When Sabo rescued Lin’s folks and a large group of slaves, not at all, like at first, prepared to leave the main entrance of the playground. After all, if they leave there, maybe You will encounter those who are rioting in the city, and these slaves that have just been rescued may also be in danger.

So I chose the secretly thought that they had when they came over, and directly reached the entrance of the city through the secretly thought.

And with the help of Matthew, he opened an escape path that he had prepared for himself, and went directly to the dock.

“Hey! Is there any secretly thought here?”

And the moment the secretly thought was opened, Chen Qiang discovered it, and then a person appeared in the secretly thought At the entrance, I looked at this secretly thought curiously.

“Chen Qiang!”

Chen Qiang is still thinking about who, such a bold person, who dared to open secretly thought by his side to escape, but inside Lin’s voice came, and after the voice appeared, Lin’s silhouette shot out from the inside and hugged Chen Qiang.

“It turned out to be Lin! How about it, I can save it!”

When the opponent’s voice appeared, Chen Qiang recognized Lin immediately and hugged him. At that time, the smile on Chen Qiang’s face increased a little, and at the same time he touched the other’s head and said.

“Well! I saved it, thank you!”

“I promised you, I will help you save people, I will not go wrong!”

Ze Ci showed Lin a smiling face, then pulled Lin away from her body and said.

“Okay don’t hold it, my body is full of blood!”

“Chen Qiang, you this bastard, what on earth do you want to do? Why instigate those slaves in the city? “

Just when Chen Qiang pulled Lin away, a silhouette came out of the secret path and it was Koala. At this time, Koala who rushed out had a frosty face and questioned Chen Qiang.

“What do you do? Of course it is to liberate the city, what else can you do?”

“Do you know that doing this will kill many innocent slaves? Among them? You are simply not liberating, you are harming people!”

“Then you say how to liberate, like your Revolutionary Army? Save them one by one? Stop teasing?”


“Okay Koala, let me do it!”

At this time, along with the slave who was rescued by them, a After passing through the passage, Sabo, who was walking at the end, also came out, just in time to see Koala, who was almost quarreling with Chen Qiang, and quickly stepped forward to stop each other.

“Why do you think I am doing this wrong?”

When he saw Sabo who came to him, Chen Qiang looked towards him with a plain expression.

Sabo heard Chen Qiang’s words, he was nodded first, then shook his head, and then said: “I just want to hear your reason for doing this!”

“Want to hear the reason why I did this? Okay! You can ask someone to arrange these people first, let them get on the boat first! I will tell you later!”


After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Sabo also nodded, and then pulled Koala next to him and said something, then returned to Chen Qiang’s side again, and Koala went to Chen Qiang after fiercely glared at Chen Qiang. Arrangements for these people to board the ship.

“Now let’s talk about it! I really want to know what you want to do. Although I also made you a little silly to do this, but listening to your previous speech, it’s obvious that there is something of your own deep meaning in it. !”

After Sabo came to Chen Qiang, he looked at Chen Qiang opened the mouth and said with a serious face.

“You three brothers, if I didn’t know that you were not born by a parent, I would think that you were born with your own parents. In normal times, you’re amused, but after getting serious, They are all so serious!”

Seeing Sabo’s serious expression, Chen Qiang first stared at each other blankly for a while, before a smile appeared on his face, and he spoke.

“Of course! Our three brothers are closer than the biological brother! But how do you know that I am the brother of Luffy and Ace?”

“This is a secret! “Chen Qiang showed a mysterious smile on his face.

“Well then! Let’s talk about it. What is the point of doing this? Don’t tell me what the secret is?”

“Okay! Let’s go! Let’s go and find a place to sit there, and I’ll tell you about it!”

Seeing that the other party consciously didn’t say anything more on the previous question, but once again mentioned what he had done before. Chen Qiang still smiled, and then took Sabo to the side, found a stone seat, and then spoke.

“Before I say my purpose, I want to ask you a question first.”

“Ask you any question, as long as it is not confidential information, I can tell You.”

“Your Revolutionary Army has been established for almost twenty years!”

“en! This is true! But what does this have to do with what you are going to say later? “

Sabo didn’t understand, why did Chen Qiang suddenly ask this.

“Listen to me first, just answer me. As for why you ask, you will know later!”

“Well then! You What else do you want to ask.”

“en! Then I asked, what have you done in the twenty years since the Revolutionary Army was founded? How many slaves have been liberated?”

“We have done a lot of things! There are almost a dozen freed islands! As for the rescued slaves, there are almost hundreds of thousands!”

Although I still don’t know why Chen Qiang is doing this Asked, but Sabo still told Chen Qiang some information he knew about the Revolutionary Army.

“Have you ever thought that the Revolutionary Army has only liberated more than a dozen islands and rescued hundreds of thousands of slaves after it was established twenty years ago. It must liberate all countries, overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragon, and let How many years does it take for this World to have no slave?”

“Nor can we say that! We have been preparing before, and we only started to act in the last few years. It’s just a few years before we have such a big harvest. Is it fast?”

“Hurry? Then do you know how many slaves this World has, how many people are arrested as slaves every day? And how many people are being oppressed by which nobles? At your speed, how long will it take to fully realize your ideals and completely overthrow this decadent world government?”


Sabo didn’t know what to say for a while. After all, in their way of doing things, it would take a long time for the Revolutionary Army to achieve the ideal of overthrowing the world government, and they might not even be able to complete it in their lifetime.

“No matter how long it takes, we will always go on like this. Even if we devote this life, we will go on unswervingly! This is the cause we are willing to devote our whole life to. No difficulty can stop us. !”

Just hesitating for a while, Sabo’s eyes became firm again, and then said affirmatively.

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