“hong long long!”

Just when his hand was placed on the Red Line mainland, a huge rumbling sound was also at this time at the same time Rang.

Countless vines suddenly shot out from the cliffs of the Red Line continent, and you quickly formed a huge step outside, spreading from the top of the Red Line continent to the bottom of the sea. .

The width of this step, if it can accommodate hundreds of people and charge upwards side by side, there is still room for it.

After this step appeared, their movements were not finished yet, only to see Mary and their boat, another person flew out of the boat, and quickly rushed towards the step.

But he didn’t want to rush up from the steps, but when he was in the air, he turned into a puddle of liquid like metal, spread out, and hit the steps directly.

This step was dyed with a layer of metal color, which was obviously to reinforce the vine steps that appeared suddenly. The opponent on the side destroyed the steps and made them fall from the top halfway.

“Chen Qiang, let’s start!”

After these two people have done this, Mary there also stood up from the boat, and then directly turned towards Chen Qiang here Said hello.


When the other party said that it was time to start, Chen Qiang did not hesitate, and directly nodded towards the other party, and then jumped out of the boat.

Then I saw the scarlet rays of light flashing on Chen Qiang’s body, and Chen Qiang disappeared into the air, and then turned into a huge scarlet giant, just like this. Above the vine steps.

“Comrades of the Revolutionary Army, for our ideals, for the people who are still oppressed in the entire world, let us launch our final attack on this decadent comrade.”

“In this battle, you may die, or none of us here can leave here alive and enjoy the fruits of victory!”

“But what does it matter? , This World has decayed, let us take up the sword in our hands, smash the decay of this World, and let the world be reborn in the brokenness!”

“Comrades, come with me!”

After Chen Qiang stood up and gave an impassioned speech, directly using the image of the scarlet giant now, he quickly rushed upwards along the steps.


“Let this decadent regime disappear in this World! Come on!”

“For the entire world, how do we Fear of a battle! Clash with me!”

“Hit Celestial Dragon! Clash! Kill!”


After Chen Qiang took the lead and charged, the Revolutionary Army behind Chen Qiang quickly followed behind Chen Qiang, came to the steps, and rushed towards the Red Line mainland.

However, the people who launched the charge with Chen Qiang this time basically agreed with the Revolutionary Army personnel, but those who were preparing to slaughter the gods did not move at this time.

After all, before that god appeared, they didn’t want to waste their strength here. Otherwise, after the latter god appeared, their strength declined, and there was simply no way to slaughter the gods.

Chen Qiang, of course, knows what they think about these people, but even if they don’t understand, the Akagami crew, Kaido’s men and Big Mom’s sons, are all Action.

They all followed Chen Qiang and rushed towards the Red Line mainland.

As Chen Qiang’s partners, of course, they will not fall at this time. It can be said that Chen Qiang charge ahead immediately, and they also followed behind and launched an impact on it.

So when Chen Qiang initiated the charge, there was a sound of mechanical rotation, and hundreds of armors flew out of the Megatron and rushed to the Red Line continent before Chen Qiang and the others.

At the same time, the Megatron was also under Parker’s control and started his transformation, turning into a huge robot, following Chen Qiang and the others, attacking the Red Line mainland. .

“Everyone prepares!”

On the Marine side, as of yesterday, they already knew that the Revolutionary Army was about to attack, so they were already prepared on it. For a long time.

When the loud sound of the Red Line below the mainland rang, they also knew that the offensive had begun, so as the first-line commander, Akainu directly ordered the Marine soldiers he swung down. Get ready for battle.


As Chen Qiang’s huge blood-colored silhouette rushed up immediately from below, Akainu directly gave the command to open.

At the same time, after the order was issued, Akainu also turned into a huge lava giant directly in the air, and then ran into Chen Qiang.

“peng peng peng! ”“bang bang bang! ”

After the firing order was issued, the Marine immediately above fired at Chen Qiang and the others, but as an immortal Several people basically resisted these attacks, and then continued to rush forward.

When the people behind them rushed up, Parker’s Mecha had already rushed out from below at this time, directly starting to strike these Marines remotely in the air.

As for the Akainu who rushed towards them, they were blocked by the precognition fence that rushed up behind Chen Qiang and them, and the two fought together like this again.

As for the Marine powerhouses that rushed towards Chen Qiang and them, Chen Qiang did not care about them, because when they were about to get close to Chen Qiang and them, they were directly given by the Revolutionary Army expert behind. Got down and entered a state of battle.

As for Chen Qiang and his friends, they rushed directly into the Marine group and began to rush forward continuously.

It doesn’t matter whether the Marines that were beaten by them have been resolved, it is just a rush, because their goal is not these Marines, but the Holy Land Mariejois behind Marine.

These Marines will all be matched with the Revolutionary Army powerhouses behind Chen Qiang and others, so they don’t have to worry about them at all.

It is precisely for this reason that at the beginning of the battle, immediately, it directly entered the white-hot segments. The sound of guns continued to sound, and people continued to fall.

Whether it is Revolutionary Army or Marine, life is disappearing silently at this moment, and soon their blood directly stains the land in front of Mariejois city.

At this time, Chen Qiang also led his friends into the 2nd line of defense, which was the Mariejois city wall guarded by the army.

Facing this majestic city wall here, Chen Qiang, they need to completely open a hole in this tall city wall for the people behind them, so that those behind can quickly follow up. they.

After all, the primary goal of this battle is not the Marine and Army guards, but the Celestial Dragon and the nobles who oppress the world behind them.

So after coming to this city wall, Chen Qiang directly took a run-up, and the huge bloody silhouette hit the city wall in front of him.


A huge sound sounded, this City Wall section and the like were knocked down by Chen Qiang, and the army soldier above was also hit directly. Get out.

And Parker, who was a little behind Chen Qiang, did the same. Under his driving, the Megatron in the robot state was also a dive, and a huge shield appeared in front of him. With a boom, another gap appeared.

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