A few days ago, when Chen Qiang took Zephyr and the others to the Hermit Island, Marine also had new moves.

After returning to Marine Headquarters, Magellan and the few people who have been repaired for a while are leaving again at this time.

Because of the Megatron’s coordinate positioning before, they did not go to other places after this departure, but came directly along the Megatron’s location.

And after a few days of sailing, their ship quickly approached this location.

Although it is said that this place is a bit strange in induction, it is in the sea, but it is rare in New World, but it is not without the kind of islands that exist in the deep sea, so They are not surprised at this point.

Just when they were about to approach the coordinates of the Megatron, something did happen and they were plunged into crisis.

That day, it was more usual in the sea. The blue sky and white clouds, the wind was beautiful and the sun was beautiful, and it was a great scene. The leaders on the Battleship were all sitting on their own affairs as usual.

There are people who bask in the sun, people who rob toilets, people who have cultivation, and people who have the ability to study their own fruits. Anyway, several people have things to do.

And those ordinary Marine soldiers follow the instructions above and move towards the coordinates that have been fixed for a long time and have not been moved.

Only at this time, the soldier who was looking at the on platform did suddenly come down from above, and found Maize Road, which was still in the toilet, and stood outside debating the ownership of the toilet with Magellan Warner.

“Report! A small boat was found in front of the boat that is approaching where we are!”

“Warner, go and deal with it! I’m almost done! “

After hearing the soldier’s report, Magellan arranged to speak directly to Warner outside.

“No! You can handle this by yourself. You must let me out of the toilet. You have been in for more than two hours. I can’t hold it anymore!”

Obviously, after hearing Magellan’s words, Warner didn’t take it seriously, but just replied.


For Warner’s words, Magellan did not answer either, but there was a sound like this in the toilet, and then a green smoke came from the toilet. Floating out of it.

“Magellan, you this bastard, you put poison!”

Seeing this green gas floating out of the toilet, Warner is already familiar with it, so I just started He jumped away and said loudly to Magellan inside.

“If there is a book, you can come in! I will let you when you come in!”

This time Magellan made a sound, but the voice was a little provocative towards the outside Warner said.

“hmph! You are cruel!”

Now the whole toilet is full of poisonous gas, and now no one on the boat dared to enter this poisonous gas except Mezeren, so they are outside Warner’s Warner could only be coldly snorted, and then left here with the soldier who was just now, to deal with the matter just reported.

“Telescope, give me!”

After coming outside, Warner still knew it was important, so after secretly spitting Magellan again, he turned to the Marine soldier next to him. , A Telescope was about to come, and then looked in the direction pointed by the soldier.

I found that as the soldier said, there is a small boat coming towards them in that direction, and the people on the boat can see clearly.

On the boat, there is only one person, and this person is a very beautiful woman, but Warner did not at all see this woman in an arrest warrant or some other place before. .

But judging from the fact that the opponent can navigate the sea by himself in a small boat, the opponent’s strength cannot be underestimated.

In addition, when he saw the other person for the first time, Warner’s powerful Kenbunshoku Haki told him that this person was dangerous.

So after a little thought, I gave an order to the soldier next to him, that is, to make them turn the gun muzzle on the ship.

Be ready at any time. If the other party wants to do and so on them, it is better to make a counterattack directly before the other party makes a move.

It’s just that the operations that Warner felt that they were not normal, really directly put them in absolute danger.

The woman on the solo boat was originally enjoying the beauty of the sea while drinking red wine and sunbathing in the sun. It was so uncomfortable.

The ship under her is pushing the ship in one direction along with the waves in the sea. She doesn’t at all control the ship because she knows that as long as she wants Where she goes, the sea will send her where she wants to go.

That is when she was enjoying this way, she suddenly felt a sensation of being peeped, and then followed this feeling to look in that direction, just to see the Battleship in front.

Just before she could react, she saw all the muzzles on the Battleship move at the same time, and quickly aimed at where she was.

Of course, this situation made her a little uncomfortable. After all, looking at it like this, it was as if the other party just found out that she was about to attack her passing by, which made her unable to bear it.

So when she saw the muzzle coming towards her, she waved directly to the place where the Battleship was.

At the same time as she waved, the Battleship, which was originally traveling smoothly on the sea, was suddenly pushed aside by a wave that appeared from nowhere.

Then the wind on the sea suddenly changed direction. At the same time, the wind also increased. The Battleship, which was originally driving forward, pushed the huge wind back quickly.

The Battleship quickly disappeared in front of the woman driven by the wind. After seeing this situation, the woman was very satisfied and nodded, and then continued to pick up the red wine glass on one side and lay down. On the seat, I enjoyed my own sunbathing.

As for the previous Battleship, she completely ignored it.

But here is the Battleship that was pushed back by such strong winds. At this time, the ship was in a mess. Under the control of the Warners, it calmed down and quickly retracted the sails. Up.

And prepare to start Battleship’s spare sailing machinery.

That is, at this time, his Battleship also slowly stopped in the huge wind, but he hadn’t waited for them to give a sigh of relief. Originally, the sky was still ten thousand li dark clouds. , This time has become a dark cloud cover.

Seeing a huge storm brewing in the sky, seeing this situation, Warner urged the soldiers on the ship to hurry up and start the ship to get them out of here.

But obviously at this time, it was obviously a bit late. When dark clouds appeared in the sky, a bigger storm appeared, and there was also a pouring rain in the sky at this time.

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