Soon after Zephyr agreed, Zephyr and Chen Qiang left the room, and then went outside, and Zephyr simply gathered all the students in front of them.

“Sensei! Everyone is here!”

After everyone came here, the woman who was standing in front of everyone in Taking a step forward, I wanted to report to Zephyr.

“en! You can join the team too!”


After the woman answered complied, she saluted Zephyr and quickly He returned to his place, and stood on the deck with those people properly, waiting for Zephyr’s instructions.

“Very good! This time we gather you all, there is only one thing to say!”

After the women answered the queue, Zephyr was satisfied and nodded, and started straight away Own speech.

“That is, the one next to me, Undead Chen Qiang, feels that all of you here are not good enough. Prepare to single out a group of you!”

Zephyr’s words are also very direct Yes, in a short sentence, all the people below, one by one, looked at Chen Qiang beside Zephyr. If it weren’t for they were still in the queue, maybe at this time. They all rushed over to fight with Chen Qiang, letting the other party know that he and the others are also very strong, absolutely not allowing others to look down upon.

For this, as soon as Zephyr spoke, Chen Qiang knew that Zephyr wanted to arouse the vigor of the students so that they could exert their greatest strength in the next battle. .

So facing these students, looking at themselves with red light in their eyes, Chen Qiang just touched his nose a little speechlessly, not at all retort and so on.

“And like him, I think you really can’t do it, so I agreed to his challenge, and the place to fight is on the Pirate Ship next to it!”

” If you want us to take back the previous words, then please give me a good realization, let me and this Chen Qiang know that you are not what they think!”

“Yes!” in Zephyr After these words, all the students below really looked at Chen Qiang as if they were about to fire like, and at the same time, the voice of the answer was much louder than before.

This can very well show that they can be said to be fighting intent Ling Ran at the moment.

“Don’t worry, everyone! I will keep my hands, and the energy won’t hurt you!”

Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang is also simply, since Zephyr is an old fogey If he wanted to bring hatred to himself so that his students could exert more strength, Chen Qiang simply followed his will and jumped directly to the Pirate Ship on the opposite side, and then brought the hatred to the maximum. full.

Sure enough, the effect of Chen Qiang’s words is really strong. If it weren’t for Zephyr here to give the start order, these students have already rushed out and beat Chen Qiang to life. Up.

Of course these are just the ideas of these students. After all, after they joined the Zephyr team, there was actually very little information, mainly in cultivation, so for Chen Qiang they were not at all How much I know, I simply don’t know what kind of monster they are facing now.

“Are you ready?”

Zephyr confirmed to the students loudly.


The students also answered loudly.

“Let me take a look at the cultivation during this period, how much you have grown!”


In After answering aloud the next time, all the students looked towards Chen Qiang on the other side at the same time, and then quickly started their actions.

Two of them with Devil Fruit ability directly activated their fruit ability, a man appeared golden rays of light, and a knight who couldn’t see his face appeared behind him and followed him They rushed to Chen Qiang together.

And the woman who reported earlier was also the Fruit Ability User. After the order was given, she turned into pieces of shredded paper and flew towards Chen Qiang quickly.

The other students, although they have no fruitful ability, they have been studying with Zephyr for almost a year, and Marine Rokushiki still has some control.

So when they charged ahead, they directly used Marine Rokushiki, which was faster to approach Chen Qiang than the two fruit Ability Users.

But for the students who rushed towards him, Chen Qiang had no intention of hiding, and he didn’t even make a defensive posture.

All the attacks from the students who rushed in front of him directly fell on his chest.

But obviously the attacks of these students were not sharp enough, and Chen Qiang’s defenses simply could not be broken, and their attacks were blocked only by the defensive power of the fleshy body.

Even some of them used the fingers of Rokushiki, but because the cultivation is still not perfect, even Chen Qiang’s defenses can’t be broken, so he can only click a few points on his chest. It’s just a Red Seal.

Of course, this is not always the case among these people. As Zephyr said before, some of them are already close to the level of Vice Admiral. The only difference is Combat experience only.

So Chen Qiang’s waist was actually spotted with two holes. At this time, blood was flowing from the position of the finger, which obviously caused Chen Qiang to a certain degree of damage.

“Do you only have this look? It seems that you really can’t do it!”

However, for Chen Qiang, this hurt is really not enough, I see He just shook the muscles on his body, and directly shook these people upside down, and at the same time said tauntingly at them.

As for the small injury he just received, after shaking the opponent away, he was completely invisible, and he had obviously recovered.

“Don’t underestimate us!”

“Knight cut!”


When Chen Qiang shook the others away, the two previous people who used Devil Fruit’s ability also came here at this time and launched an attack towards Chen Qiang.

I saw the man with the Knight illusory shadow behind him, holding a Knight’s great sword in his hand, and before he rushed to Chen Qiang, he slashed towards Chen Qiang.

And the Knight illusory shadow behind him also quickly followed his movements, made the same movements, and then showed the huge golden giant sword in the hands of the Knight illusory shadow, and cut it to Chen. In front of Qiang.

As for the woman, she also turned into pieces of shredded paper at this time, and came to Chen Qiang’s vicinity, and then saw that the pieces of shredded paper seemed to come alive, like a flying knife. , Shot at Chen Qiang.

And after these shredded paper fell on Chen Qiang’s body, a violent explosion did occur directly, drowning Chen Qiang’s whole person in the explosion.

In the face of such an attack, Chen Qiang also adopted the previous form of response. He directly gave up the defense and resisted their attacks. Even in order not to affect the strength of their attacks, Chen Qiang directly The fourteenth form behind was thrown aside.

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