Wait until the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, then Chen Qiang, who was hard to resist the attack, was revealed.

I saw the golden giant sword that was slashed from the top at this time, and it directly split Chen Qiang’s head in the middle.

The exploded paper exploded some large and small wounds on Chen Qiang’s body.

But even so, the only remaining half of Chen Qiang’s face remained smiling, and after the golden giant face disappeared, the half of the face that fell to the ground quickly flew to his head. They quickly stuck together, and the injuries on their bodies disappeared in the smoke and dust. After a few seconds, they all disappeared.

Except for the explosion caused by the explosion, some places turned black accidentally, other places simply didn’t have any injuries, even the head had only a little blood on the face, and the other injuries were completely disappeared. .

“Is that only Interesting? But obviously your attack is still not enough!”

Recovered from his injuries in a few seconds, Chen Qiang was facing those The students who were looking at him incredulously said.

“Come on! Go on, stop it! Now I’m in the fight, but I don’t have that much time for you to be in a daze!”

I saw the students around me one by one. Looking at him in surprise, no one attacked unexpectedly, Chen Qiang kindly reminded them.

“Go! Don’t lose the face of our Sensei!”

Fortunately, Chen Qiang’s words also restored them from their previous shock and saw After Chen Qiang’s strong recovery ability before, they also knew that it was necessary to simply keep their hands at this time.

The opponent is really powerful, and with that strong recovery ability, they simply can’t kill the opponent, so now continue to fight, just don’t want to lose so ugly.

As for defeating the opponent, it is completely impossible, and they will do their best in the subsequent battle. After all, for those who can’t kill, it is the opportunity to test their attack level.

For Chen Qiang, this is also a battle for him to show Zephyr his powerful ability. If these students are really too culinary, they can’t show their strength at all, then this The battle is meaningless.

Fortunately, these students of Zephyr are indeed pretty good one by one. In the full burst, they can indeed cause some damage to Chen Qiang, but they want to cause that kind of fatal injury.

Except for the accident of the four of them, the others are fine. They can barely break the defense, and they are far from hurting Chen Qiang.

“It’s really powerful! But if you just restore your ability, you can’t defeat those hidden guys!”

Of course Zephyr here is also from the battle at first. Focusing on Chen Qiang and their battle, I discovered that Chen Qiang could recover quickly even after his head was chopped off by half. It was indeed for him to startled.

However, in the subsequent battle, he was still a little disappointed. After all, in the course of this battle, Chen Qiang only showed his recovery ability and strong physical fitness, and nothing else was noticed. .

But if there are only these two points, I want to fight those people behind Celestial Dragon, which is much worse.

Of course, he also saw that Chen Qiang at this time, simply did not fully exert his powerful strength, after all, his student’s battle strength, simply was not at the same level as the opponent.

No wonder he dared to tell himself before that he wanted to single out his students. Obviously, he really has this strength, and if the battle continues like this, even Chen Qiang’s true strength is not visible. come out.

But Zephyr is a little weird here, because under the induction of his Kenbunshoku Haki before, Chen Qiang’s imposing manner is really only barely reaching Admiral level, which is really much worse than those old Admiral. .

But after the battle, Zephyr did find that Chen Qiang’s true strength was much stronger than the imposing manner, especially the quick recovery ability, the strength was almost at the same level as the precognition.

If this is the case, Zephyr still feels that Chen Qiang’s so-called confrontation methods are a bit far-fetched and are not enough to persuade him to join the Revolutionary Army.

While Zephyr is watching the battle, while thinking about these and other things, the battle on the Pirate Ship over there has entered a white-hot stage.

Chen Qiang before, has never fought back. After all, he wants Zephyr to see his strength, but after fighting for a while, Chen Qiang did find out.

Even if these people are together, the pressure on themselves is limited. They simply can’t reflect their own strength, so they are not prepared to keep their hands, and directly start a counterattack.

His counterattack is also simple, but when these people rushed in front of him, they punched the opponent directly, and the opponent directly lost the ability to continue fighting and lay down on the ground.

Of course, if it were Life and Death Battle at this time, these people lying on the ground still have battle strength, and ninja points can still continue to fight.

But now it’s not Life and Death Battle after all. After they saw Chen Qiang doing it, they knew that the other party didn’t want to be beaten by them like sandbags, and they were ready to act with them.

So these people who lie down on the ground are still very self-aware and actively give up the opportunity to fight.

So soon, these students were knocked down one by one after Chen Qiang took the shot. Even a few more powerful students fell to the ground under Chen Qiang’s fist.

Of course, they are still very strong after all. Of course, they will not give up the opportunity to attack like others, but when they want to get up, Chen Qiang has already come to them. They just wanted to get up and fainted.

So from the start of Chen Qiang’s counterattack, until everyone fell, five minutes was not used, and the battle was completely ended.

“Zephyr Old Master, the strength of your students is really not good! Do you want to come over, let us play, so that you can know more about my ability!”

“So you have other hidden strengths? I really want to see what that ability is!”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s invitation, Zephyr is watching After seeing the students who fell on the ground, he took the initiative to walk around, and then said to Chen Qiang.

“Next! Let me see your full strength! I won’t keep my hands!”

When I came to Zephyr standing opposite Chen Qiang, I directly The clothes on his body were tossed, revealing the muscles explained under his clothes, and he reminded Chen Qiang.

“Don’t worry, Old Master! I haven’t let people down yet!”

For Zephyr’s reminder, Chen Qiang was also laughed, and then picked up the fourteenth style on one side again , Put him on his back, and made a defensive posture.

“Be careful! I’m here!”

Black Arm Zephyr did not disappoint Chen Qiang either. After seeing Chen Qiang’s defensive posture, he directly faced Chen Qiang He rushed over, and at the same time, right hand the mechanical arm made by Kairoseki, quickly hit Chen Qiang.

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