However, as Chen Qiang’s body recovered and formally stood with the opponent, Chen Qiang also slowly understood that the opponent simply did not grow like this.

It’s completely because he developed the fruit ability to a terrifying level, even to make his fruit ability match his body completely.

I have modified my body. In order to achieve this, I even cut off my head directly, and then combined the whole fruit’s ability with the body.

This made him like this, and it was precisely because of this that Chen Qiang also understood how crazy the lunatic Mary was talking about at the time.

In this way, he completely changed his body into this shape, and let the fruit power control his body, so that his strength did rise, but it was also because of this that all his thoughts also cut off his head. At the time, it completely disappeared.

Now he can no longer be said to be a person at all. On the contrary, it is more appropriate to say that he is Xingtian itself. After all, it is no longer himself who controls him, but the fruit of Mythical Zoan Type Xingtian form. Ability.

As for how he achieved such a state that the fruit can produce self-action ability, this Chen Qiang does not know. After all, Chen Qiang has no fruit ability. Although there is a little research on fruit ability, It is more about combining the animations seen in the previous life, and then adding some of my own understanding, and then summing it up.

The appearance of the other party, he had never seen it before, which made him unable to study.

In addition, after seeing him return to his original appearance, Xing Tian has never stopped his attacks and started to attack Chen Qiang continuously.

Although the opponent’s attack speed is very fast, it is an axe after all, unless the opponent is attacking Chen Qiang with the axe face, it will beat Chen Qiang into flesh.

At other times, Chen Qiang was attacked by axe blades, and he cut Chen Qiang in half at most. For Chen Qiang, this kind of damage still has room for manipulation.

It’s just that the opponent is too strong for Chen Qiang in terms of strength or speed. Even with the ability to cheat, there is no possibility of counterattack at all.

So in such a battle, Chen Qiang can only rely on cheat ability to quickly improve his strength.

But under such an attack, Chen Qiang finally understood what Mary told him before, saying that this lunatic is the easiest person to improve his strength and battle strength.

This is because Xingtian’s attack is very simple, but under a simple attack, he has powerful strength.

A simple attack gives Chen Qiang the possibility of counterattack, and the strong strength shows that the opponent has the possibility to keep his own hands under such circumstances.

Although Chen Qiang may not be able to keep up with the opponent because of his physical fitness at first, he was suppressed and beaten by the opponent, but with the hands of his body, his quality improved rapidly.

Chen Qiang will also have the possibility of slowly finding a weak spot from the opponent’s attack and fighting the opponent.

So it was decided that after Chen Qiang’s physical strength reached a certain level, he would launch a counterattack against Xingtian, and as long as he counterattacked, it was a counterattack under such a high-intensity battle.

His battle strength will also be quickly strengthened. This situation is indeed very suitable for Chen Qiang to improve himself.

After thinking about this, Chen Qiang stayed here with peace of mind, and began to experience his own constant abuse.

But this kind of battle actually has time to rest. After all, although Xing Tian is powerful, he still can’t do what Chen Qiang can do to survive without resorting to any food.

So after being frenzied for a day or two with Chen Qiang, he will disappear for a period of time, which can give Chen Qiang a chance to sum up some combat experience, so in general, Chen Qiang is still reluctant to fight like this. Acceptable.

However, something happened. Chen Qiang had something unacceptable. After two days of fighting against him for the first time, the opponent seemed to be hungry.

After an attack, Chen Qiang was beaten into meat at the time, and then Xing Tian grabbed Chen Qiang’s minced meat and sent it directly to the huge mouth in his stomach.

Such a scene happened to be seen by the recovered Chen Qiang, which made him a little unacceptable for a while. Fortunately, as long as Chen Qiang did not die, he would cut off contact with him, then any part of his body would actually be It can be manipulated.

So after seeing such a situation, Chen Qiang reacted and directly controlled his own flesh, beating constantly in the opponent’s mouth.

This kind of action also made the other person vomit all the meat out, and he seemed to understand later. Although Chen Qiang’s meat seems to be edible, if this guy doesn’t die, it’s eaten. , The other party can also beat in his stomach.

This kind of feeling is not good, so after vomiting the flesh and blood, he disappeared in front of Chen Qiang, apparently looking for other food.

Looking at the disappearing Xing Tian, ​​looking at his own flesh and blood that fell on the ground, Chen Qiang didn’t dare to restore the flesh to his own body because it was vomited out of the opponent’s mouth. , After all, it’s still disgusting.

So I simply cut off the connection with the meat, and then dug them a place to bury them.

However, after dealing with this mass of flesh and blood, Chen Qiang was a little confused for a while, that is, the other party has already left, what’s the point of staying here.

What to do with his subsequent promotion, and how to get out of here is also a problem.

Fortunately, not at all let Chen Qiang wait for too long, Xing Tian came here again, and launched an attack on Chen Qiang, it is this that made Chen Qiang a little bit confused and disappeared. .

Although I don’t know what Xingtian thinks, why did he attack him after he determined that he couldn’t eat, and he continued to attack him like this.

But Chen Qiang knows that no matter what the other person thinks, as long as he can improve his strength, it is useless for the other selves to think that many, so it is better to improve himself.

In fact, what Chen Qiang didn’t know was that this Xing Tian, ​​although because of this form, almost lost all his ability to think, he couldn’t think without a watch.

It’s just that his thinking is more of an animal instinct, coupled with his powerful Kenbunshoku Haki, it allows him to seek luck and avoid calamity.

So in Chen Qiang’s body, although it was determined that the meat on his body could not be eaten, he also had a strong feeling that he kept telling him that as long as he kept fighting with Chen Qiang, he would have Great benefit.

Since it’s a good thing, in such a closed environment, apart from going to the edge to find food under normal circumstances, there is only Xingtian in a daze.

Of course, he won’t let this opportunity pass, so every time he is full, he will find Che Qiang and let the next opponent continue to fight, so that the battle continues again and again.

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