But Ace, there is indeed a big gap in physical skills, so if he fights Admiral-level battle strength alone, he will suffer a lot.

With the addition of Sabo, this situation can obviously be smoothed out. Although Sabo does not have the bonus of fruit ability, he can already be able to rely on his physical skills and Haki achievements. Reluctantly fought with the strength of Admiral, and it was not the kind that could be easily defeated by the opponent.

In addition, although Ace and Sabo have not seen each other for a long time, the tacit understanding between the two has been very strong since they were young, and often they can understand each other’s meaning with a single look. , So when the two of them work together, it is quite powerful.

So now when they are fighting Ryokugyu, Sabo is basically fighting directly in close quarters, while Ace is always walking around. When the opponent reveals a gap, he makes up his own attack and lets The opponent has been living in a passive defense state.

Simply can’t let go of their hands and feet to attack either of them, so although their battle is at a stalemate, in the current situation, Ace’s chance of winning is still very high.

But on Ryokugyu’s side, his strength is really strong, and his fruit ability is the ordinary Azure Ox form fruit in Zoan.

But just like this ordinary fruit ability, I don’t know how he developed it, but he was able to develop control plants, and he has grown plants on his body.

And these plants are not used as decoration, but when he is injured, he can absorb light elements from the air to treat his body.

So in terms of the opponent’s resistance to blows, Ryokugyu’s continuous combat capability is not much lower than Chen Qiang’s duration.

After all, the guy who can not eat for three years can imagine how terrifying the other party, whether it is will or other things.

So it seems that their battle is not so easy to solve now, and if Ryokugyu’s recovery ability can be maintained to this state, Ace and Sabo may eventually lose.

After all, they are in such a fighting state, but they don’t have the strong endurance of the other party. As long as they exhaust their physical strength, Ryokugyu will basically win the battle.

Fortunately, even compared to Ryokugyu, the endurance of Ace and Sabo is not as perverted as the other, but in One Piece World, in terms of physical strength, that perversion is because there are too many things. .

Although the two of Ace are inferior to Ryokugyu, there is absolutely no problem in maintaining such a battle for one day.

So if you want to solve the opponent completely, Ryokugyu has to fight Ace for at least a whole day, and if this is the case, then the Revolutionary Army at that time has already won the battle on the battlefield.

On the Marine side, except for Ryokugyu and Akainu, there are basically no other high-end battle strengths. This is why their Marine is obviously stronger than the army, but it can only be used as the first line of defense. .

As for why this happened, it was also caused by the previous Revolutionary Army’s actions. After Fujitora learned of this news, she was completely disappointed with Marine and left Marine.

Kizaru has a cooperative relationship with the dragon itself. After knowing that this is the final battle, he jumped back and joined the Revolutionary Army, and then launched an attack on Mariejois.

So the battle on the 1st floor defense line basically relied on these people to directly suppress their high-level battle strength.

This is another reason why the 1st floor defense line is so easily broken through.

It’s not because Marine’s strength is inferior to Revolutionary Army, but because after knowing the meaning of Revolutionary Army, Marine is basically a force composed of civilians, and it is biased towards Revolutionary Army.

So many people left Marine directly when they knew the final battle. They didn’t want to fight against those who wanted to open up the future for the entire world for the so-called nobles.

Besides, they would join Marine before because of the justice in their hearts. Now that they know the Revolutionary Army’s philosophy, they don’t think the other party’s behavior is evil.

So under such circumstances, Marine resigned in large areas. Although many of them did not join the Revolutionary Army, Marine’s strength was reduced to its lowest point since its establishment.

Fortunately, on the army side, although Chen Qiang thought that the reason for the advancement of Chen Qiang and the others made the defense more difficult, but they themselves are the private forces of the world government-government. In terms of loyalty, it still needs It’s much higher than Marine.

So the three Admirals on the Army’s side are indeed all there, plus the presence of more than a dozen Vice Admirals on their side, although they still can’t hold the Revolutionary Army’s people.

But it also restrained the Revolutionary Army. Those high-end battle strengths included in Yonko made them temporarily unable to enter Mariejois.

This can be considered relieves some pressure on the defenses in the city, but such relief is of no use after a wide range of slaves are released.

Because in the city at this time, the CP organization has to face not only the Revolutionary Army that has attacked, but also those who have begun to go crazy in the city because they have regained their freedom. The slaves.

At this time, their high-end battle strength is due to the existence of Chen Qiang and the others. There is simply no way to get out and deal with these people, making their battle strength not at all better than others. How much taller people are.

But when the number of Revolutionary Army and slaves became larger than them, their defeat also began to become faster.

After all, before, they were somewhat unable to stop the ever-increasing Revolutionary Army. Now that slaves are joining, it has become much more difficult for them to resist.

“Blood is permeated!”

It is also when all the CP organization members are losing ground, shouting loudly from the city, it is just being trapped by CP0 for a long time. Chen Qiang of Chen Qiang, this time also began to show off.

After all, it has been almost two hours since the battle has progressed. Whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the people from the world government-government side, the losses are not small.

After their deaths, the blood stained the entire battlefield with blood red. It was also at this time that Chen Qiang sensed the blood from all over the city.

I directly activated his ability to control blood, and I saw Chen Qiang at this time with a slash to force back the powerhouses that were besieging him.

Then both hands quickly gestured in the air, only to see the blood flowing on the ground, also quickly responding to his summon.

I flew directly from the ground, flew into the air, and quickly dispersed, directly enveloping the entire battlefield in the blood mist.

“blood arrow!”

Then after the appearance of the blood mist, Chen Qiang was shocking loudly. Those blood mist flying in the air were also under this shocking loudly , The fast condense and the arrow.

It quickly shot at those Marine, Army, and CP organization members in the city.

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