Just when the whole city was suddenly silent, the sound of Chen Qiang’s voice suddenly appeared in the speaker that had been quiet.

“That! Sorry! There seems to be something that hasn’t been finished just now, I will say it again!”

When I heard Chen Qiang’s voice, the city Those slaves who were ready to do it, those slave vendors who had been fully guarded were visibly stunned, and then looked towards the direction of Toby’s playground one by one.

“Slaves, before this game starts, I want you to think about it. You are already slaves. No matter what you were caught as slaves, at least then you still There are other things, but you who are already slaves now have nothing. Since there is nothing, what are you still afraid of losing?”


Without waiting for Chen Qiang’s words to finish, there was a gunshot in the originally quiet city, and at the same time, after the gunshot, the whole city was completely in turmoil.

The slaves who had stayed quietly in the cage began to become restless, but the slaves who were originally outside were the ones who walked in front with blood-red eyes. Those who bought them , Launched an attack.

Of course, in this city, there are basically slave traffickers. Among them, there are strong and weak. Even if the strong slaves resist, they are all sent to death, but some are slow to respond, and the weaker slave traffickers , But many died in the hands of slaves who suddenly violent.

For example, on a street, a slave dealer, who originally brought some high-quality slaves, came out to sell, but before the sales started, Chen Qiang’s speech began.

After Chen Qiang’s speech was over, he touched the controllers of the slaves’ collars intentionally, but before he threatened the slaves and kept them quiet, he was directly caught behind him. The slave fell to the ground and followed the slave’s actions.

More slaves behind him rushed up and pressed him to the ground at once. The slaves had no weapons, and they went directly to their mouths, killing the slave dealer alive.

Now in the city, such things are happening in various places, whether it’s the slave suddenly violent, killing the slave trafficker, or the slave trafficker responding quickly, and solve these slaves before trying to get up. , Anyway, the whole city was in chaos at this brief moment.

At the same time, Chen Qiang’s Avatar, which is half shorter, was placed on a stand in the center of the officialdom. Only a few minutes later, a slave arrived here and solved it with the help of Chen Qiang. They opened their collars and handcuffs, and then reflexively entered the city.

There are fighting sounds everywhere in the city, and there are wild beast-like roars everywhere. At the same time, the fire, gunfire, and explosion sound never stopped after a gunshot.

On the other side of the dock, with Chen Qiang’s body and the speed of driving with all his strength, it only took 2-3 minutes to reach the dock and stopped those who wanted to escape, all slaves. The traffickers were all killed by Chen Qiang’s knife, and the entire dock location was also killed by Chen Qiang, and the surrounding sea was stained with scarlet.


“Chen Qiang, what on earth do you want to do?”

Of course, what Chen Qiang said on the radio, Sabo who rescued people in the playground underground, of course they also heard them. They heard what Chen Qiang said. Afterwards, Sabo frowned first, completely at a loss as to what Chen Qiang was going to do.

“Yeah! How could he do this? At this time, he incites slaves to riots. I don’t know that many people will die. He is simply a lunatic!”

Koala is obviously also to Chen. Qiang’s sudden speech was very dissatisfied.

Other people, such as their mission goal this time, and Matthew who helped them, although they didn’t speak at this time, their brows were obviously frowned.

Lin was much simpler. After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, she didn’t at all entangled. She just started to rescue her fellow villagers sooner, and unlocked the collars on their necks one by one.

“Forget it! Let’s hurry up and save people. When I will go out and meet him, I will ask him directly!”

Sabo thought for a long time without thinking about it. After Chen Qiang did this, he didn’t think about it. Instead, he quickly helped Lin and rescued the slaves in the cell.

But they are not just rescuing Lin’s folks. Now that they have begun to save people, all the slaves in this cell are of course saved, even more how what Chen Qiang does now, regardless of what Chen Qiang does. What was his intention, but it is undeniable that after his speech, the whole city was in chaos.

Since the city is in chaos, it will certainly give them a chance to save more people.


In a small dark room in the city, Toby, who had previously fought with Chen Qiang, was in it at this time.

“Undead Chen Qiang, no matter what you want to do, since you dare to destroy this city, you will pay the price.”

Put down Den Den Mushi who contacted the person above. Listening to the chaotic gunfire and explosion outside, he said fiercely fiercely.


“I said, why are you guys going there?”

On the dock, Chen Qiang, who was sitting on top of a pile of corpses, stopped a group of people wearing shabby clothes all over. Dirty guy, someone who came here and wanted to board the ship and leave.

“Master Chen Qiang, we are all slaves. Didn’t you say that the slave can leave by boat? And we have given you the body just now?” The group of people who had been on the boat carefully, Suddenly hearing Chen Qiang’s words, he trembled all of a sudden, and then turned his head with sweat on his face to look at the murderous Chen Qiang sitting on the corpse.

“I said, but your corpses are not right. Do you treat me as a fool. The wounds on the necks of these corpses are all exploded with explosives. When I can’t see it? “

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Qiang felt that what the other party did was an insult to his IQ. If you want to pretend to be, don’t you know how to do it better, so that you can tell at a glance what the hell is that.

So after this sentence fell, there were more than a dozen more corpses under Chen Qiang’s feet.

At the edge of the city, a group of people who were watching, at this time also left the city gate in fear, thinking that they were frightened by Chen Qiang’s killing just now.

“The prologue of resistance has been played, and I will enjoy it now!”

After seeing no one near here, Chen Qiang closed his face with a smile. He opened his eyes and lifted his arms, and began to listen to the sounds of the city with an intoxicated look on his face.

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