To be honest, when the other party asked this question, Chen Qiang’s first reaction was shocked.

And the second reaction is to decide to kill him without admitting it. If he is an outsider in someone else’s world and messing up, he won’t kill himself after the other person knows about it.

But Chen Qiang soon realized that, no matter whether he was from another world or not, the things he brought to this world were generally good.

Although it caused a war between the Revolutionary Army and the world government-government, this is something that would have happened in the first place, but he accelerated the process.

After all, the rulers of the world government and the Celestial Dragon themselves are already decayed. Under such circumstances, some people with great ideals will not see each other’s existence.

After I joined the Revolutionary Army, I brought this World a concept that can be recognized by more people, giving the Revolutionary Army a specific course of action and increasing the strength of the Revolutionary Army. accumulation.

Although some of my theories are really not suitable, this World, but the changes can still be used, so from this point of view, I really did not do anything sorry for this World.

The position he is in now is on the side of most people, and the other party is obviously not at all hostile to him. It is also because of the Celestial Dragon relationship that they and themselves are standing People on a front.

So when the other party asks this question, they already know something. It is more likely that their identity has been exposed to Celestial Dragon’s eyes, and the other party may also like him. Only then will I be so concerned about my own strength.

Now Mary asked directly to herself, not because she wanted to destroy herself, but because she wanted to confirm his previous guess.

So from the above thoughts, Chen Qiang quickly figured out that the other party should not at all mind his identity, this is just to determine a fact.

In addition to Chen Qiang’s cheat, he is still very confident, that is, even if the opponent is malicious towards him, he can’t be beaten to death.

With such an idea, Chen Qiang no longer has that many worries, and directly nodded, admitting and saying: “Yes, I am indeed not a member of this World! Is this the Celestial Dragon? For my purpose?”

“That’s right! Then I can be sure that the plan I found is indeed true!”

Sure enough, listening After Chen Qiang confessed, the woman Mary did not at all have any dissatisfaction with Chen Qiang, but was nodded, and then talked about Celestial Dragon again.

“Can you tell me what the hell is going on?”

After seeing the other party not at all, Chen Qiang slowly put down the alert that Chen Qiang had raised before, and then turned towards The other party asked about the specific reasons for this incident.

“The news I got before was that on the Celestial Dragon, there was a God who had survived from ancient times, called Eim!”

“That God is very powerful Strong, and also want to break through the current limit, one step forward, but every world has a limit, and he is stuck on that limit just like us.”

“The only difference between him and us is that his strength has actually exceeded the limit, but because the limit of surpassing will be targeted by the world and will be subject to a powerful disaster, he has never dared to use the strength that exceeds the limit.”

Following Mary’s story, Chen Qiang knew that those Celestial Dragons who said they were descendants of God, there really is no boasting.

Before combining hell and heaven, Chen Qiang quickly understood some of the information about ancient divine warfare that he got in hell and heaven. Those Celestial Dragons were following this God’s hand and wanted to restore the original Mythological Era.

It’s just that I still haven’t figured it out, what’s the matter with him? How can I target him.

“But there shouldn’t be anything to do with me! Why do you want to target me again?”

Since I don’t understand, I of course ask Mary directly. Such a big man is trying to solve his own doubts, Chen Qiang can’t think about it before he thinks about it.

“This is the case. The restriction mechanism of the entire world does not restrict the promotion of the people inside. The promotion of those people above the restriction is actually allowed.”

“Only when there is a breakthrough restriction in the world, the world will also use the first breakthrough person to upgrade the power of the world. In this process, there will be various catastrophes, and these catastrophes will be passed on. As far as the people who were in the breakthrough in the world at that time.”

“You should have heard of the previous battle of the gods. In fact, at that time, the contradiction was second. The main reason was to fight Some people who were originally card owners were upgraded, and then they were sent to death, so that the overall upgrade of the world was completed.”

“And this goal was also achieved, so for the first time, all the more powerful Gods are basically It’s half dead!”

“In the second battle of God, after human beings knew this information, with the help of the magical battle at that time, they directly pushed all Gods into the Fire Pit. This made the world look like it is now.”

Mary still did not directly answer Chen Qiang’s question, but gave Chen Qiang the reason for the previous few magical battles and why she was the last one. The process of victory for a weak human being.

During this process, Chen Qiang didn’t interrupt either. After all, he knew his question, and the other party would definitely talk about it later.

And the fact is exactly the same. After a short pause, Mary continued to talk.

“And now, although there is no that many eternal life or God exists, but thanks to the existence of Devil Fruit, many people have reached the current limit and are hidden.”

“After all, people who have been improved by the ability of Devil Fruit are basically the generation of shocking and stunning. Such people can basically reach the limit.”

“Over time Floating. Although there are only a few people in each era, time has accumulated. Such people now have at least hundreds of people. Therefore, after a certain number of people, new battles will appear, and the world will also have to With the help of this battle in the breakthrough!”

“And the god who has lived from ancient times to the present, as the most powerful house in the world, is basically certain that when the time comes to fight, the opponent must be The first one to face the catastrophe!”

“So in order to be able to continue to live, that God established the world government-government, and wanted to use such a ruling class to prepare for his own battle while hiding His own figure to avoid this catastrophe.”

Mary has said a lot, but there is still nothing Chen Qiang wants to know, but from his words, Chen Qiang almost seems I already understood what the other party wanted to do.

After all, no one knows his own cheat better than him. If nothing happens, Chen Qiang thinks it should be what he thinks, but if it’s the reason for this, I still need to listen. Just listen to the words behind Mary.

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