“Oh? It seems that our goals are indeed somewhat different! But even so, do you think you can really defeat me?”

Hear After Chen Qiang’s words, Eim also thought about it seriously, nodded, and agreed with Chen Qiang’s words, but the smile on his face appeared again, and then asked Chen Qiang back.

This time the smile on his face is not the same as before, it is the kind of calm smile, but this time the smile is because of his confidence in his own strength, and the smile revealed.

“How do you know if you don’t try, and if you only have the power to control other people’s emotions, you will lose miserably!”

“Because of me I have found a way not to be affected by you, that is, since you can control your emotions, as long as I am not controlled by your emotions, then you will not be able to affect me!”

Look at the other person’s face Chen Qiang’s smile, Chen Qiang said with a similar smile at this time.

I didn’t plan to give the other party time to react after I finished speaking. I quickly used the method I thought of before and suppressed all my spiritual consciousness, leaving only my instinct for activity.

Only leave one’s own instinct for an activity goal, that is to hit Yim, so that all of his actions are completed by instinct, and at the same time, in this state, even if you hide The emotion of getting up was affected, but it was not Chen Qiang’s main consciousness that controlled the body, so it would not be affected at all.

This method-Chen Qiang just figured out a way to defeat the opponent, and this method is actually the inspiration Chen Qiang got from his partner Parker.

When he was in hell, Parker let his main consciousness fall into a deep sleep, and then let the modified mechanical brain control his body to get out of the weird space at that time.

Although Chen Qiang did not install a robotic brain in his brain, his spirit strength is strong, suppressing his main consciousness and allowing his body to act according to instincts.

So after Chen Qiang came up with such a method, he immediately started to act.

It was just a moment. Chen Qiang, who was still smiling on his face, slowly closed his face and turned into a cold look, looking straight at him. Eim in the distance.

Then there was no extra words, and he rushed towards the opponent with the knife, and fought with the opponent.

Although such a Chen Qiang does not have the possibility of being controlled by emotions, because it is instinct to act, Chen Qiang’s attack method has also undergone great changes.

When attacking, the ability bursts out wildly, without any regularity, and the style of attack is much simpler.

Basically, they went straight, slashing towards Yim, without any fancy.

And it is precisely this thought that caused Chen Qiang to use a stronger force during Chen Qiang’s powerful attack, and he could still hurt the opponent as long as he was serious.

But with this attack method, if you want to hurt the opponent, basically you can only rely on luck. Fortunately, Chen Qiang is stronger than the opponent in terms of strength.

So every time Chen Qiang is forced to be attacked, Yim will kick Chen Qiang away.

After all, under normal circumstances, Yim wouldn’t want to attack Chen Qiang if he could dodge an attack. After all, this guy can become a man if he gets injured. Such an ability is simply cheating.

So in order to prevent Chen Qiang’s strength from rapidly increasing and to reach a situation where he can’t deal with it without the limitation of breakthrough, I can only minimize the possibility of Chen Qiang being injured.

Fortunately, the focus of Eim’s plan itself is not on Chen Qiang, but on the real powerhouses of those and his subordinates.

I want to force them to enter the battle strength above the limit, so that they can die and pave the way for the promotion of the world.

So even though he has been attacked by Chen Qiang at this time, he is not in a hurry. Instead, he avoids the attack while observing the powerhouses fighting against him.

After such a long battle, coupled with Eim’s emotional guidance, some people have chosen the breakthrough limit to solve their opponents.

Of course, these people did not have any accidents in their fate. They directly made the disaster that appeared and disappeared in this world, or returned to the origin of this world, for This World contributes.

Of course, after these powerhouse breakthroughs reached their limits, they also caused fatal damage to their opponents. Even if Emm wants to repair such damage, it takes a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Yim was not ready to repair their injuries, and directly increased his energy transmission, allowing these people to break through to above the limit level and disappear smoothly within the realm.

And such a situation, of course, was discovered by other people, and at the same time, I also wanted to understand what Yim wanted to do. After all, they would not be able to develop the fruit ability to the rank of longevity. It’s an idiot.

So at this time, I should understand. I basically understand what is going on. It is only at this time that I understand. Obviously it is a bit late.

Because of the battle at this time, they can no longer withdraw if they want to withdraw. At this time, their own number is much smaller than that of the opponent.

There were people who couldn’t control them and were forced to the breakthrough limit. Although they also caused some losses to the opponent, Yim took control of these seriously injured people and conducted a breakthrough.

But this is not everyone at the limit of breakthrough, who can cause fatal injuries to those guys, so the result is that they have fewer and fewer manpower.

Although there was a gap in the number of people, after a few people broke through, the gap in the number of people is now getting bigger and bigger.

So now, let alone leave the battlefield, it is still a problem to be able to survive at the end of this battle.

As for Kaido, Big Mom and Akagami, for the three of them, what they need to face is much simpler, that is, the people who fight against them, know that these three guys, although they are close in strength Restricted level, but still not reached after all.

So for the three of them, basically, they didn’t pay much attention to them. Just a few people with auxiliary abilities directly stopped them.

simply have no chance to do other things.

In fact, the three people in the battle at this time were also a little helpless in their hearts. After all, what they were saying was the most powerful existence on the surface of this era. Although they could not beat the dead Whitebeard as powerful, But those people who are not hidden in the entire world, they are also considered the most powerhouse.

But after this battle, they felt that they were underestimated, but they wanted to refute the other party, but they couldn’t do it, which was very embarrassing.

So the three of them now are basically trying to squeeze their own strength, wanting to make their strength stronger, and make the other’s face bigger.

Unfortunately, the strength can not be improved in an instant, so the efforts of the three of them are so futile in the eyes of others.

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