“Isn’t the Revolutionary Army slogan just overthrowing the world government? Why are there so many other things?”

Obviously during this period of time, Wu Lee has been following Zephyr’s side, cultivation, and he only has a general understanding of the conditions on the ocean. Now that he has heard what Parker said, he has never heard of it, so he was surprised.

“Of course, I tell you, the current Revolutionary Army theory, it wants to make everyone in the entire world equal! At the same time…”

I was a little surprised to see Woolley. Parker may have not seen his brother for a long time. He was suddenly opened up, so he started to popularize the theory of Revolutionary Army.

Since he met Chen Qiang, he was conquered by Chen Qiang’s theory, plus his contact with the Revolutionary Army, and the lecture on Fishman Island, he told the other party from beginning to end. Again.

“Revolutionary Army turned out to be like this!”

After listening to Parker’s explanation, Woolley was even more surprised. At the same time, it was because of Parker’s reason that the Revolutionary Army He who has a good impression.

Under Parker’s words, I even wanted to join the Revolutionary Army and fight for the people of the whole world.

“How about Woolley? Do you want to join us and let us work towards this goal together?”

When Woolley was a little excited, Parker spoke again, directly Inviting to Woolley and said.

“Listening to Parker, I really want to join, but this matter will not be decided until I ask Sensei.”

Although the military at this time Force really wants to agree to the other party’s invitation directly. After all, being able to work with my brother towards that great goal is a very pleasant thing in itself.

Just thinking of his Sensei Zephyr, the military force still didn’t dare to make a direct decision like this. After all, after he became a student of Zephyr, the other party treated himself very well.

Speaking of Sensei, in fact, he is not worse than his father. He not only teaches me carefully in cultivation, but also teaches himself a lot of things in life.

So this is related to the way he will go in the future. It must be the consent of the other party, which can make him more at ease.


But apparently Parker doesn’t know Zephyr, let alone what the relationship between the other party and Woolley is, so after hearing Woolley’s words, Parker looked towards the other side in a puzzled way.

“It’s like this…”

Seeing Parker was a little puzzled, Woolley explained to the other party what happened after becoming a Zephyr student. This kind of thing, and also told Parker about Zephyr’s care and help for him.

“Is that so? Before making a decision, you really should get the other party’s consent!”

After listening to Woolley’s words, Parker It is understood that the relationship between Woolley and Zephyr is just like he and Chen Qiang before. The only difference is that Zephyr and Woolley are more like relatives, and he and Chen Qiang are life-and-death partners. .

However, whether it is a partner or a relative, you should inform the other party when you make a major decision, so after understanding this, Parker is also nodded.

“Then let’s go! Believe that at this time the captain has already gone to those seniors, when the time comes, you are asking about this with your Sensei, and at the same time I also put some of my other partners Let me introduce you to me!”

Since the decision is made, they will not stay in this room. After all, the two of them have been chatting here for almost an hour. I’ve talked about it, so it’s time to meet up with the big army.

“That’s all right! Let’s go! Among my classmates, there are better friends, and I want to introduce you to me too!”

I heard Parker’s words, Woolley also didn’t refuse, but also nodded, and said to Parker with a smile.


When Parker and Woolley were chatting alone before, Chen Qiang took Zephyr and his students and walked towards the place where the old farmers were.

On this road, as Chen Qiang has lived on this island for a while, he is very familiar with Chen Qiang, so there is no need to guard and so on at any time.

In just a few minutes, they passed through the peach forest in the island, saw the field outside, and they were wearing the same clothes as when he first met the old farmer. The commoner wears a Straw Hat and weeds in the fields.


After seeing the silhouette of the opponent, Chen Qiang greeted the opponent directly.

However, the other party apparently found out that Chen Qiang and their entire group had arrived without Chen Qiang’s greeting, so they had looked up towards them, put away the sickle in their hands, and turned towards this from a distance. While walking.

It seems that his speed is very slow, but after only a few steps forward, he has come to Chen Qiang and the others.

“Old farmer Senior!”

For the opponent’s strange speed, Chen Qiang has also experienced it a long time ago, so not at all is too surprised and so on, just coming to the opponent When he got to his side, he smiled and said hello to the opponent Zai Ci.

But the other party’s weird way of advancing is to make the students of Zephyr stared wide-eyed one by one. They never thought that the other party was just such a simple few steps, and they would come from such a far place. Appeared in front of them.

Moreover, they didn’t even feel the slightest sense of disharmony, even in their hearts that they should have been like this.

But having such an idea is very weird in itself. The other party just walked a few steps here and came to them. It also made them feel that there is no disharmony. Place, this is the biggest discord.

But Zephyr has seen a lot of powerhouses. Although the old farmer’s actions are very strange, he is not too surprised, but the opponent’s imposing manner that he can’t sense is what makes him Zephyr was most surprised.

After all, what is being said, he is now considered an expert on the ocean, and he can’t even see the strength of the opponent, which is enough to show that the strength of the opponent may still be above him.

“I have met Senior in Zephyr!”

After knowing that the person in front of you may be stronger than himself, Zephyr still respects the powerhouse very politely. Up!

“Chen Qiang brat, what do you mean, why did you bring other people to us?”

At this time, when he heard Zephyr’s self-introduction, the old farmer just glanced at him Later, not at all to deal with each other, but turned to Chen Qiang, and said with some dissatisfaction.

“Can’t you bring someone here?”

However, Chen Qiang didn’t care about the dissatisfaction of the old peasants, but instead asked the other party.

“Yes, yes! But how did you bring Marine? Know that we and the Marine controlled by Celestial Dragon can’t deal with it!”

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