The two of them kept going deep into the island forest, but they didn’t notice anything after walking for ten minutes. They didn’t even see a small animal. .

So as people who are more vigilant in themselves, after discovering such a situation, Magellan and Gal’s speed has been much slower, and at the same time, the alert has also been improved a lot.

After all, such a small island that looks completely inhabited, and there is no such thing as wild animals. Obviously, it is a very abnormal situation.

“Wait, Magellan Vice Admiral! There is a situation!”

As they continued to move forward carefully, Gal suddenly stopped Magellan in front.

“What’s the matter?”

Hearing Gal’s call, Magellan also quickly turned back to look at where the other party was, wanting to know why the other party suddenly stopped him.

“Look at this thing!”

Gal not at all directly answered the other party’s words, but directly squatted down, throwing aside some leaves under his feet, and then coming out from below I created a plastic white board with a big number on it, with the number ‘3’ written on it.

“Look at this, it doesn’t look like a broken object blown here by the waves, but more like a specially made thing, placed here to mark the area.”


At the same time, while passing the white plastic board to Magellan, Gal shared his analysis to Magellan.

“It seems that it is really strong to make things like this! In that case, we are all around and look around to see if there is something similar to this!”

Hearing Gal’s analysis, Magellan also quickly checked the appearance of this item, and at the same time felt that Gal’s analysis was reasonable.

Look at the white plastic board. The cuts on the four sides are very neat, and even the edges have some signs of wear, which are specially polished by this board. It is obvious from this aspect. , This thing is indeed a whole board.

Since this is the case, it means that this thing is indeed likely to be something that someone has put here as a mark.

If you can find the same item as this thing in other places, it means that there are people on this island.

These things are things that the other party puts here as markers, rather than being blown here by the waves.

But if you think about it, there may be more people on the island. After all, this place is in the Calm Belt. It is very unlikely that the wind and waves will bring these things to the island.

So when the two of them moved forward, they carefully observed the surrounding situation, and at the same time quickly began to find out whether the ground had the same plastic board.

Soon after looking for it seriously, they quickly found the same plastic board as before under another tree, but the number on it was different. This board was written The number is ’11’, after discovering this board.

It has also been proved that this island is indeed inhabited. Even if there is no one now, it must have been inhabited before.

So after proving this point, Magellan was not going to wander around in the forest like this, but directly used his abilities.

A huge pillar of venom flew out of him, passed directly through the barriers of layers of leaves in the middle of the forest, and came to the top of the forest.

“Poison passage!”

Following Magellan’s a light shout, he also flew towards the sky along the venom pillar and appeared above the forest.

As the height increased, the entire forest situation was printed in Magellan’s eyes.

At the same time, he soon saw an old castle standing in the center of the forest.

“I found it, let’s go over there to check the situation!”

After seeing the castle, Magellan couldn’t see the situation there at all due to the distance. , Can only come down from above, and then briefly told Gal about the situation there, and then walked in that direction with Gal.

When they shuttled through the forest, there was no change in the surrounding situation, and there was still no sign of biological activity, even when they reached the location of the castle.

However, under such circumstances, they were not prepared to think too much, but came to the gate of the castle carefully together.

I saw the castle from the outside, it can be said to be really luxurious, only after getting close, can you see that the castle has been abandoned for a long time, and there are two hairs at the gate. The yellow paper was pasted on it, as if it were a seal.

The two people who came to this doorway, although they also saw the seal on the door, they didn’t at all think so much at the time, but directly pushed the door open with their hands.

Then they found that the entire world had begun to change. The castle that was still a little ruined suddenly became active, and at the same time the lifeless forest before it became active quickly.

At the same time, strange-looking animals began to dance in the forest, like rabbits with wings, lions with human faces, Divine Dragon with human legs, all kinds of Something grotesquely shaped appeared quickly in this brief moment.

And also at this time, at the gate of the castle, a handsome young man wearing a white research gown and wearing glasses appeared in front of the two silently.

“Hello! Marine!”

When all these changes occurred, Magellan and the two also quickly made a defensive posture, looking at the door with a guard. youth.

It’s just that the youth’s defense against the two people is not at all regarded as the same thing, just smiled slightly and greeted them.

“Who you are?”

After being prepared for a while, Magellan was still on guard when the opponent was not at all attacking them. At this time, he opened his mouth to tentatively face the opponent Asked.

“Don’t be so nervous, my name is Evelyn St. Kim! I believe this name can tell me who I am!”

“Holy? You, it’s not right that you are Celestial Dragon?”

Just from a sacred character in the name of the opponent, Magellan immediately thought of Celestial Dragon, because these Celestial Dragon names are exactly like this, add a sacred character to the name , And a palace character is added to women’s names to show their dignity.

And this way of naming, in the entire world, only Celestial Dragon can use it, it can only be used by them, and other people who dare to use it will be ruthlessly eliminated.

“Yes! I am Evelyn Patriarch’s second Substitute Patriarch, and I shot to rescue you from the mouth of the Sea King, otherwise it’s the daughter of doom you met before, It’s been dead long ago, I don’t know how long!”

When Magellan said his identity, Kim was still very satisfied, so the smile on his face also increased.

“You saved us? Why?”

Although the other party said he was Celestial Dragon, Magellan still had some guard against the other party.

“It’s just that I have a plan, and I need your Marine’s help!”

For Magellan’s guard, Kim is not at all taking seriously, and still smiling Said to them both.

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