But now that he knows the other party’s plan, of course the dragon will not be in charge of Kaido’s affairs. Instead, he began to pay attention to the need for them to attack Mariejois. part.

From this plan, the dragon can clearly see that this is an opportunity for the Revolutionary Army, an opportunity to move them to the world government faster.

If you miss this time, then there will be almost no chance to completely drive those Celestial Dragons from the altar.

After all, if they fail to slaughter the gods this time, then the existence of gods in the world will definitely spread over the sea.

However, Celestial Dragon, who originally ruled the sea as a descendant of God, will have a much stronger rule.

And if their action this time can be successful, even if Chen Qiang still failed to kill the God in the final plan, they must plan a plan that can completely kill all Celestial Dragons.

Regardless of the final result, whether it is God’s victory or other people’s success in killing God, then they must take countermeasures.

If Tushen succeeds, they will be able to realize their ideas almost 100% here, making it possible for everyone to be equal.

And if they fail, then they will also work hard to solve all the Celestial Dragons, so that even if they fail, the people on their side will be wiped out, and at least the Celestial Dragon’s rule will also end.

In this way, even if they die, the idea of ​​equality for all has spread. With the addition of all the deaths of Celestial Dragon, the foundation of the world town is shattered.

Then it is possible to regenerate a new force when the two forces disappear and fight for this great ideal.

So no matter how you look at it, this battle of slaughtering the gods is very important, so after receiving the news, Long immediately began to arrange it.

In all the islands controlled by the Revolutionary Army, troops are constantly being transferred back here, and then all the high-levels are all concentrated here for the first time.

Be ready at any time, wait until Chen Qiang appears, and conduct the most critical and important decisive battle.

We must know that these Revolutionary Army, when they are committed to revolution, have already dedicated their lives to the glorious and difficult task of revolution.

Since there is an opportunity to realize their ideals quickly, they will dedicate all they have, including their lives, for this opportunity without hesitation.


For this news, since the Revolutionary Army knows the news because of the dragon, of course Marine will know it too.

After all, among the retired old Marines on the Marine side, there are many strong ones, especially Sengoku and the others, whose strength can be said to be an extreme level existence.

In addition to the current Marine Fleet Admiral Akainu, the strength is also very strong. Although there is still some distance to the limit, it is actually similar to the dragon.

So when the Old Guy passed the news to Akainu’s desk, he himself received the news.

However, after receiving this news, Akainu didn’t have any other big reactions. He just told all the Marine senior generals about the news, and let them choose by themselves.

Is to join the Revolutionary Army to deal with those Celestial Dragons, or implement their inner justice with him, when the time comes, set out to defend the Holy Land Mariejois they protect.

As for why this happened, in fact, this news is the second one, mainly the news that Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army a few days ago.

After the news spread, many people in Marine have shaken up their inner justice. You must know that the heart is at Marine’s high-level and middle-level, almost all taught by Zephyr.

Now that their Sensei have been added to the Revolutionary Army, does it mean that what the Revolutionary Army is doing is true justice, and what they think of as justice Marine is actually wrong.

Such thoughts are actually only temporary when Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army. As long as they are given some time, they will naturally want to understand.

But now obviously time is short and the others, the news that the Revolutionary Army is about to attack Holy Land Mariejois has begun to radiate downward from the hands of those experts.

By the time they implement the plan of slaughtering the gods, these Marines, who have already begun to shake in their hearts, cannot guarantee that they will not directly rebel during the battle.

After all, if the gods can be slaughtered, then the gods told them that Marine’s justice is really correct. With such an idea, the entire Marine might not be defeated.

So in this case, it’s better to call them together and tell them what might happen next.

Let them choose for themselves, so that although there may be some losses in Marine, at least after such a time, the chance of temporary betrayal basically does not exist.

That kind of deterioration, when the time comes, it won’t happen. During the fierce battle, I was suddenly turned by my teammates.

Finally, after undergoing such a wave of operations, decisively, nearly half of Marine senior generals left Marine to find the justice in their hearts.

In this way, Marine’s battle strength is basically half the cost. Judging from the battle strength that they lacked because of the rise of the Revolutionary Army, they basically have no resistance to the Revolutionary Army. The capital is up.

Fortunately, in the battle when the time comes, it is not only Marine who are responsible for resisting Revolutionary Army, but also the various arms of the world government. If it is done properly, there is actually a chance.

After doing this, it is actually not without benefits, that is, those who left Marine did not directly join the Revolutionary Army, except for a very small number of people who joined the Revolutionary Army. Sensei Zephyr who followed them went outside.

Other people are stuck in the wait and see, their beliefs are shaken, so they need to rebuild their beliefs, so as not to guarantee their battle strength.

And even if they left Marine, they didn’t want to be enemies with Marine just like that. After all, what’s going on here is where they served for more than ten years.

If they leave here and are equivalent to enemies here, they don’t want to be like this either.

So after this wave of operations, the battle strength on Marine’s side has dropped, but the battle strength on the Revolutionary Army side has not increased at all because of this incident.

This can be considered barely achieved Akainu’s original intention to do so. At least their battle strength dropped, but the basic disk did not make a mistake, and it was able to stay strong for a while.

As for whether this is right or not, in Akinu’s view, there is simply no right or wrong. Only by doing this can they ensure that their participation in the final battle will not collapse due to internal reasons.

Perhaps this battle appears to those hidden powerhouses to be the battle of the slaughter of gods, but in Akainu’s view, this battle is indeed a battle between his righteous way and the Revolutionary Army’s way. Battle.

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