is to tell him that if he continues to follow this trajectory, the final result is to be killed by Kizaru.

“Did it fail in the end? Borsalino prevented it? It’s okay!”

When Chen Qiang first said it, Zephyr looked a little dismissive , But when Chen Qiang said all the things he had hidden in deep in one’s heart, his expression became a bit wrong.

Adding to the fact that after the other party said that he had failed, he was killed by Kizaru himself. The expression on Zephyr’s face first became fierce, and finally I don’t know if he thought of something. , Turned out to be a kind of relief.

“Although I don’t know whether what you are talking about is true, but if it’s just solved like this, it won’t scare me!”

After a while Yes, the look on Zephyr’s face recovered, but the look in the eyes looking towards Chen Qiang also became calm at this time.

And the meaning revealed in his words, obviously still does not believe Chen Qiang’s words, even in the things Chen Qiang said he did, if he followed his own ideas, he would do so. But he still didn’t want to admit his failure.

As for why he didn’t want to admit it, it was actually very simple, because he didn’t want to fail, he didn’t want his plan of revenge for his family to fail, and he didn’t want such a large-scale cleanup of Pirate to fail.

“Zephyr Old Master, in fact, what I want to say is that I am not trying to threaten you, but to state the facts. If you think about it, you can know those things if you meet them yourself. The decision you make will be the same as I told you! You are totally lying to yourself!”

The tangled expression on Zephyr’s face before seeing Zephyr, plus what the other party is saying now, Chen Qiang actually I understood what was going on, so helpless sighed said to the other party to comfort him.

“And if you change your mind, it’s actually not that you can’t avenge your family and dísciple, it can leave you with a good reputation!”

“You want to say Join the Revolutionary Army? It’s impossible. You simply don’t know how powerful Celestial Dragon is!”

For Chen Qiang’s advice, Zephyr really looked at him with disdain, and then Opened his mouth and said.

“Of course I know this, and I’ve played against them! Even if they make a move, they have little effect!”

The power of Celestial Dragon, as Zephyr said, Chen Qiang only thought about it for a while, and understood who the other party was talking about, so he laughed directly to Zephyr.

“Cut! I know, you think the people I’m talking about are the five Old Xing among the Holy Land Mariejois. How many people are hiding Celestial Dragon in the dark? And the five Old Xings are just the weakest of them.”

Hearing Chen Qiang said that, Zephyr thought that the other party’s so-called knowing was only limited to the five Old Xings, so he was a little disdainful. Said to Chen Qiang.

“I also know what you said, and I have really fought with them, for example…”

Seeing Zephyr say it like this, Chen Qiang Knowing that he had misunderstood what he meant, so after laughed, he told the other party briefly about what he had experienced recently.

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