“Well! In fact, you can rest assured that among us old farts, there has long been an agreement that we cannot directly affect the form of the entire ocean!”

“However, Celestial Dragon is indeed stronger, but only the five Old Xings they put on the surface can make a move. If others make a move, then our agreement will be automatically invalidated, and we will It’s time to make a move!”

“So you can rest assured about the Revolutionary Army!”

Heard Zephyr’s inquiry, several people also told me about the situation. , Explained to Zephyr.

“How! Zephyr Old Master, I didn’t lie!”

At this time, Chen Qiang also smiled and said to Zephyr.


After hearing a few people’s words, Zephyr was also nodded, and then he fell into contemplation again.

“That’s good! I promise you, Chen Qiang brat, I can join the Revolutionary Army, but you also have to promise me, if you can really overthrow the world government-government, then you must take the world All the Pirates on the board are wiped out!”

After thinking for a long time, Zephyr lifted his head again, looked towards Chen Qiang on the side, and said to Chen Qiang with a serious expression.

“I can guarantee this, because this is what our Revolutionary Army is doing.”

“I want Old Master to join our Revolutionary Army. In fact, it is precisely for this preparation, that is the previous plan for everyone like a dragon, so that everyone in the world can have a fair cultivation environment, when the time comes, everyone is strong, and Pirate is above the sea. The benefits will be reduced, and naturally Pirate will be much less!”

“And Old Master, what you have to do is to train more professional faculty members. This is what I invite you The most important reason for joining!”

Seeing that Zephyr is so serious, Chen Qiang is also serious and nodded and promised that, in order to make his words more convincing, Chen Qiang also told some of his plans To each other.

“Is this? Then I can rest assured!” Zephyr was obviously surprised when he heard Chen Qiang’s plans and what he was going to do in the future, but he soon thought of it. Do terrifying, so I agree with joining the Revolutionary Army this time.


Just when Zephyr finally made his decision, Woolley, who had gone to the Megatron with Parker before, also returned, and when he saw Zephyr, Just ran over here.

“How about, finished chatting with your brother?”

Seeing Woolley’s arrival, Zephyr’s expression on his face also quickly closed, turning into a stern teacher The expression, nodded said faintly.

“Since the chat is over, go back to the team!”

“Sensei, I have something to tell you!”

Only this time Woolley not at all then accepted Zephyr’s order, but spoke to Zephyr again with a somewhat twisted expression.

“What’s the matter?”

“I want to join the Revolutionary Army!”

When talking about this, Woolley was a little nervous After he turned his head, obviously he was still afraid that his Sensei would reject him. After all, he knew that his Sensei was Marine before, and that was someone who couldn’t get along with the Revolutionary Army.

Although it is not anymore, Zephyr left Marine not because Marine lost him, but for other reasons, so when he said he joined, he seemed a little nervous.

It’s just that he didn’t notice that when he just said about joining the Revolutionary Army, the strange expressions on the faces of the other students standing behind him, if they saw it, maybe they could There was something on their faces.

After hearing what Woolley said, Zephyr first looked at Parker, who came here with Woolley, and then looked towards Woolley again without change.

“Why do you have such an idea?”

“I want to join the Revolutionary Army, so that the tragedies that happen to me will not fall on the world In the hands of other people, I will fight for the peace of the entire world!”

While talking about the reasons, Woolley’s head was slowly raised, and at the same time he said When struggling for the peace of the entire world, he seemed to have rays of light in his eyes.

Even at this brief moment, he confirmed his ideals, and the knight fruit ability in his body also responded to his ideal beliefs. A burst of holy light fell from the sky, rendering his whole person sacred. Incomparable.

“That’s good! Since you want to join the Revolutionary Army, then join me!”

Seeing the rich holy light on Woolley, Zephyr was originally serious His expression was also disappeared, and turned into a face full of relief, and then Patted Woolley said on the shoulder.

“Huh? Sensei, you just said to join you? Did I hear it wrong?”

Only after hearing Zephyr’s words, Woolley was originally holy The expression, at this time, became stunned, and the holy light on his body also disappeared at this time.

“You are all my students. Now I have decided to join the Revolutionary Army. Each of you should have your own ideas. If you feel that the Revolutionary Army’s philosophy is different from your dreams, Then you can choose to leave, I won’t stop it!”

It’s just that Zephyr didn’t answer Woolley’s question at this time. Instead, he turned and looked towards the students behind him. The expression on his face was also This time became serious, and said loudly to these.

After hearing what Zephyr announced, these students also fell into contemplation one by one, not at all directly gave a decision, after all, this kind of thing is related to their future, of course, it should be good Think about it.

“dísciple is willing to follow Sensei and join the Revolutionary Army!”

But some people think, of course, some people say to Zephyr without any hesitation, this person is Amy, who is seeing After Woolley joined the Revolutionary Army, she was ready to join the Revolutionary Army.

So without hesitation, after Zephyr asked such words, she was the first to stand up and express her decision to Sensei.

“I am willing to continue to follow Sensei!”

“Me too!”

“dísciple swear to follow Sensei!”

” ……”

After the first statement, the others didn’t think about it for long. They stood up one by one, all wanting to follow Sensei.

In the end, the dozen or so students with Zephyr were all willing to join the Revolutionary Army.

Of course everyone made such a decision. Although Zephyr’s existence has played a big role, Woolley’s previous words of fighting for the peace of the entire world are also inaccessible.

After all, all of these students are still young, and the eldest is less than twenty years old. They are all passionate young people.

People like this are the most excited people, so after Woolley’s words and Zephyr’s leadership, they basically just thought about it briefly and chose to join the Revolutionary Army. .

“Okay! hahahahaha! Okay!”

Seeing these students, they also expressed their opinions one by one, and Zephyr smiled with satisfaction.

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