“Okay! Don’t care about that person. When we go back, we will send the other party’s information to know what is going on!”

After half a day, Magellan also had to give up thinking about these things. After all, this has passed. After thinking about it, there is no way to change what has happened.

Fortunately, Warner remembered what the other party looked like before. After they returned to the Marine base, they were looking for the other party’s material to see who the other party was. It was only with a simple wave of hands that they almost made it. All of them are in the ocean.

Such a strong person is basically impossible and unknown, so for Marine, there must be such a powerhouse material. After they go back, they should be able to find it when they look for it.

“Next, let’s think about how we can get out of here!”

Magellan put aside the question that he just couldn’t figure out, and talked to his team members Speaking of leaving here.

“What else can we do! When we rest here, let the soldiers go to the sea to see if there is Den Den Mushi in the wreckage of our Battleship. If so, we will contact them directly. Let them pick us up!”

For this issue, there is simply nothing to discuss, so after Warner reluctantly gave a plan, everyone can only nod their heads in agreement. .

After all, the current situation is that the Marine base simply did not know that they had encountered such a thing. If they did not take the initiative to contact Marine, they would find themselves and the others missing after a few days. At the beginning of the search, I don’t know how long it will take to find them.

However, when this plan was just decided to implement, they encountered a problem, that is, this is the Calm Belt, and there are no known how many giant Sea Kings survived under the sea.

Although the wreckage of their Battleship was spat out very close to this small island and the sea is not very deep, this does not mean that there will be no danger if you go to the sea.

Later, Maxi made a suggestion that people who go to the sea need to have strong strength, and at the same time they must have items made by Kairoseki, in case that the giant Sea King type may appear.

Finally, after discussing for a while, everyone unanimously decided to throw the task of this distance to the only Warner among them who did not have Devil Fruit.

As for ordinary soldiers, let’s not say that they are not strong enough. Even if they are strong enough, after experiencing the previous events, almost everyone in them has large and small injuries, so no matter what From which direction, Warner is the best candidate.

Fortunately, at this time, Warner also knew the urgency of the matter, so for this task not at all refused, it was very easy to agree.

The few people who stayed on it were not doing nothing. Maxi and Ersa stayed on the beach to take care of the wounded in case of sudden attacks by Sea Kings on the sea. .

Magellan is going to take Gal to go deep into the island to check the situation of the island. After all, they want to report their location to Marine, so that people over there It’s better to find them.

So checking the situation on the island allows the other party to judge their location more accurately. After all, there are some records on the island in the Calm Belt.

Only because of the ships shuttled in the Calm Belt, it only began to appear after Vegapunk joined the Marine, so there are many islands in the Calm Belt that are not recorded on the Marine side.

But whether there is any record or not, it will be known only after Magellan and the others explore the island and report the situation here to Marine.

“Okay! Let’s arrange things like this first. After we rest for a while and recover some physical strength, everyone is starting to act!”

“Well! It’s time to take a good rest I was flooded and blown by the wind before. I was really tired!”

After hearing Magellan’s words, Gal also immediately echoed.

“That’s good, but it’s better if you eat a little bit at this time. You have to know that since I had breakfast that morning, I’ve had a stomachache, but now I haven’t eaten anything! I’m really hungry. !”

At this time, Warner also said nodded, and then simply lay directly on the beach so that he could have a better rest.

The others didn’t care about Warner’s words, they just lay on the beach and rested like each other.

After all, when it comes to food, they are also hungry at this time. If they are talking about this with each other, it will make them even hungry, so a few people wisely chose to ignore each other’s words directly.


Soon, everyone lying on the beach and resting, all got up from the ground, and then started to carry out their own affairs according to the previous discussions.

It’s not that their physical strength has recovered, but because they are too hungry, there is simply no way to recover their physical strength, so it is better to get up early and do your own thing.

Especially Magellan and Gal were the first to get up. They wanted to go to the island to check the situation and find some food by the way to fill their stomachs.

So they didn’t want to be hungry like this. They just regained a little physical strength. After the two of them explained their actions to the other soldier, they just thought about exploring the island.

As an island in the Calm Belt, basically no one lives here. Even if someone lives here, they are only a few people. Simply will not develop the island on a large scale, so basically Every island on the island is full of primordial flavor.

After leaving the beach, the island is basically dense and deep forest.

But after entering the forest, Magellan and Carl discovered something wrong with the island. When they were on the beach, they could still hear the sound of birds sing, insects cry on the island. .

But after they entered it, these sounds like a disappeared, and there was nothing. In addition, the trees are too dense in the forest, and simply no sunlight can shine through the leaves in the forest. inside.

The fallen leaves of these trees piled up on the ground. In a humid environment, these leaves slowly rot, so after entering the deep forest, a moldy breath filled their noses. The two almost passed away.

“Be careful! I always feel that there is a weirdness in this forest!”

The two stood at the entrance like this, and waited until they fully adapted to the atmosphere inside. Walked slowly toward the depths, but Magellan reminded Garr when he was walking.

“Don’t worry, Captain! Last time I went to Marine Headquarters, I enriched my collection, and my strength has improved a lot!”

I heard Magellan’s As a reminder, Gal was also nodded, and at the same time he held several cards of different colors in his hand.

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