Since the decision was made, Chen Qiang, who had rested on the island for a night, said goodbye to his friends again, and was ready to drive the small electric boat newly developed by Parker and start Go to the location drawn on the map.

Look for someone who Gabriel said can quickly improve his strength, although he doesn’t know what plan he has in his heart.

Chen Qiang feels that no matter what kind of plan it is, it is most important to improve his own strength. As long as his strength becomes stronger, then no matter what plot against the other party, in the face of absolute strength, It’s floating clouds.

Just after he bid farewell to everyone, he was just about to leave, a small boat dangling from the sky, falling from above like leaves, and finally falling steadily on the old farmers. The most central location of the house.

“Mary’s big sister, you…”


I saw this woman driving this leaf boat, Falling from the sky, the old peasants who had been standing to bid farewell to Chen Qiang were surprised at first, and then a trace of joy appeared on their faces.

The old farmer took the lead in greeting each other with a smile on his face, and at the same time thinking about going there, but before he took a few steps, he fell straight on the ground and fell on the ground. All is not finished. If it was, it was swallowed in the stomach like this.

“The big sister is big, I…”


The reaction of the old farmer who fell once on the spot is still very fast , Stood up from the ground, looked towards the woman with some confusion, and then spoke again, obviously wanting to know why the other party wanted to shoot herself.

It’s just that he still didn’t finish what he said, and then he fell on his left foot again with his right foot.

“Then there are people like you, they are obviously only 18 years old, what kind of big sister is!”

When I saw the old farmer get up from the ground again, I still wanted When she said and so on, the woman named Mary also spoke, looking at the old farmer with dissatisfaction and said.


Hearing what Mary said, the old farmer was obviously shocked. If you know the woman in front of you, it can be said to be one of all the hermits they know. Among the people, the most powerful existence, and when they first faced God’s battle, the opponent was their leader. They even said that he was eighteen years old. For a while, the old farmer could not accept it.

As for Qingfeng and Mingyue, they are more acquainted. When the old farmer fell for the first time, he closed his eyes directly. As the saying goes, the old farmer’s personality is still like this. I can’t see the situation at all, and it deserves to be taught now.

But when the two of them heard each other say that they were only eighteen years old, their faces twitched obviously. Fortunately, this time was very short, and they were soon hidden by the two. At the same time, each of them read their own scriptures in their hearts to calm their minds.

“Mary…well! Mary, what are you doing here this time?”

Originally, this time the old farmer wanted to call each other like before Yes, but after seeing the other person’s unkind eyes, the old farmer also admitted to counseling, and directly changed the name, and then asked the other person.

“This time, I am here to find this Little Handsome Brother!”

Seeing that the old farmer finally changed her name, Mary moved away from him with satisfaction this time. He opened his gaze, then looked towards Chen Qiang who was watching the play on the other side, and then said his purpose.

“Look for me? What do you want me to do?”

Seeing the other person’s eyes looked towards him, Chen Qiang said he was also shocked, and he promised that he simply hadn’t seen this People, how could they find something to do with themselves!

“That’s right, I’m looking for you. Recently, the form on the ocean has changed too fast, and those Celestial Dragons are about to want to run out, and the most important reason is you! That’s why I’m here. It’s you who came here this time, Undead Chen Qiang!”

When Chen Qiang asked about the reason, the charming smile on the woman’s face just now became serious at this time, and then he settled like this. Looked at each other and said why.

“The changes in the sea? And Celestial Dragon’s plan. We don’t know the reason yet. How could we be uneasy?”

Obviously after listening to the other party, Chen Qiang feels a bit weird. You must know that since yesterday he learned about the changes on the Revolutionary Army side, although the power of the Revolutionary Army side has skyrocketed, it has not reached the point where the hidden Celestial Dragon powerhouse will be shot. .

So when he heard the other party say Celestial Dragon powerhouse, when he was beginning to stir, Chen Qiang couldn’t figure out what he was asking.

But this thing shouldn’t be fake, after all, from the respect of the old farmers to the other party, they know that the other party is definitely a powerful person, such a person simply has no reason to lie to him.

“These people did not move, not because of the Revolutionary Army, but because of you!”

Obviously I saw Chen Qiang’s expression, combined with the identity of the other party, and With the latest movements of the Revolutionary Army, Mary immediately thought of what the other party was thinking, so she corrected her next time.

“Me? Wrong! Although I don’t know what the other party’s plan is, but from the few people I have contacted, they obviously want to improve my strength. Other actions, why don’t they have actions when my strength is not improved?”

Obviously, Chen Qiang had more questions after hearing the other party’s words. After all, he didn’t know the other party. What is his specific plan, but from the performance of the other party, some things can still be analyzed, but the current situation is obviously different from some of his analysis.

“It is precisely because your strength has not yet arrived, but after you left Gabriel, there has been no improvement in strength in two months, so these Celestial Dragons will take such actions! “

Mary explained this time.

“Isn’t the power rising, the other party has to take care of it?”

Hearing Mary’s reason, Chen Qiang feels like he’s not all right. It feels like I have been apprentice, and my strength has improved very quickly in the early stage, but the later improvement has become a lot slower. The Master is a little anxious and wants to personally help improve the strength of the discipline.

But it is clear that those Celestial Dragon people are simply standing on the opposite side of themselves, and now these actions have directly stunned Chen Qiang, and can’t think of the other party’s reason at all.

“The other party’s plan, after you appeared in their field of vision, and based on their treatment of you, after being known to me, I have been inquiring about this aspect.”

“Then what was the final result? Do you know what they are going to do?” Hearing this woman went to inquire, Chen Qiang quickly asked the other party about the final acceptance. .

“I did find it, but before I tell the result, there is a question that needs to be confirmed with you. If your answer is the same as I thought, then I can be sure that I found it Things are correct!”

However, after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, although Mary was nodded, but not at all directly answered Chen Qiang, instead she asked Chen Qiang a question.

That is: “You shouldn’t be from this World, right?”

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