“Hope you won’t lie to me!”

Zephyr did not refute Chen Qiang’s words, but just said this lightly and ended the conversation. Turning the subject to Chen Qiang and asking: “I heard you say before, as if you are very researched on Devil Fruit’s abilities. Tell me, let me see what you have researched.”

“Of course there is no problem with this!”

For Zephyr suddenly changed the subject and asked about Devil Fruit’s ability. Of course Chen Qiang would not conceal this aspect, so he started to tell the other party directly. Started my own research experience about Devil Fruit’s abilities.

After all, Zephyr is an old man, Chen Qiang himself admires the other party very much. In addition, regardless of whether the other party joins the Revolutionary Army or wants to continue his plan, he cannot deny his identity as a Sensei. .

These students of his have already stated through the words just now that they will join the Revolutionary Army anyway. Under such circumstances, the other party wants to know the research theory of Devil Fruit’s ability.

The biggest possibility is that as a Sensei, I don’t want to know something that I don’t know, so I can teach my dísciple better.

Since it is teaching dísciple, it is to train the Revolutionary Army to cultivate talents, so Chen Qiang will not hide it, so he directly started to drag out his research on Devil Fruit’s ability.

“Zephyr Old Master, you know that Devil Fruit has many abilities, and I believe that you have been sailing on the sea for so many years. Obviously, you have seen different people use the same fruit abilities. ! Even those who obviously have different fruit abilities, but after they use the fruit abilities, the results they get are the same, or the same, I believe you have seen a lot of this kind of things!”

After hearing this, Zephyr recalled it carefully and found that it was exactly the same as Chen Qiang said. In his life, he had indeed seen many fruit Ability Users, and there were also situations like what Chen Qiang said. So after thinking about these, Zephyr was also nodded and agreed with Chen Qiang’s view.

“Since the Old Master agrees with me, then we can continue to talk.”

When Zephyr nodded in agreement, Chen Qiang’s face appeared with a smile. Then he continued.

“First of all, we need to know that most of the Devil Fruit abilities are actually not strong or weak, or their starting point is actually the same, and the final effect is based on everyone’s The development direction is different, and the effect is also different.”

“So we can divide all the fruit abilities into such several ability stages, that is, when the ability has just been acquired and has not been developed, it is called basic ability. Then the person who obtains the fruit develops advanced abilities based on his understanding of the fruit abilities. This is what I call advanced abilities. Later, when the fruit is developed to a certain level, more powerful abilities can be prospered through the fruit. At that time, this was called Awakening ability.”

“There is actually another kind of ability above this, which only exists in my vision, and that is through ability Awakening. We understand from these abilities Some rules of the world, and using these rules, I call this ability called law ability!”

“The first few kinds are explainable, as for the ability of the rules you mentioned later, obviously there are some Delusion, and if, like what you said, a normal Zoan fruit ability, how could it be the same as Logia’s fruit ability?” After listening to Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr did have different opinions, so Retorted.

“In fact, this is a better explanation. In fact, it does not escape the several ability strengths I set. When they obtain the fruit ability, although the strengths shown are different, this is not at all denying me The rules.”

“When acquiring abilities, they are just basic abilities that they use. After they have developed them for a while, they will use fruit abilities to develop some styles, and there will be different changes. In the subsequent fruit Awakening, there are already many examples in this sea. Whether it is Zoan fruit, Paramecia fruit, or Logia fruit ability, it can be Awakening. Believe that Zephyr Old Master will not refute it!”

See Chen Qiang’s analysis. Zephyr really can’t find a reason to refute. Although we know that Zoan and Logia’s Awakening are not on the same rank, these words of Chen Qiang are not wrong, so they are just nodded. Let Chen Qiang continue.

“So after I divide the fruit ability into these ranks, I can analyze it intuitively. Each stage is different. As long as the person who uses the fruit, from the time the fruit is obtained, it will be compared with the fruit ability. Become one, then how to develop fruit ability becomes very important.”

“In terms of developing ability, I think all fruit ability comes from the person who obtains fruit. Cognition, if a person who doesn’t understand anything, after gaining the fruit ability, there happens to be a person next to him flicking the other person and telling the other person a completely impossible development direction, and the person who listened believes it and develops in this direction, It is possible to develop an ability that shouldn’t appear on the fruit at all.”

“For example, if a person acquires the Yellow Ox fruit ability, the ability will only become a Yellow Ox and strengthen his body. Strength, if at this time he simply doesn’t understand what Yellow Ox is, and someone next to him tells him that Yellow Ox is a mythical animal, the power of the controller, then if this person develops in terms of controlling the power of the earth If it is not, then maybe it will actually develop the Yellow Ox fruit that controls Power of Earth.”

Chen Qiang said a lot about this problem, and even cited an example. .

“Impossible! How can a small Yellow Ox fruit ability have the power to control the earth? This is entirely your imagination!”

But after listening to Chen Qiang’s After the analysis, Zephyr directly denied Chen Qiang’s conjecture, after all, this is indeed a bit of subverting his three views.

Let’s not talk about whether there are people in this world who don’t know Yellow Ox. Even if they don’t know, how can they be fooled to develop the power of the earth? This is beyond Zephyr’s view of the fruit. Awareness of ability.

“This is possible, because someone has confirmed it, and that person believes that Zephyr Old Master is also familiar!”

As for Zephyr’s rebuttal, Chen Qiang was just laughed, and then continued. .

“Someone has realized this kind of guess? I still know? Who is that person?”

When I heard Chen Qiang said that someone did such a thing, that person himself Realization, this made Zephyr even more shocked.

“Yes, you absolutely know that person. Maybe you have fought against him. That person is a senior cadre of Beasts Pirates, known as Drought Jack, one of the three plagues! He is the one who does this. !”

Chen Qiang definitely spoke a familiar name to Zephyr.

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