“I have already met, it seems that I underestimated you!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s recent experience, Zephyr glanced at Chen Qiang unexpectedly, and then spoke slowly.

“But I’m curious, since those people know your Revolutionary Army’s identity, why did they let you go? This is not in line with their principles of doing things?”

However, after listening to Chen Qiang’s words, he still believed what Chen Qiang said. After all, those experiences can’t be revealed by thinking.

Only after confirming the authenticity of Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr really became more confused.

After all, he has been a soldier in Marine for so long, and he has had a few chances to meet those Celestial Dragons hidden all over the world. These people will not allow a person who dares to resist their rule to appear. In front of their eyes, as long as they show a little disrespect in front of them, they will directly take action to wipe out each other.

And Chen Qiang is a person who took the lead in rebelling against the world government-government rule, and from Chen Qiang’s mouth, it is obvious that the other party knows Chen Qiang, and he also knows that Chen Qiang does it. and so on.

But in such a situation, Zephyr would of course be puzzled if the other party could release him.

“In fact, I am not very clear about this matter. I just listen to them, as if they want me to make a key! But I am not very clear about what it is!”

Obviously Chen Qiang couldn’t answer Zephyr’s question either. After all, the two people he met didn’t tell him much, and more of it was his guess.

“Just listened to Old Master you talked about those hidden Celestial Dragons, I also imagine Old Master asking, how much do you know about those people, maybe I combine what you know and what I know , Analyze some things!”

“For those people, I only met some when I was still in Admiral, but at that time their identity, I simply disdain to pay attention to me, so I treat them I just know that they exist. As for specific things, I don’t know!”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s question, Zephyr also shook his head, wondering why he knew someone Hidden things, briefly said.

“Is it like this? That’s really a pity!” After hearing Zephyr also say that he didn’t know, Chen Qiang shook his head with some regret, and then looked towards Zephyr again and spoke to the other party. Said: “Well, Zephyr Old Master, you also know that we also know those hidden people, so now have you decided to join our Revolutionary Army?”

“Don’t join! You simply didn’t Against their strength, even if you defeat the Celestial Dragon on the surface, it is impossible to build a world where everyone is equal, let alone those who are hidden, simply won’t give you a chance to deal with them. Celestial Dragon.”

Zephyr’s answer was still rejection, but Chen Qiang’s smile became more obvious after hearing the other’s answer.

Because, from the opponent’s words of refusal, it can be heard that the other party has actually believed his own words, as long as they overthrow the existing world government-government, then his revenge can be avenged.

It’s just a reason for the other party’s refusal, but they are only worried that they will not be able to accomplish what they promised. From this point of view, we can already see that Zephyr has actually agreed with the Revolutionary Army philosophy in his heart. Now I just lack some confidence.

So now Chen Qiang wants to convince the other party, all he needs to do is to give the other party a side of his own, and there is a way to fight against those who are hiding, just fine.

“Zephyr Old Master! Let’s fight a fight!”

So Chen Qiang also simply sent out an invitation to fight directly to the opponent.


Obviously, Zephyr was also shocked by Chen Qiang’s sudden suggestion, and he didn’t understand what the other party’s thinking was. He just solved it. It’s just the opponent, why is it suddenly going to be hit.

Such a change made Zephyr very shocked. He didn’t know what Chen Qiang had in mind.

“Since Zephyr Old Master, the reason for rejection is just because we are worried that we have no way to fight against those hidden Celestial Dragons, then I will let me prove my strength to Old Master. !”

Seeing Zephyr a little puzzled, Chen Qiang also simply stated the reason why he said that.

“You brat? Although I can feel your imposing manner, it is not weak, but it is a bit worse than me, but you can play with my new students!”

“This is fine! When the time comes, let them come together, so I can show you my real strength and the reason why I am so confident!”

For Zephyr’s underestimation, Chen Qiang was not surprised, but just laughed and agreed.

“Let’s go together? Brat, do you look down on my students too much, although they are the students I have only recently accepted, but some of them are capable of catching up with some Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral!”

When Chen Qiang said he wanted to beat his own group alone, Zephyr felt that this brat really underestimated their strength, so he was very dissatisfied with Chen. Qiang said.

Of course, he also wants to remind Chen Qiang not to be so arrogant. If when the time comes, his face will not look good.

“Don’t worry! You always forget me but Marine is called Undead. If it is really easy to die, Marine will not watch me wave on the sea instead of catching it. Me!”

For Zephyr’s words, Chen Qiang laughed and explained a little bit.

In fact, Zephyr is not to blame for Chen Qiang’s intelligence. After all, during the year of Chen Qiang’s rise, Zephyr has already left Marine and started his own plan.

So for Chen Qiang, he entered his field of vision only after the world live broadcast. The live broadcast at that time aroused his interest, and then he found some information that made him understand Chen. Qiang has some one-sided understanding.

But the specific ability information is not very clear, so when Chen Qiang proposed to fight a group alone, he was a little surprised and thought that Chen Qiang was a little arrogant.

After all, in his induction, Chen Qiang’s current strength has just reached the edge of Admiral. If he joins Marine now, he can only be a Vice Admiral. After all, for the current three He still knows Admiral’s strength.

Just like Chen Qiang, simply is not the opponent’s opponent.

“Well then! Let my students try what kind of hole cards you have, and dare to directly challenge those hidden Celestial Dragons!”

But Seeing Chen Qiang’s insistence at this time, Zephyr didn’t say much, and directly agreed to Chen Qiang’s request for the battle.

“Don’t worry! I will definitely not let you down!”

When the other party agreed, the smile on Chen Qiang’s face also appeared again, and he answered with confidence. Said.

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