On the other side of Hulk, the cultivation is much simpler, because his cultivation is to constantly eat a variety of high-capacity foods.

As for why it is like this, it is also because after he passed on the churchman, he also discovered his physique.

After all, his physique is above the sea and is very famous in itself. Such physique people generally have simple minds, but their growth in power is basically not limited.

In layman’s terms, such a person is a typical example of using brains for strength.

As long as he constantly replenishes his body with energy, his strength will increase rapidly, so after learning about this situation, Chuanchurchman is also straightforward and directly designated a person who only needs to eat continuously to improve his strength. plan of.

Of course, before implementing such a plan, Chuan Churchman didn’t do nothing. Instead, he used his own ability to portray a huge Six Pointed Star Array method on Hulk’s back.

This Formation was developed based on Churchman’s own ability, and its function is simple. It helps Hulk quickly digest his ability to take in within the body and spread this ability quickly. To the whole body.

So basically after portraying such an array, Chuan Churchman took Hulk directly away from the island, went to the Calm Belt, and went to find trouble with those Sea Kings. .

After all, the food on the island is also limited. There is simply no way to keep Hulk from consuming it like this, so the churchman simply brought Hulk to the Calm Belt.

He hunted those giant Sea Kings, and all he had to do was to carve a huge Six Pointed Star Array method on the island where they stayed, and wait until the other party took the Sea King. After the class is pulled back, he directly starts Formation, bake the food, and then let Hulk eat it.

This kind of training is basically out of training, it’s more like a process of constantly searching for food.

However, this kind of training is simple, but Hulk’s improvement is not unpleasant. In just two months, he has basically been able to reach full strength and break the space with one punch. The degree of opening.

Basically, the level Hulk originally needed to be achieved within ten years was achieved in two months.

And even so, Chuan Churchman still did not have the idea of ​​taking Hulk back, but let him continue to stay in the Calm Belt, wanting to see where the opponent’s growth limit is. .

Know that such a physique person, when I met before, either had grown to a certain extent, or was killed in the process of growing up.

I have never had the opportunity to personally guide such a person like this, let alone use my own fruit ability to cooperate, and I don’t know that I can directly let the other party reach their level of power afterwards.

So with this kind of expectation, he coughed not to let the other party go back like this, but was ready to see if such a physique had a limit, and if there was a limit, where.

For Old Guy who have lived like this and don’t know how long, there are very few things they don’t know. Now they meet someone he doesn’t know. Of course, they have to study carefully. Will let go.


The only Parker who didn’t apprehend his teacher. Of course he was not idle during this time, but he didn’t at all continue to study his machinery.

Instead, he asked his Martial Uncle Bergapunke about the technology of biomechanics, and even asked the other party for help, made a robot, let the other party control and then came to help him.

As for how to help, that is to directly start to transform his body. Because of the existence of the contract, his body that has been modified before can be restored.

But obviously when he knew about this from the very beginning, he chose to give up this possibility directly, instead keeping his half of his mechanical body, because in this way, his battle strength could reach highest.

But the current mechanical body obviously limits his battle strength somewhat, so of course it has to be changed.

So he found Vegapunk and asked him to help transform his body, and also installed many weapons that he had researched backwards based on what Chen Qiang said, directly on his body. This can’t be madness.

Even in order to make the installation process go smoothly, he directly asked Bergapunk to do it for him during the transformation process.

After all, the person who is most familiar with biology and machinery still depends on Begapunk. After all, the other party has developed a powerful existence like Heping Pacifista that can be mass-produced.

Since you want to transform your body, of course you have to follow the strongest method. So just the preparation work and the design of various parts of the body, let Parker and Bergapunk two Researched for two months.

After that, various parts were manufactured according to the design. This was very fast, and it took only two days to complete.

After that, Parker called Vegapunk over and personally hosted the modification. This process was also very long and lasted for almost ten days before he completely changed the position he needed to change.

In this modification process, the risk is actually very high. It is not only necessary to remove some body tissues that need to be replaced, but also to supplement some previously missing bodies. If it were not for the existence of Chen Qiang’s contract, it was just this. Two points may block Parker’s road of modification.

Not to mention this, there is a huge risk, if you don’t pay attention to activate the weapon on his body, he will be killed directly, fortunately, everything has a contract.

Hovering on the edge of life and death for ten days, Parker’s new body was still modified.

It was also when he was completely refitted and woke up, Chen Qiang and the others came here on this day, and with the help of Chen Qiang’s fruit ability, they directly parked the Battleship on the Megatron. next to.

“Brat, is this your boat? Would you still enjoy it?”

At this time, Chen Qiang who came down with the Battleship are standing on the deck of the Battleship. , Of course, I saw the Megatron next to it.

After taking a close look at the Megatron next to him, Zephyr said to Chen Qiang with a playful expression on his face.

“What Zephyr Old Master said, my boat is not just as simple as it is beautiful! You must know that some things in this nature look good, but there is a terrible danger behind it!”

Hearing Zephyr’s banter, Chen Qiang didn’t care too much at all, but slightly laughed, and then said seriously.

“Oh? Interesting!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Zephyr also seriously sensed the beautiful peach forest on the Megatron. Soon he I discovered some secrets of Tao Lin, and then looked at Chen Qiang interestingly and said.

The movement outside was of course noticed by Parker, who had just completed the transformation. After bidding farewell to Begapunk, he walked out of the cabin.

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