Several other people who are training have made considerable progress at this time. For example, Lin has been writing rune since Lin’s apprenticeship with Master Qingfeng.

This is also after knowing Lin’s fruit ability, Lao Dao made a kind of development specifically for Lin’s fruit ability.

The direction of development is precisely these runes, runes written through the ability of contract fruit, to sign contracts with the energy floating in the world.

Not only does Lin’s ability greatly enhance Lin’s battle strength, but it also makes her abilities diversified.

After all, there are many types of energy in the air, such as the most basic elemental abilities, earth fire feng shui, and the ability of contract fruits, which can all be contracted.

So the direction of fruit development was given to Lin, but what exactly should be done to sign a contract with these energies is indeed a problem.

To achieve this, Qing Old Feng Dao also has his arrangement, that is, first let Lin try a contract that can be signed with the element.

After this contract can be reached, it is to begin to perceive the abilities in the air, and gather them together to form a whole, and then sign a contract with this energy whole.

When you need to attack, you can release the rune of the contract signed with him to achieve elemental attack.

Such an idea was prepared for Lin. In this regard, Lin is indeed very innate talent, and she has mastered this ability in just one month.

But it is a pity that because the energy in the air is not at all self-aware, this contract can only be used as a one-time consumable. .

After knowing this situation, Lao Dao gave another idea, that is to let Lin get rid of the limitation of talisman paper, write rune directly in the air, and sign a contract with the elements in the air, so as to achieve no need Things can also mobilize the abilities of the elements.

So in the following training, Lin’s training is still writing rune, but this time the place where rune is written has changed, moving from the talisman paper to the air.

In this situation, what Lin has to do every day is to continuously form a rune in the air with her hands. Whether it is useful or not, she has to keep writing anyway.

Of course, in addition to these, Qing Old Fengdao also prepared other training projects, that is, the use of weapons, and combined with the other party’s contract fruit ability, developed a set of martial skills.

It can be said that this Qing Old Feng Dao did not teach Lin his strongest ability, but what he taught was the most suitable for Lin.

If Lin keeps following this route, her future achievements will definitely not be weaker than him, so from the point of view of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, Old Feng Dao is also a leader in the education industry.


And Aiwen, who has been apprentice to Monk Mingyue, is currently receiving almost the same training as Lin, except that one is constantly writing rune, and the other is everyday all chanting there.

As for why this happened, it was also because after Ivan worshipped Monk Mingyue, the monk specifically asked him about the result.

At that time, after learning about Aiwen’s ability, the monk directly thought of two development directions.

One is to develop abilities based on the fruit ability itself, so that his beautiful face can have a stronger charm ability, so as long as he keeps training his temperament, this ability is also very easy to develop.

The other is the ability to multiply through fruit ability, which is the language ability that Aiwen often uses, and this direction gives him a development effect.

Although this kind of development can’t achieve the so-called utterance, but this ability itself is a kind of ability that directly acts on the spirit.

So as long as you develop it in this direction, you may be able to distort the other party’s spirit willpower directly with a brief sentence from Aiwen, and it is possible to turn back on the spot.

When Monk Mingyue told Aiwen about these two routes, Aiwen chose second without any hesitation. After all, he had been fed up with his beautiful face before, so in this direction He doesn’t feel like it is being developed.

On the contrary, the language ability, for Aiwen, used more, not only he likes this ability, but also thinks that this ability is more helpful to their team, so there is nothing After hesitating, he chose this direction.

Seeing that Aiwen had chosen the direction, Monk Mingyue did not procrastinate, so he took Aiwen to his own small ruined temple, and threw him into the Buddhist scriptures room, let him Study the scriptures every day.

As for why you want to do this, it’s just because the monk’s original spiritual research is very powerful. Since the other party wants to take the route of Spirit Attack, it’s more in harmony with his mind.

But the source of his spirit strength was developed by reading the scriptures, so he threw the other party into the Buddhist scriptures room just to get him familiar with his unique Spirit Attack method first. Find a way to improve his strength.

Although Aiwen had seen these scriptures a few days after he was thrown in, his head was big, but after looking in the back, he discovered that these scriptures are simply wide-ranging and profound.

So there is no need for Monk Mingyue to come over every day to supervise, he will read books obediently.

It took two months for Aiwen to thoroughly read all the scriptures in it, but there were some flaws in his understanding.

But this is pretty good, so Monk Mingyue also released the other party, began to integrate the scriptures he had read during this period, and began to explain to him the specific meaning of the scriptures, as well as Spirit Attack. training.

In general, although Aiwen’s ability in this aspect of the body is indeed impossible to improve at all, but with this fruit ability, coupled with his own efforts, in the spirit of , But is innate talent superb.

It’s just these few months of training that has directly allowed him to control the essence of Spirit Attack. If it weren’t because of his current spirit strength, which was still very weak, he would have almost finished apprenticeship.

However, the way to increase the spirit strength is to take it slowly. This thing is not like the body can be strengthened at once, and you can only rely on sudden enlightenment.

So after learning the Spirit Attack method from Monk Mingyue, he once again returned to the Tibetan scripture room and began to study the scriptures inside, hoping to achieve sudden enlightenment, in order to greatly enhance his spirit strength .

It can be said that Aiwen’s behavior can be said to be the hardest one among all the people on the island.

After all, he also knows his own situation. On the ship, his strength is the lowest. In general, he can only play support.

But as the saying goes, I don’t want to play the main C support is not a good support, so now that I have this opportunity, Ivan will certainly not miss it.

So his training for himself is also the most profound.

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