Time to return to the time period after Chen Qiang brought Zephyr and them to the island, at this time Zephyr had decided to join the Revolutionary Army.

Regarding this news, Chen Qiang quickly told the Revolutionary Army about the news, and they also attached great importance to this matter.

So after receiving this news, Chen Qiang immediately let Chen Qiang inform them of their location, and then arranged for people to come and pick Zephyr to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

At the same time, they are preparing to take Zephyr and let them control to quickly inform the entire world of the disappearance of Zephyr.

In this way, no matter why Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army, the entire world will know when the news is released, and it will completely cut off Zephyr’s back path.

For this arrangement, Zephyr did not do anything else at all, but readily agreed. After all, he also knew his identity. In this regard, it is normal for the Revolutionary Army to be careful.

If you are not so careful, Zephyr will underestimate the Revolutionary Army.

So after agreeing to the arrangement there, Zephyr took other people to live on this small island temporarily. Of course, due to the limited housing on this island, they can only live in their Battleship Above.

Afterwards, Chen Qiang also asked the old farmers about the whereabouts of Hulk. After all, he didn’t feel the aura of Hulk after he came to the island before. Because of other things, he didn’t have time to ask. .

Now that he has solved his main purpose of coming here, this time of course is to ask the other party about Hulk.

“So, Hulk was taken to the Calm Belt to be promoted?”

In this regard, the old farmers will not hide the captain Chen Qiang, so they directly All the things the other party wanted to know were told to the other party.

“Of course, if you want to know that guy’s physique, if you want to enhance it quickly, of course, you can only go to the kind of food-rich places. We can’t afford that guy in this small place!”

Obviously, after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, the old farmer also thought of Hulk’s terrifying appetite. The old farmer has the deepest feeling about this.

We must know that the food eaten by a few people on this island is actually mostly high-nutrient food cultivated through his fruit ability.

Under normal circumstances, a few of them eat food for a year, which is just enough for the food produced in the field outside. If you control the point, raise the few people on Chen Qiang and their boats. There is no problem at all.

But Hulk is really different. He can eat as much as he gives him. After uploading the churchman and engraving the Formation on him, the appetite is beyond imagination.

If you let him eat it, maybe they will eat it for you in one day.

So when talking about Hulk, the old peasant’s face still has big lingering fears.

“Okay! How about the others, how are you studying now?”

Seeing the old farmer’s expression, Chen Qiang couldn’t help saying anything. It seems that Hulk has really caused a big shadow on the other party, so I changed the subject directly and asked about the learning situation of the other people.

“The others are okay. Now we have basically handed in what we should hand in, and only their own understanding and proficiency will be the next thing!”

“That’s good! Can I take them and leave now?” Chen Qiang asked after hearing the old farmer say this.

“You have to ask them about this. For them, staying here for the time being is the most helpful for their growth. After all, there are a few of us Old Guys, and they can quickly if they have any questions. The answer is.”

For Chen Qiang’s question, the old farmer gave an answer after thinking about it.

“Is that so? Then I’ll ask them!”

Since the old farmers said they had nothing to teach, Chen Qiang also felt that the other party did not need to lie, so I decided to ask my friends what they thought, after all, after the Zephyr side of things was over, Chen Qiang also had other things to do.

So I won’t stay here for too long, because during this period of time, the forms on the ocean changed so fast that Chen Qiang was almost unexpected.

For example, when they came to the island, new news appeared on the sea, that is, Kaido of the Beasts had no preparations, and directly announced that the entire force had been merged into the Revolutionary Army. For a time, the Revolutionary Army’s power skyrocketed.

Many Pirates on the world have begun to think about the way forward. For those Pirates who did not at all do much evil, a large part of them also chose to join the Revolutionary Army.

And Luo, who had rescued Ace and Luffy before, was announced by Marine as one of the new Shichibukai, and on the 2nd day he directly announced that he had joined the Revolutionary Army.

This is a blow to Marine’s reputation on the sea.

At the same time, the Revolutionary Army’s theory, the seeds planted in the hearts of everyone in the world, also quickly sprouted at this time.

Like the most sturdy position in the four seas that Marine has previously controlled, those civilians who have been bullied by Marine and other Marines also took up weapons one after another and began to resist.

As a result of this situation, Marine has gradually weakened a lot, but the Revolutionary Army’s strength has begun to expand on a large scale. It’s just that in such a short period of one or two months, directly let The entire Revolutionary Army has the strength to fight against Marine.

If you have convinced Zephyr on the side of adding yourself, wait until Zephyr-officially stand on the Revolutionary Army side, then many people in Marine will start to reflect on whether they are loyal to the current Marine. .

Maybe when the time comes, there will be a lot of Marines-they will join the Revolutionary Army instead, when the time comes they say there is even the possibility of the final battle.

But now the Revolutionary Army also not at all decided to start this war, because in hiding the battle strength, there is still a big gap between the Revolutionary Army and the Celestial Dragon.

So now at the upper level of the Revolutionary Army, everyone who knows Chen Qiang has their eyes on Chen Qiang. As long as Chen Qiang is in contact with these people thoroughly, he can be in the final battle. If you can help, they will basically be dispatched directly to attack.

Faced with such a situation, Chen Qiang must of course prepare for the final battle.

Not only is it necessary to contact more hidden powerhouses on the ocean, but also to improve his own battle strength, so that it is possible to fight the opponent.

So after asking the opinions of the partners, after knowing the current form, everyone else chose to stream down, even Parker stayed, and prepared to take good care of it before the final battle. Chen Qiang said that he gave him the technology, after eating it thoroughly.

When the final battle really comes, you can adjust yourself to the strongest state.

Since the partners have made their own decisions, Chen Qiang will certainly not force them. Instead, he will leave after a day’s rest on this island.

Go to find the location pointed out by the map Gabriel gave him when he was in heaven before, to improve himself.

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