


With Arrow’s attack began, and some unprepared soldiers were quickly resolved by these arrows.

However, under such an attack, the damage is not great. After all, the attack is really scattered, so this move basically does no harm to those powerhouses.

And Chen Qiang’s use of this style was not originally intended to hurt those powerhouses, but to the miscellaneous soldiers below the ending.

Although these miscellaneous soldiers are useful for dealing with powerhouse not at all when the number of soldiers is small, but when they reach a certain level, even if the powerhouse of the extreme level meets, they can only temporarily avoid the edge. .

Chen Qiang took action to solve the miscellaneous soldiers on the Marine side. He also wanted to unify the lower forces on the Revolutionary Army side, and then attacked those powerhouses, so that the powerhouse on his side would release a certain amount. The number of people to solve the current stalemate.

No way, Chen Qiang’s attack was really powerful. Some people who were too low in strength were directly knocked to the ground under such an attack.

Some people who are slightly stronger, when such an attack appeared, they reacted and avoided the attack, but they also took some injuries.

In addition to the Revolutionary Army who was fighting against the opponent, the reaction was quick at this time. When the opponent was injured and could not take care of his side, he quickly launched an attack.

So don’t look at Chen Qiang this move. Not many people were hurt, but the impact was great.

Basically under this round of attacks, people from the world government and government, except for the middle-level generals and top powerhouse, were injured by this Reverend.

Because of such an attack, the weapon also exposed their weak spot, allowing their opponents to find a chance, start to seize this weak spot, and directly suppress them all.

And over time, many people have solved their opponents directly and started to help others.

Except for those who are really bad luck, they clearly have the advantage, but they were accidentally killed by the opponent because they were not careful. Other things are pretty good.

After this attack, the resistance organized by the entire world government became weaker and weaker.

Even on the Revolutionary Army, many people started to organize after they ended their battles, and when they reached a certain level, they began to join forces to attack the generals who came from the middle level.

With the powerhouse that originally fought with the middle-level generals, the battle, which would have taken a long time to end, was quickly settled in just a few minutes.

It’s also really because the middle-level battle strength of Revolutionary Army is slowly released, and the lower-level battle strength is also quickly assembled-combined. Under the leadership of these middle-level battle strengths, Those top battle strengths launched an attack.

Of course, these top battle strengths that are attacked still have some choices. First of all, the people who use Logia fruit over there don’t think they will attack in advance.

After all, with their existence like this, it is simply useless to attack those with Logia fruit ability.

Unless they all use Haki, it is possible. Without Haki, their attack is just to add chaos.

But even this kind of battle made the entire battlefield that was still chaotic, and the victory began to approach the Revolutionary Army one-sidedly.

Such a change, of course, also distracted those powerhouses who stopped Chen Qiang and the others. After all, if the situation continues, they can stop Chen Qiang and the others even at this time.

Then, after the people on the Revolutionary Army gather and gather, what is waiting for them still fails. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is inevitable that they will be nervous.

But this tension accelerated their failure.

Before they were able to temporarily stop Chen Qiang and them, it was only because some of them had powerful fruit abilities, and with the help of fruit abilities, they cooperated with each other, so they could barely stop Chen Qiang and them.

But now their hearts have begun to panic. In this state, their cooperation is obviously affected.

And Chen Qiang, they just caught a small flaw in their coordination, and then used a powerful slash to directly solve the person who could restrict them.

After solving this person who could restrict them, even if the others were unwilling, they were directly solved by Chen Qiang.

At this point, the peak military strength in the city has been completely resolved, and the end of Celestial Dragon has come at this time.

“All the Revolutionary Army still in the city at this time and the slaves who have been liberated. Listen! All the high-end battle strengths of the CP organization have been solved by me. Let go of them! The so-called nobles have all pulled down the altar, and the time for the entire world to achieve equality for everyone is now! Everyone, come with me!”


” Go ahead!”



I had been fighting for almost three hours. After that, everyone was very tired, but when they heard Chen Qiang’s search, one by one seemed as if the power had returned to their own body.

Roar one by one, rushing into the palaces that still have perseverance in the city.

At this time, the Celestial Dragon in the castle finally began to panic. Even before Chen Qiang, they attacked the city.

They have not been so panicked, after all, at that time they knew that there were CP organizations in the city, and their strength was still very strong.

In addition, they still have the last hole card, that is, their Old Ancestor is actually still alive. As long as those people attack, their Old Ancestor appears, they will have nothing. Things are up.

Unfortunately, all of these have lost their meaning under Chen Qiang’s final assault call.

They thought that the very powerful CP0 members were solved by Chen Qiang, and they were looking forward to the Old Ancestor who would come out to rescue them, but not at all appeared.

So after understanding the current situation, they fell into despair one by one, and then they were pulled out one by one by the crazy slaves and Revolutionary Army soldiers and killed them in the city. On the widest square.

“Cut! I thought these so-called descendants of God, the blood on their bodies is not red! In the end, they are not like us, with red blood!”

One I just personally hacked a Celestial Dragon’s slave. At this time, I looked at the Celestial Dragon who fell in front of me with disdain, and said with disdain in his eyes.

“That is, the so-called Celestial Dragon is nothing great. It will bleed if it is chopped off, and it will die if its head falls off!”

Beside him, do it with him People who have committed the same thing, at this time, after touching the blood on his face, he said in agreement with the other party.

Such scenes exist in the entire square, and the slaves who have long been oppressed and can’t stand it are venting the anger in their hearts.

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