“It’s him? But it’s not right. His fruit ability is the fruit ability of Zoan ancient mammoths. It’s not the same as the ordinary Zoan fruit ability that you said. “

Chen Qiang just said the other person’s name. Zephyr immediately remembered the existence of this person. After all, this person is Yonko’s subordinate. As Marine, he certainly knows it, so when Chen Qiang He was a little unbelievable when he mentioned him.

“Don’t worry! Zephyr Old Master, you will know if I will analyze it for you!”

“I want to see what you say! I still don’t believe it You can name a flower.”

After a brief exchange, I saw Zephyr and didn’t believe it. Chen Qiang continued to explain to the other party why he said that.

“First of all, Zephyr Old Master, you have to know that the so-called Zoan ancient species is actually just an ordinary animal, but he has lived for a longer time and has now become extinct. This I believe you won’t refute it!”

“Go on!” Zephyr didn’t agree with what Chen Qiang said in his heart, but he still didn’t rush to refute the opponent, just let Chen Qiang go on.

“Since mammoths are also ordinary animals, Jack, in the drought, was able to develop abilities such as ice with the help of mammoth fruit abilities by relying on the development of fruit abilities. This is enough to prove My previous guess is completely valid.”

“Because the mammoth is now extinct, I just saw some tiny records in the ancient books. I can only know that the other party lives in cold weather and can It has a strong defense against severe cold, so Drought Jack developed the ability to use ice based on this.”

“This is an individual case, and it does not mean that the facts are exactly what you said!” Hearing what Chen Qiang said, Zephyr was about to be persuaded by Chen Qiang, but he still had some doubts in his heart, so I wanted to hear what the other party could prove.

“Of course there is proof, that is Doflamingo, one of the current Shichibukai, his ability to thread fruit is also the same. At the beginning, it was just ordinary silk thread, not At all, what’s so rare.”

“But with his understanding of silk thread, combined with puppet show, he developed a method to control people, and he knew that metal such as steel can also be drawn into silk thread. This knowledge has developed a more powerful line of sight, coupled with his understanding of silk threads, and finally Awakening ability can turn all the items he sees into silk threads. You can’t refute this!”

I still didn’t believe it when I saw Zephyr, Chen Qiang went on to cite an example for Zephyr to analyze.

“If you still don’t believe it, then you should also know about Ace. I believe you also heard some news about his battle with Blackbeard some time ago. At that time, the strange flame he used was exactly I took it in a flicker, he developed according to the method I said, didn’t he develop a flame completely different from the previous one!”

“It turned out to be like this!” For example, Zephyr also had to believe what Chen Qiang said, perhaps the fruit ability was really developed in this way.

“Of course it is! You know this is a point of view that I concluded after observing a lot of fruit-powered abilities, and I also tested it on Ace. This is absolutely effective!”

“But this method can only be something that others don’t know, and then it is easy to fool. If the other person knows what you said is false, then he will not accept this possibility from the heart, of course It is also impossible to develop the method that others said!”

After talking about the feasibility of his own method, Chen Qiang still talked about the shortcomings of his own method.

And Zephyr here, after listening to Chen Qiang’s words like this, is also caught in thinking, in the heart simulating the feasibility of this method, and at the same time using this knowledge to communicate with himself Those capable development directions mutually verify each other.

It was discovered that although Chen Qiang said that although there are many loopholes, this method is actually feasible, which really subverts Zephyr’s three views.

“Zephyr Old Master wants to try! Don’t you still have a student who is capable of fruit? We call him over, I teach him a method that has not appeared before, let him Let’s take a look at the development of the software?”

Seeing that Zephyr was just lost in thought, Chen Qiang thought that the other party did not believe what he said, so he proposed to the other party.

“get lost! Don’t even think about experimenting with my students!”

However, after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr’s face went dark and he was very angry. Gave the other side a roll of eyes.

“Try it? Anyway, it won’t happen, it’s a waste of a few days at most!”

Chen Qiang is definitely not discouraged by Zephyr, continued shareholder Zephyr said .

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“I can still guarantee this. After all, I just gave her a small idea, which should be developed in a few days.”


“Then try!” Finally, after acquiring the new knowledge, Zephyr could not resist the temptation of the new knowledge and agreed to Chen Qiang’s suggestion.

But Zephyr has always asked Chen Qiang to ensure the safety of his students. If something happens to his student, he will definitely let him know that his Black Arm Zephyr’s name is not for nothing.

Zephyr then called his female student over, the same woman who used shredded paper as a flying knife to attack Chen Qiang.

“Sensei! What are you looking for me?”

Soon the woman was called here by Zephyr, but Zephyr not at all took Chen Qiang’s Stop talking to the other party, just saying that Chen Qiang knows some knowledge about ability development and wants her to experiment to see if the development can be successful. The decision is still given to her.

“Of course, there is no problem! Amy also wants to increase her strength quickly.”

The female student Amy did not hesitate to agree directly, after all, before he came over , I met with Woolley and saw that he had been utterly out of touch, so he also asked about the other party’s situation at the time.

Knowing that he was guided by Chen Qiang in the development of some fruit abilities, he had just been moving towards the development of fruit abilities, so he was a little distracted.

After Amy heard this, she wanted to be guided by someone in her heart, but she didn’t have Woolley’s relationship after all, so she didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Now that the other party has called himself here directly, and he has to guide himself to develop his abilities, of course he agreed directly.

“That’s good! I’ll tell you about the direction of your ability development now!”

Seeing the other party’s agreement, Chen Qiang was not verbose, and started to introduce him directly. The direction of the paper’s capabilities.

The first thing I told her was about the way the paper was made to make the other party believe in herself psychologically and establish credibility.

Then Chen Qiang started to fool the other party. In fact, paper was not made in this way a long time ago, but there are more methods, which is to compress some objects to make the other party thin. A paper.

The direction she can develop is that since objects can be compressed into paper, can they also change from the paper style to the original appearance.

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