“Emotions? Really troublesome ability!”

For the simple provocation of the other party, Chen Qiang directly chose to ignore, and then seriously looked at the other party. Said.

At the same time, while talking about this, Chen Qiang’s heart was also thinking about other things quickly, such as how to fight against this ability that he accidentally couldn’t control.

It’s just that even if he just ignored the opponent’s provocation, when Chen Qiang accidentally looked towards Mary and the fight over there, a feeling of revulsion suddenly appeared in his heart, and there was still One kind, want to take out weapons to solve the impulse of those people.

Fortunately, after knowing that the other party uses the ability of emotions, Chen Qiang’s defenses have also been improved to the highest level, so when this kind of emotion appears, he means that it is not good, fast Force yourself to calm down quickly.

“Huh! It’s really a difficult ability, I was accidentally recruited!”

After controlling his emotions for the second time, Chen Qiang was also greatly relaxed. After all, this The power of emotions is too weird.

If I didn’t control my emotions just now, maybe I just shot Mary and the others directly.

If you take a shot at that time, join the battle group with your current strength, maybe Mary and the others, who are at a disadvantage, will be directly crushed, and finally all of them will be in The infinite death is approaching, and the breakthrough is above the limit level.

In this way, they will still die. Doesn’t this make Eim’s plan a success?

So after controlling his emotions, Chen Qiang became a little scared. Fortunately, he finally controlled himself, which also made Chen Qiang greatly relaxed.

“It is really surprising. After knowing that my ability is to control emotions, I was able to control the methods of suppressing my emotions in a short period of time. From this point of view, You are really a genius!”

Seeing Chen Qiang controlling his emotions this time, Yim was really surprised this time. If Chen Qiang was able to control his emotions before, it was just Because the other party has experienced this state before, so it can be controlled, now this time, the other party’s subjective consciousness has begun to take control.

And Chen Qiang has done this, it has shown that the other party has really found a way to control it, but he is still a little unskilled.

At this time, Chen Qiang was surprised at Yim’s not at all to pick up the other party, but was still thinking about what he would do to find the way to not be affected by the other party.

Otherwise, if this continues, no matter how strong he shows, Chen Qiang feels that he is inferior to the opponent.

After all, the opponent’s ability is simply you can’t guard against it, as long as each time you are about to attack the opponent, the opponent will directly give yourself such a hand.

So no matter how Chen Qiang finds a way to control his emotions, there will be a little hesitant pause, and this little pause will pass quickly in the eyes of ordinary people, even this little bit. Many people can’t find out the small pause.

But when dealing with Eim, this kind of thing is obviously impossible to happen. As long as there is a slight pause, the other party will definitely be able to escape his own attack. Under such circumstances, I want to defeat On the other side, Chen Qiang felt that when he showed himself now, it was completely impossible.

So when Eim was talking to himself, Chen Qiang heard what the other person was saying, but he didn’t mean to answer the other person at all.

At this time, we should think of a good way to solve this problem, otherwise Mary’s side is inherently disadvantaged. If she doesn’t work hard, she might actually make the other party’s plan successful. Up.

And here did not answer Chen Qiang’s words, Eim was not there either, but continued to speak to Chen Qiang.

“In fact, speaking of which, there is simply no conflict between us. If there were those Celestial Dragons that made you impossible to stand with me, then all Celestial Dragons have been killed by you now Now!”

“Now you and I simply don’t have any conflicts, why can’t we cooperate? But then I will establish my Divine Kingdom, and you can also be your king of the world , And as long as we work together, in this world simply no one can fight against us.”

“Think about it, isn’t this the best result? Why is it necessary between us? Life and death are relative, it’s not good for you or me!” When Eam said these words, his voice was full of bewitching, and he didn’t know whether the other party was intentional or unintentional. His voice was loud, and even those who were fighting heard his words one by one.

And as his voice appeared, Chen Qiang felt a sense of trust in his heart. Fortunately, Chen Qiang, who was always on guard, had long expected the opponent to have this hand, although he did not know the opponent before. It was his own emotion that was teasing, but he was still defensive.

So when this emotion appeared, he simply ignored it.

But this time Chen Qiang really had to speak out, because the Yim just now specifically amplified his voice, but not only wanted to provoke his relationship with Mary and others, but also wanted Tease Mary about their relationship with themselves.

In addition to Yim’s strange ability to control emotions, in this process, it is obvious that Mary and the others were also hit.

If you don’t say anything at this time, and offset the emotions in their hearts, you won’t be able to turn around and attack yourself directly.

But they themselves are in battle. If they are distracted a bit because of this, they might find their opponents to find a chance to give them the final blow.

Chen Qiang didn’t want to see this kind of situation, so no matter what the consideration was, Chen Qiang could explain it out loud.

Fortunately, just when the other party was talking, Chen Qiang had already thought of solving his emotions being unprovoked.

“In fact, you don’t have to provoke the relationship between me and them in this way, because my purpose and theirs are not the same! Of course they are not the same as you!”

“What I want is that this World says that people are equal from the time they are born. They will receive the same education as they grow up and have the possibility of becoming a powerhouse.”

“Although this kind of thing may be too naive, but we must at least guarantee that people in this world can be rewarded as long as they pay. I believe this kind of thing can still be done!”

“As for there is no conflict with you, it is even more ridiculous. From the time you want to establish the Divine Kingdom of aloof and remote, we have been on the opposite side.”

” People like me, Mary and others are even simpler. If I want to build a world where everyone is equal, they just want to kill your god!”

After these words, Chen Qiang’s face also showed some smiles.

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