Chen Qiang, after leaving the island, flew directly in the direction indicated on the map.

This time, as there was no other delay, Chen Qiang rushed to the road with all his strength, and it took almost a week to reach the place marked on the map.

And what I have to say is that on the 2nd day after he left the island, he discovered that someone was monitoring his actions around.

But Chen Qiang didn’t mean to care about him. After all, the people who want to keep up with him and monitor him are certainly not weak, and the people who need to monitor him are actually two. Kind.

One is the old peasants, and the other is the Celestial Dragon. They are all people who need him to quickly improve their strength.

So Chen Qiang didn’t care about these people at all, because no matter where they were, after they went to this place, they followed their wishes, and when they got there, soon Will leave, so Chen Qiang feels that there is absolutely no need to manage, and now is not the time to conflict with each other.

Sure enough, the facts were the same as Chen Qiang thought. After he arrived here, the person watching in the sky disappeared.

After confirming that the other party passed away again and again, Chen Qiang relaxed his vigilance about the hidden-character. After all, the previous thing was just his guess, and he could not be sure whether it was the same as he thought. .

So the precautions that should be taken are still necessary, so after he arrived here, the other party’s departure also made Chen Qiang confirm that the previous guess was not wrong, so he took back his guard and started to check The scene in front of him started.

At this time, he saw a huge vortex in front of him. After he came here, what the vortex looked like, as time changed, the vortex did not change at all.

What’s even more amazing is that it’s obviously already in the Calm Belt position, so the wind here is actually very small, and simply doesn’t have the basis to form such a huge vortex.

But the fact is that this huge vortex was formed in such a completely unfounded place, and the location marked on the map is exactly in the center of this huge vortex.

After flying around the vortex for a while, Chen Qiang still didn’t notice any difference, so he didn’t even look at it, but flew directly towards the center.

Then Chen Qiang took a big breath of air and plunged into the center of the vortex.

Just getting close to the center of the vortex, Chen Qiang felt a huge force of attraction, causing Chen Qiang, who was unprepared, to lose his balance in the air.

That is, at this time, Chen Qiang’s body also touched the seawater in the vortex, so he directly caused the swirling water to turn around.

And mixed with the previous suction, Chen Qiang was spinning so fast, and was sucked into the depths of the sea by this suction, and he was still moving toward a deeper place.


In the depths of the sea, above a weird open space, the water here seems to be constrained by something, leaving a huge living space inside.

The only link between this place and the outside is a small rotating hole in the upper ocean current to absorb the outside air and allow people to survive here.

At this time, I saw the window outside the small link in the sky, and a huge stream of water suddenly appeared, and then Chen Qiang’s silhouette fell directly from above.

“This World is really amazing! I don’t know how many other places that violate conventions like this!”

After Chen Qiang arrived here, he lay on the ground for a long time. After all, the rotation just now is too long, even with Chen Qiang’s current physique, it feels quite uncomfortable.

After a long delay, Chen Qiang slowly stood up from the ground and began to look at the surrounding environment. With just a glance, Chen Qiang felt that One Piece World was really magical, and there was even more This is the seabed island linked by the vortex.

“Right! Didn’t it mean that there is a madman here? Why don’t you seem to see people? Is it because you are going out and having trouble, you are not at home?”

I looked at the surrounding environment Later, Chen Qiang began to look for it. After all, he came here to find the madman to become stronger, so impossible was to just look at the scenery in place and leave.

Just after looking around, it was not at all that the lunatic Mary mentioned before, and even Chen Qiang, who drove his Kenbunshoku Haki to the maximum, did not find any other people’s breath. This made Chen Qiang a little puzzled.

What Chen Qiang didn’t notice was that when he was checking all around, two red eyes appeared behind Chen Qiang, but when the opponent moved Chen Qiang, he also moved with him. Yes, always staying out of Chen Qiang’s sight.

In addition to Chen Qiang’s Kenbunshoku Haki, it is indeed still short of fire, so there is no other party’s existence.


The owner of the bloody eyes obviously didn’t mean to keep playing like this, so after getting closer to Chen Qiang, he spoke for a while. Yelled, then directly attacked Chen Qiang.

After hearing the roar behind him, Chen Qiang knew it was not good. The opponent’s strength was completely above him. Even if his Kenbunshoku Haki was fully opened, he could not find the opponent.

However, this roar gave Chen Qiang some preparations. He swooped forward and then rolled on the ground with the help of the momentum, avoiding the opponent’s attack at this time.

At the same time, because of this, Chen Qiang was able to see what the madman Mary said looked like.

I saw each other’s burly figure and solid muscles, but his neck was indeed broken, without a head, just on his upper body, with two huge eyes on his chest, and a belly with A big mouth full of fangs.

The weapon he used was a huge axe about the size of his body. At this time, he was staying only a few centimeters away from Chen Qiang.

“I’ll go! Xingtian!”

At the first sight of the other person, Chen Qiang recognized the other person, and then he was shocked there, even this time. I forgot in the battle.

So there was no accident. After Chen Qiang said these words, he was shot directly on the ground with the axe like a door panel, turning it into a puddle of mud.

Actually, it’s not because Chen Qiang was shocked, but because Xing Tian was in his previous life, the character in the is legend, this is the first time he saw this fit the description of the text. Of the image.

Adding that Chen Qiang didn’t feel the breath of Devil Fruit on the opponent at all at that time, it means that the opponent now looks exactly like him.

This is what shocked Chen Qiang. Even in One Piece World, there are actually a lot of humans, but Chen Qiang has never seen such a character.

How could it not be shocked.

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