Chen Qiang has made considerable progress in his strength during this month.

From the most open half a month, being completely suppressed by the opponent, even the slightest fight back may not be found, until after half a month, the time to counterattack will be slowly found.

Up to now, as long as you don’t want to, you will basically not be attacked by the other party. Even if you accidentally let the other party attack you, his injury will basically not be too big.

During this process, Chen Qiang has almost reached the limit mentioned by those people, and already has a feeling that as long as he is injured several times, he can basically break through to the limit without any obstacles. on.

After feeling such a situation, Chen Qiang also knew that it was time for him to leave here, because if he had a breakthrough here, then the previous plan could be said to be yes, and it would have failed before it even started.

However, even if Chen Qiang stays here, he can only break through himself as a method, because just after his strength reached the current level, Xing Tian seemed to have lost interest in him and directly Disappeared in front of him.

Even if Chen Qiang finds him elsewhere on the island later, he doesn’t have any desire for Chen Qiang to act.

So in this situation, Chen Qiang also knew that it was time for him to leave, and there was still a big battle waiting for him outside.

Before leaving, he still thanked Xing Heavenly Dao well, and then took out Den Den Mushi, who had been with him before, and informed Mary and the others about his return.

After receiving Chen Qiang’s news, Bian responded quickly and asked Chen Qiang to go directly to the Red Line mainland, where they would be ready to wait for him to arrive.

For this situation, Chen Qiang did not say much, but nodded agreed.

He also knows that since it is the final decisive battle, the opponent has a lot of preparations. After all, they may attach more importance to the success of this plan than they attach importance to this matter.

So after the other party proposed such a plan, Chen Qiang did not refuse. He just returned to where he was before, and used his ability to glue the ship that was broken after coming down. Come together.

Then jumped onto the ship, the blood-colored rays of light on Chen Qiang’s body flashed, and the whole ship flew directly from the ground, and then flew straight toward the exit position above.

In just an instant, I directly entered the ocean current above and disappeared into this seabed island.

After Chen Qiang came out of the seabed, the sea outside did not change at all. It was still the same as when he came in before. A big vortex was constantly selected at the junction of Calm Belt and New World. Pretend.

Looking at the big vortex below, Chen Qiang turned his head directly, then found the place where the Red Line continent was located, and flew quickly in that direction.

That is, after Chen Qiang left here not very long, a huge mist exploded in the center of the big vortex, and the tall silhouette of Xingtian also shot out from the big vortex. Then he chased him in the direction where Chen Qiang had left.

Leaving in Xingtian, the big vortex, which had not changed at all, began to shrink, and finally disappeared in this world, leaving no trace.


On the other side, the Revolutionary Army, who received the call from Chen Qiang, moved quickly. The Revolutionary Army who had been assembled a long time ago, quickly got on the ship under the leadership of Long, and moved towards the Red Line. Fang Xi from the mainland passed that form.

Countless Revolutionary Army ships, following the dragon’s ships, moving in one direction, the scene is very spectacular for a while.

The world government-government side is much simpler, because when they received this news, they began to concentrate the forces loyal to them from all parts of the world in this direction, and The defense has been built on the Red Line continent long ago, waiting for the Revolutionary Army’s attack.

Soon three days passed. On the way to the Red Line continent, Chen Qiang met the Revolutionary Army fleet, joined them, and headed for the Red Line continent together.

After all, on the sea, tens of thousands of ships are driving in one direction. This in itself is very shocking, and it is difficult for Chen Qiang to find such a big goal.

After meeting the Revolutionary Army, Chen Qiang and the others spent another day, first meeting with their friends, and then with the dragons.

And briefly told them what he has experienced in the past month, and how strong his current strength is, and that he is also waiting for this final battle. For a long time, the victory must belong to them.

After a brief chat with Long and the others, he left them and found the old farmers on the boat. After thanking them for the second time, he started to conserve strength and store up energy. stand up.

Prepare for the next battle.

2nd day, the day is just bright, Chen Qiang and their powerful fleet have already come under the Red Line continent.

“Didn’t expect to be here again so soon! It’s really impermanent!”

Looking at the towering continent in front of him, Chen Qiang said with emotion for a while .

“By the way, how do we get so many people up? It’s always impossible. So many people will drive up the elevator. If that’s the case, I don’t know how long it will take, and it will be over there by the government of the world. Break them one by one!” After sighing, Chen Qiang suddenly thought that if he was going to the Red Line mainland, he would only have to go through the elevator. However, there were too many people on their side. Yes, it simply can’t go up all at once. So curiously asked the dragon beside him about the other party’s arrangements.

“Don’t worry about this, Mary Young Lady has already arranged it!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s question, in fact, Long didn’t know how to go up. At that time, he also asked about this to Mary and the group of people, and they said they had a way.

Since the other party has said so, the dragon is not saying anything. After all, the protagonists in the front of this battle are their Revolutionary Army and the world government, but the protagonist will become Mary in the back. These people.

Since the other party said there was a way, he would definitely not fool him, so he didn’t ask anything in depth, but at this time Chen Qiang asked, he really didn’t know, so he He hit haha ​​directly and fooled him over.

After hearing the dragon’s words here, Chen Qiang was about to go to the boat next to him, and when he asked Mary what was going on, he saw that the old farmer didn’t know when he had already left that boat. Came out.

And calmly jumped off the boat, stepped on the water with one foot, and then quickly walked from the water to the distant Red Line mainland.

I didn’t see him take a few steps. The Red Line continent, which was originally far away from him, appeared directly in front of him, and then he saw his hands on the walls of the Red Line continent. on.

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