Time flies quickly. In this process, although the slaughter of the gods continues to spread, causing constant turbulence on the sea, all influence is constantly planning some thing.

But generally speaking, it is still very quiet. After all, before the final result is released, even if other forces want to do something, they still dare not dare to do something.

After all, as the hidden powerhouses came out one after another to gather powerful battle strength for the Revolutionary Army. In this short month, the Revolutionary Army was able to compete with the world government. The strength of it.

This among which is included Kaido, as well as its Big Mom and Akagami, have chosen to join the Revolutionary Army for the final battle.

After all, even if they are Yonko, they can only compromise when they are surrounded by a dozen people with similar strength.

However, their current relationship with the Revolutionary Army cannot be said to be joining. It is more like a little more cooperation. In fact, they have their own plot against.

In their view, the so-called battle of the butchering of the gods is already inevitable, and now the Revolutionary Army and the world government-government side are quickly gathering their battle strength. .

The source of Revolutionary Army’s battle strength is mainly on the New World side. As one of New World’s Yonkos, if they don’t join the Revolutionary Army at this time, they will definitely be a blow to them. Object.

After all, you must clean up the forces in your place before the decisive battle, lest you should be stabbed in the back during the decisive battle.

So there are actually only a few ways to go before them, that is, join the Revolutionary Army and fight against the world government-government with them, or join the world government-government and fight the Revolutionary Army together, and finally One is to consciously leave New World, go to other places first, vacate the battlefield for them, and come back again after the battle is over.

These 3 types of choices, in fact, there are only two kinds of speaking of which. After all, as Pirate Yonko, they themselves are opposed to the world government-government. It is basically impossible to join the world government-government, thinking Even if they want to join, the other party will say “believing or not”, so this choice is not valid when at first.

The other is to choose to take their own time to withdraw from the New World and leave the battlefield out, so that they will neither be targeted by the Revolutionary Army nor be attacked by Marine.

After all, they have almost left the vortex of the storm. At this time, the other two forces simply don’t have time to take care of them who have retreated outside the battlefield.

But there are drawbacks to doing this, that is, if you do this, it means that they have given up their power in the New World, even if when the time comes back after the battle, at that time between the two parties The victors will certainly not let them control their forces.

So if you choose this way, it’s equivalent to. When the battle is over, they will come back to regroup and be suppressed by the victor, making their lives even harder.

But even with such drawbacks, Blackbeard still made a direct abandonment of the place he occupied in New World, and then withdrew all Pirates members from New World and went to West Blue to stay temporarily .

After all, Blackbeard itself is a complete Pirate, so that he might lose his name for the sake of slaughtering a god. This thing is impossible in itself.

So making this choice is actually reasonable. Although he also has the consciousness of giving up his life for his dreams, he has no idea of ​​giving up his life for the so-called slaughter of gods. .

However, after Blackbeard left New World, the other two Yonkos did choose to cooperate with the Revolutionary Army, preparing to participate in the matter of God Slaughter when the time comes.

After all, the two of them are powerful, and they have long wanted to see the so-called god. Now that they have the opportunity to kill the god, of course they will not miss it.

And there is another point, that is, their power in the New World, compared to Blackbeard, it is not the same, if you give up, it is not easy to reach this level.

Adding that they are not the same as Blackbeard, their ideals are also different, so it is reasonable to make such a choice.

And the world government-government side, of course, is not doing nothing. They have ruled the world for eight hundred years, and in this process, their background is also unusually deep.

After this decisive battle appeared, many powerhouses that had already retired and lived in seclusion also came out one after another and stood on their side.

When I saw so many powerhouses in the world government-government, I was shocked by those who underestimated them before.

Because among them, even if those Celestial Dragons are not counted, there are more than a dozen powerhouses in the extreme rank.

Although some of these people did not achieve longevity because of their own ability to develop fruits, all of them seemed to be somewhat decayed.

But their strength is real, so after these people appeared, the entire world was shocked.


And during this month, Chen Qiang and his partners, cultivation can be said to be very hard.

First of all, Qin, Lin, Irwin and Parker who stayed on the island, the four of them have grown a lot.

Ivan has completely sat down to the ability to speak arbitrarily. Basically, after turning on the ability, every word of his can deceive people’s hearts. People with a slightly lower spirit strength are almost Can be directly rebelled in place by what he said.

And Qin is also under the guidance of the old farmers, and his assassination ability is rapidly improving. Now his ability to hide himself has reached the level that even if the old farmers are not careful, they can’t find it. It’s just the body. There are still some flaws in the quality, but if Chen Qiang’s undead ability is combined, her battle strength will not be much worse than that of the old farmers.

And Lin’s growth is countless. She has completely controlled the ability to sign contracts with the elements in the air. Basically, after the abilities are activated, the various elements will automatically sign contracts with her. , And in accordance with her instructions, her strength has also improved a lot.

Parker’s side is much simpler. After his body transformation was completed, he gave up the choice of self-improvement, and instead began to use machinery to explode soldiers.

After returning to his Master once, after borrowing Xiao Ha, in just one month, he set up a mechanical Legion.

All the machines are equipped with laser swords, plus various powerful power sources. It can be said that each of his machines will not be worse than the Peaceful Pacifista on Marine.

As for the Hulk who was brought to the Calm Belt by the churchman before, during this period, every day was spent eating and looking for food.

In just such a short month, he has reached the limit of his power. If it weren’t for the Churchman’s discovery of this, he would stop him, maybe he would be better than Chen. Qiang’s breakthrough is above the limit faster.

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