In this situation, after the battle was over, Chen Qiang kept flying in the sky, and then watched the actions of the people below.

Although there are some slave behaviors and some excessive, Chen Qiang has no idea to stop them. After all, their experience as slaves is actually more unbearable than what they are doing now.

So Chen Qiang didn’t care about them at all. It was the Revolutionary Army. In this battle, he performed very well. After killing those nobles, he didn’t do anything else. .

According to the plan they discussed before, they started to release the slave.

It is precisely because of this that the battle ended so quickly, and with the end of the battle in the city, the 2nd line of defense on the city wall has become the first line of defense in front. At this time, the battle is over.

More Revolutionary Army peak military strength is released, the battle is much easier.

Even Akainu, who is currently Marine Fleet Admiral, came here after solving the problem on Dragon’s side. He consciously took the Marines who had failed and left here.

And far from the position of the battlefield, standing in the distance to observe the situation here.

Chen Qiang flying in the air soon saw that all the Revolutionary Army had solved his opponents. After the battle was basically over, Chen Qiang also directly issued an order to everyone to leave the city.

The purpose of doing this is precisely because this First Stage battle is over, but this so-called battle is actually just an appetizer for the following battle.

The Revolutionary Army of them is actually meaningless to stay here now. When the battle starts later, if they are still here, they will die in vain.

Fortunately, although Chen Qiang is not the leader of the Revolutionary Army, as a person who puts forward the concept of equality for all, the prestige of the Revolutionary Army is not weaker than the existence of the dragon.

So after Chen Qiang gave the order, the Revolutionary Army people also reacted quickly and began to evacuate the city one after another.

The slave who was released, let alone, after all, they don’t know the identity of Chen Qiang and the others, but the people who released them before follow Chen Qiang’s orders. Of course, one would think that Chen Qiang led them to rescue them.

Since their benefactor asked them to evacuate here, of course they will follow the other’s orders.

So there is no need to greet the Revolutionary Army. The retreat of the slaves is even easier than the retreat of the Revolutionary Army. They turned around and walked out of the city with the injured people around them.

Of course, Chen Qiang at this time was not in the mood to care about what the slaves thought. After seeing them evacuated from the city, Chen Qiang once again brought his friends together.

Then let them get on the shoulders of the Megatron, which was still in the form of a robot, and let Parker take them to a higher sky.

After doing this, Chen Qiang saw that all the people below had basically evacuated the city, so he started to continue his actions.

I saw the blood mist that was caused by Chen Qiang to float on the battlefield before, and this time was controlled by the city wall.

Then quickly gathered from all directions in the city, rendering the whole city bloody.

“Wan out!”

a light shout, and then Chen Qiang’s hand with blood-colored rays of light gently pressed downward.

“hong long long!”

A huge roar came from the city wrapped in blood mist, and at the same time, the sound rang out. The cities are beginning to melt away.

The city that originally looked like a huge city is slowly shrinking, but the previous roar is precisely the sound formed after the things in the city are compressed.

“It seems to be the limit!”

In the city below Chen Qiang, when the Small Accomplishment was slowly reduced to a blood sphere with a diameter of several hundred meters, Chen Qiang It is obvious that the limit size of compression is felt, and it is not ready to be compressed.

“Mary, tell me, where is the exact location!”

After giving up on compressing the city below, Chen Qiang shouted towards Mary, who also came here at this time. They asked.

“This position!”

At this time, Mary did not have that many nonsense. I saw the rays of light flashed in her hand, and a small rune appeared in a distance. Chen Qiang is not far away.

“Understood! Look at my starburst!”

After Mary pointed out the position, Chen Qiang immediately unreservedly held the blood ball in his hand, and pointed towards That position was thrown over.

Actually, this attack is not at all like the effect in the anime, but Chen Qiang thinks this name sounds good and is only used temporarily.


When the blood cell touched the ground, a huge explosion sounded again, and the place where it was smashed was directly blown out of a huge hole Come out, a hole that is completely vertical downwards.

Then below the hole, a space far larger than the city above appeared in front of everyone present.

The ruins of the city that were compressed by Chen Qiang before fell into it, but after a burst of weird rays of light, the whole disappeared.

“pa pa pa!”

After those writing about the ruins disappeared, I saw the rays of light that appeared before that continue to flicker, and then soon the space below The city appeared where Mariejois was originally.

At this time, on the city wall is a very handsome young man. As for how handsome he is, it seems that the beauty of the entire world is concentrated on him. What is Spirit of Heaven and Earth show, simply cannot describe his coat.

At this time, he was looking at Chen Qiang in the sky with a smile on his face, applauding with satisfaction!

Fortunately, it is precisely because of the applause of the other party that the people who have just been attracted by the other party’s appearance recover from the state of dazzling fascination.

“Are you the god?”

After recovering from the state just now, when Chen Qiang looked towards the other party, he did not only feel that the other party had the previous It looks so good, it seems that their previous reaction is actually a kind of ability of the other party, just like the beautiful fruit of Aiwen on his boat.

“Yes, I am the only True God in this World, hello outsider!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s question, the youth continued to smile and said nodded.

“Then what should I call you?”

“Just call me Im!”

From this short conversation, It seems that this god is still very polite, at least when facing Chen Qiang, he did not show any impoliteness.

As for those Mary and the others who had come to Chen Qiang’s side at this time and showed a more Chen Qiang united front, they were directly ignored by the opponent.

“Then do you know, what are we going to do this time?”

Seeing that the other party is so polite, Chen Qiang couldn’t make a move directly for a while, so only Can continue chatting with each other.

“Of course you know, you want to kill me!”

When talking about this topic, Eim’s face is still indifferent, as if this is not a major Same as event.

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