But this time Mary did not nod her head to agree with Chen Qiang’s words, but shook her head and said.

“No, the people there, no one belongs to, just a madman who has developed himself crazy by the fruits of development!”

“Huh? A madman? How can you guarantee me? With the opponent, I can improve my battle strength at the same time.”

After hearing Mary’s answer, Chen Qiang was visibly stupefied. He did not understand what the opponent meant. , I also said earlier that I want to improve his battle strength while improving his strength, but now he wants to meet a madman by himself.

This is a self-contradictory thing, after all, the reason why it is called a lunatic is that it is a person who cannot be treated like an ordinary person. Such a person simply has no way to communicate, since there is no way to communicate. , Then how to achieve your goal.

For this, Chen Qiang said that he really couldn’t figure it out.

“This is nothing. The madman is very strong, especially the battle strength, which can be said to be the Number One Person under God, but although his people are crazy, the crisis still exists. , So rely on his crisis meaning to keep him in this state without breakthrough.”

“There is actually a reason for letting you find him this time. One is that this is the God arrangement after all. The thing that came down, in order to prevent that God from discovering our plan early, so you must go to this place.”

“The second reason is that although the lunatic is very strong, his attack is great. Part of it is a single attack. Under such a person, although you may not be able to block the opponent’s attack at first, you will be able to slowly walk on the opponent’s hand after your body is further strengthened. A few tricks.”

“At that time, you will have time to improve your battle strength, and in such a high-pressure battle, the improvement shouldn’t be too simple, let alone the following things. After telling you, I believe you will weigh the pros and cons, and you will understand how to choose!”

Mary quickly told Chen Qiang the reason for this arrangement, even why she would After appearing here, and after appearing here, the reason why you should tell Chen Qiang all these things is also said together.

There is nothing to hide from this thing. After all, based on their previous knowledge of Chen Qiang, they know that Chen Qiang is still very clever. Such a simple strategy, even if the other party can’t think of it, but wait until After seeing that person and that person fight, the other party will definitely understand.

So just tell the other party directly. Since you have done it, you are not afraid to admit it. This will make Chen Qiang a better impression. After all, if the plan is successful when the time comes, Chen Qiang is almost the same. It is also the most powerful house in this world. It shouldn’t be a good relationship to have a good relationship with the most powerful house.

For Mary, it would be better to simply shake off all the plans.

“Okay! I see, this was originally my own arrangement, but maybe if you don’t come this time, I will have other operations.”

“But now that Let me just say it, then I will follow the route you made, and hope that the final takeover will not let me down!”

Although Chen Qiang has already acquiesced in his current position as a pawn , But after hearing all the plot against the other party, Chen Qiang still feels a little unhappy.

But the unhappy return unhappy, since some things know that this is the best, then Chen Qiang has no reason to refuse.

So after just giving the opponent a blank look, Chen Qiang has already decided on the future direction of things. When the time comes, he will improve his strength and battle strength.

“Since things are finished now, and I am going to follow your plan, then I won’t stay here any longer.”

After all the things are finished. Chen Qiang was not prepared to stay longer on this small island, but was going to set off directly to the place marked on the map to improve his strength.

After all, looking at these people who set themselves up and let them voluntarily drill in, Chen Qiang still feels a little uncomfortable, so he should leave here early and come here. bother.

And when Chen Qiang made such a decision, no one else opposed it. After all, they came here this time to see off, but there was a little accident in the middle, but seeing off is to see off, say Chen Qiang They didn’t stop Qiang when he decided to leave.

Looking at Chen Qiang carrying all the prepared dry food and the like, Chen Qiang went up to the small boat on one side, and then, without much speech, a few blood-colored wings appeared on the top of the boat. .

With the stirring of the wings, Chen Qiang’s boat slowly left here and flew towards the sea, but disappeared quickly in the eyes of everyone.

“Okay, since I’m done here, I’m done! I’m ready to go too! Let’s see what happened to the Avatar I split out before, and it’s time to take it back!”

Since seeing Chen Qiang has left, Mary is not going to stay here any longer. After all, every time she sees an old farmer, she will feel uncomfortable, so she simply doesn’t plan to stay here.

“Mary’s big sister is gone now? Don’t you stay for a cup of tea and so on?”

After hearing Mary’s words, the old farmer obviously forgot the previous Lesson, said to Mary with a smile on his face.

The consequences of calling like this are also conceivable. Mary just gave the old farmer a roll of eyes, and directly caused him to fall to the ground, and then stopped saying anything, and flew on the small boat that was driving her. After reaching the sea level, he went to the one who didn’t know where.

“Am I saying something wrong again?”

After Mary left, the old farmer slowly got up from the ground again. This time he fell a bit hard, almost He had one of his teeth broken, so he was rubbing his mouth while looking at the Qingfengmingyue beside him in puzzlement.


And this is the time of Qingfeng Mingyue and the two of them. They looked at the old farmer now, and they also gave each other a blank eye. Then they turned around and left here.

I don’t want to care about this nervous guy at all, and I decided in my heart that you must stay away from the old farmer in the future, so that you won’t be infected by the other party’s IQ.

It is really embarrassing to behave like this. This is why the two of them didn’t want to talk at all after Mary came here, and they also said that they were far away from the old farmer.

“Hey! No one can explain it to me?”

Looking at the two guys who left here after rolling their eyes to themselves, the old farmer expressed dissatisfaction towards them Exclaimed.

It’s just that no matter how the old farmer yelled outside, the other two completely ignored him. After each returned to their place, they handed over to their students with peace of mind.

As for the old peasants, although they still haven’t figured out what is going on, but when they can’t get the answer, they simply don’t want to go back and ask their own discipline.

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