speaking of which is actually Akainu bad luck. I finally defeated the precognition and won the position of inheriting Marine Fleet Admiral, and I can better implement my justice to this World up.

But he only inherited the position of Fleet Admiral not very long, and he met Chen Qiang who was constantly doing things at sea.

First, the speech on Fishman Island almost reduced their Marine’s reputation to the lowest point. If it weren’t for Sengoku’s help at the time, and Chen Qiang’s own wave, he attacked Holy Land Mariejois and took this pot. It was thrown to the entire world government-house.

Let Marine’s reputation not lose too much, and with room for reversal, he directly started the world recruiting, which quickly faded out of people’s sight.

In that blow, Akainu didn’t know how long it would take to restore Marine’s reputation to its previous state.

But after not very long in the world, the Revolutionary Army began to explode over the entire sea, whether it was the Grand Line or the Four Seas.

There are uprising islanders everywhere, attacking the kings and nobles everywhere, and Marine has issued orders to capture these Revolutionary Army who rebelled against the nobles, so that more Marines are also leaving directly. Join the Revolutionary Army.

Okay at this time, Akainu reacted quickly and issued an order directly to temporarily control the soldiers who left Marine, so that it would not expand too much.

That is to order the Marines below, every time they arrest people, they will not first arrest those who rebelled against their masters, but first check whether those nobles have bullied the people. If Oppressed, Marine allowed the islanders to resist, but would not come forward to stop it.

Although such an order prevents Marine’s soldier from resigning to join the Revolutionary Army, such an order obviously also touched the interests of the nobles who joined the world government.

So these people are putting pressure on the world government and wanting Akainu to withdraw such an order, but Akainu can only choose to ignore such an order, because he also knows that as long as he withdraws such an order , Then the whole sea is really messed up.

Now there is still reason to believe that Marine is a righteous person, who will stand on the opposite side of Marine. Maybe when the time comes Marine, there will be that kind of lard officer without the dilemma of the bottom seller.

Moreover, most of the senior officers who want to return to Marine are not selected from among the nobles, but rather powerful people selected from among the islanders.

This is the kind of people who manage Marine. They themselves represent the interests of all ordinary people in the world. If they turn against the civilians at this time, they will drive out of Marine on the spot, believing or not.

So after receiving the above order, Akainu directly rejected the opponent, and then implemented the order one by one, this time barely maintaining the current situation.

It can be said that Akainu, who has experienced these two things, is already exhausted, but what he did not expect is that he received the former Former Marine Admiral Black Arm Zephyr a few days ago. , Officially announced the news of joining the Revolutionary Army.

When I heard this news, Akainu really got a headache, but fortunately, although Zephyr’s reputation is relatively high on Marine, it has been out of people’s attention for a long time.

So when this news came out, except for those students who only graduated from Zephyr a few years ago, they gave up the identity of Marine and joined the Revolutionary Army.

The other students who graduated a long time ago, just had some hesitation in the heart, not at all, are completely determined to leave Marine.

Akainu is actually very satisfied with this situation, and if this matter ends here, Akainu doesn’t have to do anything at all. After a while, these people will strengthen their beliefs. , Will not leave.

After all, the world government-government ruled the world for 800 years. At this time, their majesty is obviously still there. So in the hearts of many people, their majesty is inviolable, so even sometimes I feel that some actions of the world government are wrong.

But because the majesty that has ruled for 800 years is there, they generally don’t resist, so now they are hesitated and confused when they hear the news.

When these people think about Celestial Dragon, I believe they will soon understand their own situation, and they may choose to stay in Marine.

So after making this judgment, Akainu prepared to treat it like this for a period of time, and when everyone figured it out, the situation would naturally disappear.

But what he didn’t expect was that only a few days later, news of the Revolutionary Army’s attack on Holy Land Mariejois was placed in his office.

Of course, if this is the case, he has nothing to entangle. Just shoot Marine directly to assist the defense. Although this matter is troublesome, it is not impossible to solve it.

But what’s more troublesome is that most of the powerhouses hidden in different parts of the world mentioned in this news are directly opposed to the world government and government.

And they were even more surprised that their purpose was to slaughter the gods. This reason was enough to surprise Akainu.

If news like this is released, most Marine officers in Marine will be shaken, especially since Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army a few days ago. Everyone will choose to give up the Marine position and leave Marine!

However, after receiving the news personally, Akainu was shocked and reacted to the other party, which can ignore his own existence and send messages to himself. Obviously the other party is powerful. There is no doubt.

In addition to those Marines who are in retirement, the powerful people have also received such news, then it means that as long as the strength reaches a certain level, they will definitely receive such things.

Then since I can receive it, the Revolutionary Army will definitely receive it. Aside from other things, even if the leader of the Revolutionary Army was Dragon, when the opponent was Marine a long time ago, he was He also knows the strength of the opponent who has worked with the other party, and he is definitely not inferior to him.

Now that I have received such a message, the other party must have received such a message.

So this kind of news must not be hidden behind. Since it can’t be hidden, Akainu is also simply. When the Revolutionary Army releases the news, it is better to directly and frankly give all the generals to the officers. Call it over and make it clear.

In this way, at least I can recover some of the losses, and this also makes the previous scene in Akainu’s office appear in the previous scene for Marine Generals to choose.

Although there is very little information on this information, there is a lot of information inside. If the other party does this, then Akainu has already met, whether it is the last takeover, victory or defeat , The whole sea will be completely messed up.

From this incident, this has been an unstoppable fact.

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