“Aren’t you afraid?”

Seeing the other party still smiling, Chen Qiang continued to ask with some curiosity.

“no! Because like you, I want to kill you too!”

When Chen Qiang asked, Yimu smiled and shook his head, and then used the most plain The tone continued.

“Kill us?”

“Yes! Just like you want this World to have no gods from now on, I also want to rebuild the Divine Kingdom!”

“Thousands of Divine Kingdom degrees?”

“Yes, it is tens of thousands of Divine Kingdom degrees! And you will be the most nutritious nourishment in my Divine Kingdom!”

When I talked about this topic, there was finally a slight change in Yim’s words, and his expression became a little crazy.

“Aren’t you curious now, why didn’t those who communicate with you show up?”

“Are you talking about Gabriel and the others?”

“Yes! It’s just a few of them, don’t you wonder where they all went?”

Eim continued to ask Chen Qiang.

“When you said that, I am really curious, so would you tell us where they went?”

Since the other party wants to lead the topic in this direction, Chen Qiang wanted to see what the other party wanted to do, so he followed the other party’s words and asked.

“Of course I do. After all, if I have made some achievements, but no one will appreciate it with me, it would be boring!”

Seeing Chen Qiang’s question, Eim was also nodded, and then said excitedly.

“Come on! I’ll show you my masterpiece!”

“pa pa pa!”

Speaking, Im patted the time Hand, and then a group of people walked out behind him, many of whom Chen Qiang didn’t know.

But Chen Qiang still knows some of these people, such as the former Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and the controller from hell and Gabriel from heaven, as well as those whom Chen Qiang had seen before when he attacked Mariejois. Five Old Xing, these people all appeared in the crowd.

Only at this time, these people who emerged from behind him had no cleverness in their eyes, and their eyes were dull, as if the whole soul had been emptied.

“What did you do to them?”

Seeing such a situation, Chen Qiang was really surprised. After all, those people Chen Qiang did not personally talk to each other. Passed, but being able to stand together with the five Old Xing and the others has shown that the opponent’s strength is not weak.

Since it was such a powerhouse, it turned out to be like this, Chen Qiang was not surprised that it was strange.

Although the position where these people stood is the opposite of Chen Qiang at this time, Chen Qiang does admit to the strength of the opponent.

But now that these powerhouses have all become like this, Chen Qiang will of course be surprised.

“I didn’t do anything, just let them become a part of my Divine Kingdom!”

“When I clean up you, you will be like them , Become a part of my Divine Kingdom, when the time comes, I will be the lord of all gods, and you will be the gods I waved down!”

“How! Hear this plan of mine, yes It’s not a surprise, is it a surprise!” When I said this, Eim had already laughed completely, and then looked at Chen Qiang and them with excitement on his face.

“Oh? Don’t you want to kill us? Why do you want to make us gods again? Don’t you think it’s weird?”

Laugh, Chen Qiang was just a silent curl one’s lip and then continued to ask the other person.

“It seems that you still don’t understand what I mean!”

“In my Divine Kingdom, I am the lord of the gods. I don’t need those who dare to defy me Commander, so I will kill you before I make you gods, leaving your obedient parts, and then I will make you gods!”

I don’t know if I stayed alone. It’s been too long, making this Im actually a little bit ridiculous.

“Oh? You mean, these people behind you, you have killed them, leaving only the shell that listens to you?”

Chen Qiang continues to face each other Asked.

It’s not that Chen Qiang wants one to talk to the other party like this, it’s just that the people behind the other party are not weak.

These powerhouses were all solved by the opponent, and they became like this. Chen Qiang still wanted to talk to the opponent before the battle, and after understanding the opponent’s abilities, the next battle would be good. Guard against each other.

“Of course, through the rules of the world that I control, I made them my most loyal subordinates, and you will be like them.”

Im also understands each other. What is the purpose of talking so much with myself, but this is nothing to him, after all, he has absolute confidence in his strength.

“Okay! Before I solve them, I still want you to be promoted, and then to complete the promotion of the world!”

But now, Im obviously said enough So I didn’t plan to say anything more, but to Level 2 to shoot Chen Qiang.

The rays of light, like a rainbow, began to condense in his hand, and then Chen Qiang, who was originally standing in the distance, was directly led by the rays of light, and then pulled in front of him .

During this process, Chen Qiang also thought of resisting, but his resistance is not at all for any use, it will still be pulled in by the opponent’s powerful force.

However, even if Chen Qiang could not resist such power, when he was drawn in front of Eim, the King of Hades in Chen Qiang’s hands instead used this power to directly stab Eim. .

“Crush it!”


Unfortunately, Chen Qiang’s straight stabbing was about to reach the opponent’s body. , He stopped in the air directly, and then following the opponent’s words, Chen Qiang directly concentrated the strength in the opponent’s hands.

There was a loud shattering sound, and then Chen Qiang was directly beaten into blood mist.

But Chen Qiang with cheat, even if he was beaten into blood mist, he quickly recovered from the blood mist, and with this opportunity, Chen Qiang continued to attack the opponent.

It’s just that every time he is about to rush out of the blood mist and attack Yim, his body will automatically be shaken into blood mist again.

After going back and forth several times, Chen Qiang discovered that the scarlet energy that was originally under his command had turned into his own limitation, and he couldn’t get out of it.

Because he found that as he broke again and again, he himself was getting closer and closer to the limit, so after discovering this, he originally wanted to escape from the blood mist .

It’s just that no matter how he moves, every time he approaches the edge of blood mist, his whole body collapses directly into blood mist.

After knowing this situation, Chen Qiang discovered that even though his body, strength, and spirit have reached the limit of Rank, he still has even one move in the hands of the opponent. No more.

So I simply gave up resistance, and then I was shattered again and again in this blood mist, and then I improved my strength time and time again.

He feels that since he can’t run, he just won’t run. When his strength exceeds the limit, then it may be his time to counterattack.

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