“I didn’t say that they were Marine either! Senior farmer, don’t slander me!”

After hearing what the farmer said, Chen Qiang retorted directly.

“Not Marine?” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, the old farmer turned his gaze to Zephyr and the others before turning to Chen Qiang again and said: “You brat think we Old Guys , I don’t know about buying you after living in seclusion? Dingding Daimyo’s Black Arm Zephyr, do you think we don’t know each other?”

“How long ago was the news of your old man? Could it be that you I don’t know if the other party is not Marine anymore?”

After listening to the old farmer’s words, Chen Qiang also silently gave the other party a roll of eyes, and then asked back.

“It’s been a long time? I remember it was just a while ago that brat became Admiral?”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, the old farmer was obviously a little puzzled, because In his memory, when he saw this news, he did not at all have too many games.

“The Zephyr Old Master, tell yourself how many years ago you became Admiral, so that the old farmer Senior knows how well his news is implemented!”

Seeing that the old farmer didn’t believe him, Chen Qiang was too lazy to say anything. He just opened his mouth to Zephyr who was a hundred years old, wanting to explain it himself.

“Senior! Junior became Admiral 50 years ago!”

For Chen Qiang and the old farmers, Zephyr never interrupted. Listening next to him, so when Chen Qiang brought the topic to himself, Zephyr immediately saluted the old farmer respectfully and answered the other party’s question.

As for why it looks like this, this is because the strength shown by the old farmer in front of him is very strong in itself, plus it can be clearly heard from the opponent’s mouth, and the opponent is also older than himself. .

In front of such a Senior who is stronger than himself, and even older than himself, Zephyr will certainly look respectful.

“Is that so? It’s been so long!” After listening to Zephyr’s words, the old farmer said with some surprise.

“I said senior farmer, are you too old, so your eyes are also blurred? Look at Zephyr Old Master, now the hair is almost white, and you know how old you look. !”

Seeing this kind of reaction from the old farmer, Chen Qiang said in a speechless voice.

“Oh! When you say this, I also found out that looking at him, his age is indeed not too young!” However, for Chen Qiang’s complaints, the old farmer also didn’t care at all, but turned seriously. He looked at what Zephyr looked like now, and then said.

“It’s all because I stayed with those three Old Guys for a long time, and I forget that people will get old! Sorry!”

I didn’t see clearly before I found out that it was me , But the old farmer would not just admit his mistakes in this way, so he threw the past directly to the other three who were not here.


After hearing what the old farmer said, Chen Qiang covered his forehead speechlessly, always feeling a little embarrassed.

“So, Zephyr brat, you are not Marine now?”

But obviously the old farmer didn’t want to care about Chen Qiang’s reaction, but turned around and asked Zephyr. .

“Yes Senior, I left Marine a few years ago!”

Although Zephyr was not called brat for a while, he was a little uncomfortable for a while, but thinking of the person in front of me, I don’t know how much he is bigger than myself, and the brat is not wrong, so I don’t care about these, but respectful nodded, indicating that I am indeed not Marine now.

“It’s not Marine, okay! As long as it’s not Marine, we are welcome here!”

When the other party admits that he is not Marine anymore, then the old farmer is also laughed, and then reaches out to the other party Handed up and expressed welcome.

It can be seen that the attitude of the old farmers has changed a lot, and Zephyr almost feels a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, he often deals with Garp.

The personality of this person in front of him is very similar Because of this, I was still able to adapt, so after a little stunned, he reacted and stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

After that, things were much simpler. After the old farmer accepted the other party, the communication between the two became smoother.

After knowing the purpose of the other party here, he even took the other party to the place where they lived.

Be aware that although these people had previously invited Chen Qiang to join the Revolutionary Army and rejected Chen Qiang, it does not mean that they have no good feelings for the Revolutionary Army.

After all, a Revolutionary Army that uses the concept of equality for everyone, they themselves are from the most ordinary civilian cultivation to this level, they naturally have a good impression.

It’s just that they also have their own things to do. With the pressure from Celestial Dragon, it is impossible to join the Revolutionary Army directly, so they refused.

Now when I hear that the opponent wants to see if the Revolutionary Army really has a hole card against Celestial Dragon, of course I am willing to help Chen Qiang fool the opponent into the Revolutionary Army. .

So the realization of the old farmer can be said that after knowing the purpose of the other party, he directly came to a big turn of 180 degrees, and the smile on his face looked towards Zephyr a lot.

“Come on! I will introduce you! This Taoist priest is called Qingfeng, this monk is called Mingyue, and they are all people who live in seclusion here with me. There is also a churchman Mark. I’m out now. Here, if you stay here for a longer period of time, I can introduce him to you when he comes back.”

After arriving at the place where they live, the old peasants directly bring the Qingfeng Taoist priest to Monk Mingyue called out, and introduced Zephyr with a smile on his face.

But the two introduced, some don’t understand why the old peasants are so enthusiastic about this person, so they just greeted the other politely and pulled the old peasants aside and asked. The reason.

“Is it like this?”

After listening to the introduction of Zephyr by the old farmer, and also knowing the purpose of the other party here, Qingfeng and Mingyue were surprised at first, and then A kind smile appeared on his face immediately, and he returned to Zephyr’s side.

“It turned out to be Zephyr! Come here, if you want to know something, just ask, as long as we know and can speak, we will tell you!”

The two people who returned to Zephyr also said enthusiastically.

“I’m here this time, I do need to ask a few seniors for something!”

Seeing these people like this, after experiencing the old peasant’s affairs, it is considered They had a certain degree of resistance to such behavior, so after saluting the two of them, they directly asked about the main purpose of coming here this time.

“What I want to ask below is, I don’t know what a few people think of Celestial Dragon. If Celestial Dragon takes action against Revolutionary Army, will the Seniors take action?”

After arriving here, he felt the imposing manner of Qingfeng and Mingyue. Although he didn’t know why he couldn’t feel the imposing manner of the old peasant alone, he felt the imposing manner of these two people. It was similar to the Celestial Dragon imposing manner he saw when he was young.

This also convinced him that Chen Qiang not at all lied to him before, knowing that these people are indeed the hidden experts who can fight Celestial Dragon.

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