“Captain! You will be here!”

Just walking out of the cabin, Parker, who came to the peach forest, saw the Battleship, and also saw Chen Qiang who was standing in the forefront with Zephyr at this time.

“Yes!” Hearing Parker’s greeting, Chen Qiang was also nodded, saying that he did come back, but when he looked towards Parker, although from the outside, it seemed that Parker had no sides. , But Chen Qiang always feels that some other changes have taken place in the other party, so he asked a little strangely: “Parker, what’s the matter with you, why do I feel that you seem to have changed!”

” You say this! This is when I found Martial Uncle before and worked with him to reshape my body. Although there is no change in appearance, many things on the body have been replaced by machinery!”

For Chen Qiang, he could see the changes in him at a glance, and Parker was not surprised. After all, everyone is such a partner. If there is a change in his body, it would be strange that the other party can’t see it.

So since Chen Qiang asked at this time, he also answered briefly. After all, there are still outsiders present, and many things are not suitable for talking at this time.

“That’s right! Captain, what about Woolley? Didn’t you say that he came with you?”

After talking briefly about himself, Parker started in Battleship The above searched. After all, he had talked to the other party on the phone before, knowing that he would come here.

It’s been a long time since the two brothers have seen each other, so after briefly talking about the situation with Chen Qiang, he immediately cared about where his brother was.

When Parker asked about Woolley, among the people on the boat, Woolley was standing together with his classmates.

When Parker first appeared, he recognized the other person. Although Parker has changed a lot at this time, he recognized it at a glance.

It’s just that Sensei didn’t speak, so he didn’t dare to move. Even when Parker asked him, he wanted to say hello to him, although he had some anxious expressions on his face. , But still looking at Zephyr in front of them, he didn’t dare to move at all.


One of the most proud students in his new batch, Zephyr certainly understands the other’s personality. At this time, I heard Parker’s inquiry Later, he looked back at Woolley, and found that the other party was also looking to move but didn’t dare to move, so he didn’t embarrass him and let him pass directly.

“Thank you Sensei!”

After hearing Zephyr’s words, Woolley became excited, then body moved, and immediately rushed towards Parker on the opposite side, just When he left, he still properly thanked Zephyr.

“Parker! Really long time no see, you are really good!”

Woolley, who rushed out here, came directly to Parker’s side and gave it to him A bear hugged, patted his back with some emotion and said.

At this time, Parker also hugged him after seeing that the person was his brother Woolley. The expression on his face was also very happy.

“Okay! Parker, you tell Woolley here first, I will take Zephyr Old Master to meet the seniors first!”

Behind the scenes, Chen Qiang did not plan to stay here more, but after speaking directly to Parker, he took Zephyr and walked towards the other side of the island.

“Let’s go too!” As an old man who has spent most of his life on the ocean, he still knows some people’s sophistication, so he also knows that Chen Qiang wants to make Woolley and Parker two for a long time. Good brother missing, have a good chat.

So I simply took the students behind me and left here with Chen Qiang, leaving the space for Parker and Woolley.

“Thank you Sensei!”

“Thank you, Captain!”

After hearing the words of Chen Qiang and Zephyr, they turned to their captain. After thanking Sensei, Parker pulled Woolley into his room, ready to talk with Woolley about the various things that happened after they separated.

Of course, Woolley also has a lot to say to Parker, so he also consciously followed him to the room and exchanged feelings.

“Parker, do you blame me?”

After the two chatted about their recent affairs in the room, Woolley looked a little sad. Said Parker.

“Blam you? What do you blame?”

For Woolley’s endless sentence, Parker didn’t understand the meaning of the other party at all, so he asked him with some doubts Tao.

“I didn’t protect you when I rescued Pali’s elder sister, nor did I rescue Pali’s elder sister. Will you blame me?”

Did you see Parker? Understand what he meant, Woolley said it again, but this time he said it more clearly.

It turns out that he was blaming himself for the things before.

“Why! Those things are over. We didn’t have much strength at the time, so we were bullied by those hateful nobles. You can’t blame you for this matter!”

After understanding what Woolley meant, Parker also looked serious, and then looked straight at Woolley and said sincerely.

“But I blame myself. If I wasn’t that weak at the time, maybe you wouldn’t be what you are now, and Pali elder sister would not be taken away by them.”

But even if Parker said so, Woolley still said with remorse.

“Don’t do this, I don’t blame you, I can only blame those Celestial Dragons, if it weren’t for their this World, it wouldn’t be like this!”

See Woolley Still blaming himself, Parker stood up and came to the opponent’s side, then patted the opponent’s shoulder and said comfortingly.

“But I just can’t get past the hurdles in my heart, especially looking at the way you are now, my heart feels even more uncomfortable!”

“I chose this way myself , Just to have the strength to be able to change, you don’t have to blame yourself for what I am now!”

Parker said to Woolley with comfort.


“There is nothing left, Woolley, do you know that I am doing and so on now? I am now a Revolutionary Army, that is The kind of Revolutionary Army that wants everyone in this World will not have our tragedy and fight!”

Seeing what Woolley wanted to say, Parker interrupted the other party directly. , And then asked and answered.

“Don’t want our tragedy to repeat?”

“Yes! Although we have no ability to change the tragedy that has already occurred, we can use our strength to change those that are about to A tragedy to happen! This is why I will sail with the captain after saving the elder sister!”

When Parker explained to Woolley, his words were very firm.

“Come with me, Woolley! Put all the sadness in your heart. With this sadness, we are going to save this World and more tragedies like ours!”

Without waiting for Woolley to continue to say anything, Parker continued.

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