“I am not very clear about the world catastrophe, because people who have faced this catastrophe are now dead.”

“As for how I know the news about you, it’s even simpler. Although Celestial Dragon advertises that they are descendants of God, in essence, they are just people who follow behind God, and they are established to help It’s just an organization for God to carry out a task.”

“Although there are people who are completely obedient to God, of course there are also people who don’t want to be oppressed by God, and my news is naturally those People gave it to me!”

“Now they don’t have the strength to fight against God, so they simply can’t resist the other’s orders, so they told me this news, let us prepare early!”

Since Chen Qiang asked now, Mary didn’t have any concealment about this, so she said all these things directly.

“Is it like this? Only in this way can it make sense!”

After hearing Mary say the reason, Chen Qiang said he was still surprised, but if you think about it carefully, Only in this way can it explain why the other party knows some of his own things.

“Then the last question!”

“You say! If I know, I will tell you all!”

“That was the Revolutionary Army before The news came from the side that Kaido joined the Revolutionary Army with all his forces. Did you do this?”

Since his question has been answered, Chen Qiang is not prepared I have said more about this matter. No matter what kind of plan they have, they don’t have the meaning of resistance now. After all, strength and battle strength are things, no matter how you look at them, they will go in that direction.

So entangled in this question is completely meaningless. As for the existence of himself as a chess piece, Chen Qiang also not at all takes this seriously. After all, it is finally decided whether you are a chess piece or not. The factor is just the level of strength.

When Chen Qiang’s strength can reach a certain level, he will naturally jump out of the chessboard and become the starting player who can control the game, so there is no point in saying too much about it, so I still pay attention. Some other things are better.

Since Chen Qiang came to this World, he actually only did three things. The first is to improve his strength. The final result of this thing is already known, and there is nothing to talk about.

The second thing is that I met my current partners, and now with the help of these people, the partners have improved their strength, so I don’t have to look at them.

And the third thing is the meaning of life that I found after I came to this World, that is, to make the color of this World the same as the place where I lived before, the same red.

Recent news on the ocean is all about Revolutionary Army, and the changes are too great. If the reason for such changes is not found, Chen Qiang feels that he is basically impossible to improve his strength with peace of mind. .

Moreover, from the other party’s previous words, this matter was mentioned vaguely, and it should also be related to God’s final battle, so Chen Qiang felt that the recent situation on the ocean should have something to do with the other party. So Chen Qiang asked his last question to the other party.

“This problem is indeed what we did. In fact, we also agree with the kind of governance plan you proposed. In addition to the position where God is avoiding, there must be a force to rush into Go to Holy Land Mariejois and completely destroy it, then it is possible for the other party to show up.”

“So I simply put some hidden things on the Revolutionary Army, and quickly let it The Revolutionary Army grows up, and then when your battle strength rises, you will attack Mariejois directly, so that our plan can be implemented perfectly.”

“As for Kaido joining the Revolutionary Army. In fact, it was an accident in itself. It was because Kaido itself was relatively soft to his influence. In addition, after I let the other party know that there is a powerful God on the Celestial Dragon side, he voluntarily joined the Revolutionary Army. “

“Because he also wants to have a fight with that God, he wants to kill God!”

“And now other Yonko, actually have contact with our people, It’s just because they can’t accept some things, and they’re still negotiating terms, but I believe they will join the Revolutionary Army soon.”

“If they don’t want to, then we don’t There needs to be a force that will drag us back when we are in the final battle, so I believe that after seeing our strength, but their brains are still normal, they should not reject our proposal!”

Mary still said everything straightforwardly, and without any concealment, she also told Chen Qiang about her actions afterwards.

“Since this is the case, although I think it’s too fast, but since the situation is like this, I won’t say anything, then tell me what I need to do now?”

After listening to Mary’s words, although Chen Qiang felt that this kind of thing came too fast, but now that it has developed to this level, Chen Qiang is also impossible to reverse the car.

In general, with the support of these people now, the development of the Revolutionary Army is still good, so Chen Qiang has no opinion.

Since there are no comments, then turn the topic back to reality. Since now I want to improve my strength and battle strength together, then they must have an arrangement.

So Chen Qiang didn’t arrange and so on by himself, but wanted to listen to the other’s opinions. After all, it’s Mary who knows the Celestial Dragon best now, since they want to make themselves Chess pieces, that of course is to decide how to move the next move at high speed.

This will prevent you from going wrong and ruining their plan, which is not good for you, because from the current situation.

The Revolutionary Army has now been dragged together by the opponent and can no longer stand alone. If you win the final battle, then it means that the Revolutionary Army has won. If you lose, the so-called Revolutionary Army, of course There is no possibility of winning.

Since the form is such a form, Chen Qiang is not prepared to struggle, so he can save some brain cells, so why not do it.

“Your future arrangements are actually not at all special. Didn’t the guy Gabriel give you a map before? You just have to go there!”

Regarding Chen Qiang’s question, Mary didn’t pay much attention to it, and said nonchalantly.

“Go there? Isn’t this a little bit different from your previous plan, isn’t that person there also wants to resist that God?”

See the other person’s answer like this , Chen Qiang immediately thought that the place marked on the map should have people like them.

At this time, although the opponent belonged to Celestial Dragon, but he didn’t want to arrange with the so-called God who was listening to it, so I let myself go there, so that I can quickly improve my strength and improve my battle strength.

How to look at it is the best of both worlds, but it’s not that the people on Celestial Dragon can’t defy God’s order at all, how can they still do things like this?

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